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Apr 19th 2023
1/ My new video is live! Tune in now or follow the thread for takes from the vid! 1hr40 of non-stop! #EGLD

@MultiversX News 📰
✔ Trading/investment advice & tools 📝
@ZoidPay on the rise 🌊
@JewelSwapX on #MultiversX🪙

2.1/ 03:43 - Navigating Twitter & Setting Expectations in #MultiversX
Read 22 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
🌿Metis news, metisians!

Not a word more, let's get to the news
#Metis #Bitcoin #BTC #ETH #DeFi #news #web3 #crypto #Layer2 #tech #bulletin
#BTC Maxis here?

@MetisDAO has introduced the new runner in the Metis Marathon, @GranaryFinance

Stake wBTC to earn some $METIS tokens lika a boss😤
#Metis #ETH #Bitcoin #DeFi #lending #borrowing
@nuvosphere 🤝 BLS Wallet

Gamers will love it!🥹
BLS enables projects to pay for users' gas and charge them in more user-friendly methods (subscription)

Gas payments are getting easier😏
👇More details…
#Metis #gasless #ETH #gas #DeFi #BTC #web3 #crypto
Read 14 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
With the launch of Carbon stablecoin, one of the Cosmos' first native stablecoins, let's look at how it can benefit SWTH holders.
Some context before we begin.

At Switcheo, we focus on empowering the future of finance by supporting the creation of sustainable and value-added products that help users from all over the world improve their finances.
One of the biggest use cases in finance is lending and borrowing, worth trillions of dollars. That's why Carbon, an app chain on Cosmos, created Nitron - a money market where people can lend or borrow against their idle assets to make them more useful.
Read 13 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
How to become your own bank 🏦

Financial independence, (or self-sovereignty), is being able to take ownership of your assets and money. It’s having enough to do what you want with your time.

And no, financial independence isn’t just for the rich...
Financial sovereignty is a journey. One in which you become freer and more powerful over time, as your knowledge and toolset develops.

Bitcoin has opened the gates to a new age in which you can claim back control over your finances in a way that was previously impossible.
Unlike other fiat currencies, where central issuers can print and devalue them overnight, #Bitcoin is ruled only by its code—which is protected by its community.

So, how do you get started on your journey?
Read 20 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
Lending and Borrowing is now live on @onchaintrade 's beta
The first ever DeFi platform on #APTOS to offer yield from Trading and Lending + Borrowing to it's users : Image
(1/3) You can lend (Deposit) Or borrow assets by heading to and selecting the asset you wish to borrow Image
(2/3) After selecting your chosen asset you review various informations about it before lending or borrowing it such as the Utilization rate, borrow and lending APR, 24h history, rewards..etc Image
Read 7 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
Au 3 Novembre 2022, 13% de la capitalisation du marché #crypto est constituée de #stablecoins 🏦

Combien connaissent leur fonctionnement 🤔

À la fin de ce #thread, vous comprendrez le mécanisme derrière les plus grands stablecoins et leurs désavantages pour mieux s’en protéger.
[0 - XX] Ce thread vous apprends

• Le mécanisme derrière ce modèle économique 💰
• Son utilité 🤔
• Une présentation des différentes alternatives: $USDC, $DAI et $LUSD 👍

En 5 minutes.
[1 - XX] Retrouvez ce thread en format blog sur mon medium 👇…
Read 45 tweets
Sep 11th 2022

#GR15 has already begun, the biggest funding event in #web3, GR15 runs until Sept 22
We support the projects we love and help to build and shape web3/if you haven't been following here is PART1

🧵🕵️⚡️ Image

#JediSwap is a fully composable and #permissionless #AMM that enables users to #swap assets and earn #yields on their assets instantly in a #gasless manner.

JediSwap is built on #StarkNet and is an entirely community-driven project. Image

ENS.Vision is a page, where you can bulk search and bulk register ENS #domain names. Our page provides a free, simple-to-use interface to find domains.

Their next goal is to create an exclusive #marketplace for #ENS
Read 12 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
#0vix gives peace🥱🥱
-You can only relax when know your assets are in save hands.

The reason: 0vix operates on veTokenomics model.
veTokenomics or Vote-escrowed Tokenomics is a model whereby tokens must be locked for a specific amount of time that incentives long-term participation and reduces the available supply on the market. In return, users get veTokens call $vix
The idea is that to have a day in governance or to earn more of the emissions generated by the protocol, you have to commit to locking your tokens over a fixed period of time. Sush a mechanic helps remove tokens from circulating over long time horizon.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
1/ #Lending and #Borrowing (LB) are the most primitive financial services. We will discuss how #DeFi LB solves and enables financial inclusivity with transparency but still maintain #privacy.

#Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #visualguide
2/ In traditional #finance, the intermediaries are appointed banks or financial institutions that act as the bridge between the lender and borrower. All of these services are strictly regulated and monitored by the central #banks.
3/ Despite already existing for a long time, LB in traditional #finance has a long-standing problem: non-inclusive, stringent procedures, arduous verification process, low rate and approvals, and non-transparency.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
RDV à ne pas manquer chaque dimanche le stream de @sam_jdc dans la dernière édition j'ai constaté l'intérêt mais aussi l'inquiétude autour de l'écosystème @terra_money de la parts de personnes qui ne voient #TERRA que par le prisme @anchor_protocol
Pour répondre à la question posé pendant l'émission : à quoi sert $UST à part faire du #yield sur @anchor_protocol ? Ne vous arrêtez pas à la devanture de la boutique avec ce joli néon bleu affichant cet énorme et trop beau pour être vrai 20%
Pour répondre à la question voici une liste non exhaustive des usages de $UST car concrètement UST sert à tous dans l'écosystème et s'étends à tous les autres
Read 31 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
Here's why $LUNA is - still - undervalued and why YOU should be buying it right now, if you're looking for #financialfreedom💸

A🧵that might just change your life.
1/ $LUNA's financial revolution is closely tied to it's stablecoins. To understand the importance of #stablecoins, you must know that they account for a vast majority of trading volume in #crypto and are of course at the center of putting the #currency back into #cryptocurrency.
2/ Now, on the #terraluna ecosystem there are stablecoins for a lot of different currencies (USD, EUR, CHF, GBP, KRW, etc.) but the currently most integrated and used one is the USD-stablecoin: UST💲
Read 22 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
🇪🇺🇺🇦👇important contribution. Start of debate forcing itself onto #EU agenda when Leaders meet for 'Growth summit' in Versailles next week.
Personally I have no doubt a "doubling-down" on EU #borrowing capacity in time will be necessary -- but not necessarily as proposed.
As a quick take, I think @benjaminhaddad @maxbergmann's proposal:
- lacks ambition in the most adverse scenario (1⃣) (obvious)
- faces question about EU borrowing priority in world we are waking up to tomorrow (2⃣);
- requires discussion of European defence fundamentals (3⃣).
1⃣ Worst-case: rest of Europe gets pulled into war w/ Russia. What nobody wishes, is not inconceivable.
We are then talking about something entirely different in scale in terms of mobilising resources across society, including issuance of war debt, to finance the effort.
Read 18 tweets
Dec 2nd 2021
1/ Provide liquidity for stablecoin pairs and earn 60% APR with low risk?! Here's how it works, and the risks you should be aware of 👇🏴‍☠️

#DeFi #LiquidityPools #YieldFarming #StableCoin #cryptocurrency #crypto #stablecoins $USDC $UST $USDT $DAI $MIM $LUNA $BTC $ETH ImageImage
2/ In the 2021 cryptocurrency space, there are many different stablecoins:

Some like @Tether_to's $USDT or $USDC are centralized and (supposedly) backed by assets. 🏦

Others like #Terra $UST are #algorithmic, relying on #arbitrage to bring the value back to peg. 🌕
3/ These stablecoins might only exist on a specific chain like #ethereum, #avalanche, #terraluna, #fantom, #solana or they may have contracts on many different chains. 🎁
Read 12 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
1/ ¿Vieron el reporte de @BitwiseInvest? Son 19 carillas pero si les da ̶p̶a̶j̶a̶ pereza, dejo #hilo resumen 🧵

Se llama " #DeFi: un manual para inversores profesionales ".

- Resumen
- ¿Qué es DeFi?
- Panorama
- Oportunidad
- Factores de riesgo
- Conclusiones
2/ Arranca diciendo que en las últimas décadas, casi todas las industrias importantes han sido remodeladas por la revolución digital, excepto las finanzas 👀
3/ Y que si bien gigantes como Apple, Amazon, Facebook y Tesla dan prioridad a la tecnología, la industria financiera mundial sigue dominada por instituciones centenarias de ladrillo y cemento 🧱
Read 45 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
1/ Thread: #DeFi For Dummies 002: #DeFi Basics.

DeFi is a hybrid #smartcontract that combines on-chain code with off-chain proofs.

DeFi relies heavily on cryptography and blockchain technologies.

#blockchain #DeFi
2/ Thread: #DeFi For Dummies 002: #DeFi Basics

DeFi is taking on the contractual agreement you find on the global financial system in a permisonless and open way. MakerDao was the first DeFi project started in 2015
3/ Thread: #DeFi For Dummies 002: #DeFi Basics

The #DeFi EcoSystem.

a) #Lending & #Borrowing:- These are algorithmic autonomous interest protocols that allow users to supply protocols like ether etc.Eg: Compound and Aave
Read 10 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
[#Thread] Mesdames et messieurs, devant vos yeux ébahis (musique de cirque), nous allons aborder le thème :

Comment gagner de l'#argent avec les #cryptomonnaies

Thread à déguster très frais accompagné d'une coupe de Dom Pérignon bien assis dans votre fauteuil préféré. ⬇️
Avant de commencer, sachez qu'il n'existe pas de méthode miracle et chaque #investissement vous demandera du #temps ou de l'#argent.

