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Sep 29th 2019
#OpportunityCost is the aggregate net cost of doing something, vis a vis 'not doing it' at all.

The initial project, option & prospect of #Brexit came with huge opportunity costs, which were too easily pre-discounted as #ProjectFear. 1/
The initial #Leave case, dramatised by the #BorisBus, contended that UK could save its £350m pw #EU 'gross membership contribution' and pass that 'saving' straight to the #NHS - as 'additional funding'. 2/
The #Leave case focused on saving UK's #EU gross membership cost in favour of #NHS.

It ignored regular #EU annual contributions back into a multiplicity of UK projects, which would obviously be stopped, if we ceased membership.
Read 34 tweets
Jul 4th 2018
Don't believe that Blukip Mayhem & Co realise just HOW far adrift they have become from public opinion NOW! Of course, they could put ANY deal? Big IF? to a #peoplesvote, and test the will of the people to which they love SO much to defer? Democracy? Do they really believe in it?
Hard to escape the view that 'so called' UK Democracy has been completely hijacked by Blukip Mayhem & Co. There's NO mandate to trash our economy in the way now daily unfolding. It's totally risible to suggest that we'll go global from the self-inflicted wreckage of what we had.
Triple hit from #Brexodus; deferred, reduced or cancelled #BusinessInvestment and collapsing consumer #Confidence look likely to impact UK #GDP when #Q2 stats are known. Will Blukip Mayhem & Co take any notice? Or just keep racking up yet more debt, as UK #TaxTake recedes!
Read 11 tweets
Oct 30th 2017
Since May's fateful appointment & her 'Brexit means Brexit' this has always been OUT v IN. Talk of deals is fantasy. We should vote IN asap!
.@KenClarkeMP apart, Tory MPs voted #A50 trigger (Mar17) to appease #Brexiteers untroubled by unseen cost/impact assessments or exit plans.
7 months down their rocky road to nowheresville, that #A50 trigger is looking like the most ill-judged & stupid parliamentary decision ever!
Read 58 tweets

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