Certaines méthodes vous permettront de gagner de l'argent de façon passive, d’autres demanderont un peu de travail et certaines compétences.
Ensuite, mon but est de simplement "donner des pistes" au travers de ce #thread.

Les caractères étant limités, des exemples ainsi que d'avantages d'#explications seront disponibles sur l'#article complet en fin d'article sur @AuCoinduBloc.

(L'article est un pavé)
Read 27 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
{Thread] Comment générer 20% d'APY sur le #stablecoin $UST avec @anchor_protocol

Toutes les différentes étapes pour savoir comment faire pour déposer sur la blockchain @terra_money

Enfilez votre maillot de bain de #yieldfarmers, mouillez vous la nuque, c'est parti ⬇️
Qu'est ce que @anchor_protocol ?

C'est un protocole de #lending/#borrowing, c'est-à-dire de prêt et emprunt.

L'application est basée sur la #blockchain @terra_money et son but est d'offrir à ses utilisateurs des rendements d'environ 20 % par an.
Comme la majorité des app du secteur comme @CelsiusNetwork, elle permet à ses membres d’emprunter/prêter de la #crypto via la technologie #blockchain.

@anchor_protocol va ensuite verser une partie de ses profits aux personnes ayant prêtés leurs #cryptomonnaies.
Read 30 tweets
Oct 9th 2021
[Thread] Day43 du défi #From0To10K

Voici un récap complet sur le défi et les gains #crypto réalisé avec les plateformes utilisées. Je ne peux pas être plus transparent.

Enfilez vos moufles, asseyez vous @AuCoinduBloc avec la verveine, nous avons un tas de choses à aborder !
Pour les personnes qui n'ont pas suivi le défi #From0To10K depuis le début, sachez que le défi a officiellement démarré le 27 Août 2021.

Le défi qui a démarré par un #ban temporaire de mon compte à cause des nombreux tweets...

Ca deviendra tôt ou tard un #NFT cette histoire !
Le changement de cap du défi #From0To10K

A la base, ce défi avait pour objectif de #gagner 10 000$ en ne partant de rien.

L'objectif était de vous donner les #astuces et mes façons de procéder pour faire vos propres bénéfices mais j'ai du réduire le rythme et réviser mes plans.
Read 26 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
The definition of what is pure/SiShTa differed from language to language. It is fairly black and white for a language that is largely only literary. For a spoken language, it is lot more challenging to define or agree on this- also it changes with time dynamically

Tampering with grammatical structure is a no-no for any language- spoken or written. For instance, you cannot use another language’s vibhakti pratyaya wily-nily. Same with application of grammar rules from another language. That will be “impure” even if done just once.

One may create a “maNipravALa” or “bhANDIra” style specifically for writing & that may in time be accepted for that purpose, but this will not become accepted in common spoken language. In common speech, it will still be “impure”. Again, this will have its own specific rules
Read 21 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
Super excited to see our paper on #Covid19 #Fiscal Support and its Effectiveness, with Alexander Chudik @DallasFed & @mraissi80 @IMFNews, out in Economics Letters. You can read it (free access) from here: #TGVAR 1/n Image
With new variants/waves & reimposition of restrictions in some regions, governments around the world are calling for a careful assessment of the effectiveness of the adopted #Covid19 #fiscal measures before they embark on further easing or tailoring of measures 2/n
The #Covid19 pandemic led to a sharp tightening of global #financial conditions at the acute phase of the crisis and has inflicted large economic losses across the world (see Figure below) ... 3/n Image
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May 28th 2020
Most of the rally at the longer end of the yield curve has already come about since the time @RBI started reducing policy rates. So, longer end of the #yield curve could thus prove less rewarding and risky (expected to encounter high #volatility) in the foreseeable #future. Image
- We may not see significant rally in longer duration funds.

- The rate cut would have limited impacted on prices & the yields in shorter duration #funds. (2) #mutualfunds #DebtFunds #debt #SaarthiZarooriHai #AssetAllocation
As govt. has raised its FY21 #borrowing limit by over 50% to ₹12 lakh crores from ₹7.8 lakh crores on account of COVID-19 #pandemic. Higher borrowing puts upward pressure on #bond #yields.
#mutualfunds #debt #DebtFunds #funds (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
May 13th 2020
Based on 👇

Land,Labour,Liquidity&Laws that are not isolationist but inclusive

Ease of Doing Business

DBT,JanDhan,Aadhar, Micro Insurance,Ujjwala Yojana, Ayushman Bharat, PM Awaas Yojana,PM FasalBima Yojana,Krishi Sinchai,Swachh Bharat--Key Landmarks
GST,IBC&PSU Bank Recapitalisation in last 6 yrs,have been big reforms

52606Cr given via #DBT to 41Cr #JanDhan holders

Free wheat&rice to 69Cr ration card holders

18000Cr tax refunds given

Free cylinders to 8Cr #Ujjwala holders

#20lakhcrores #COVIDー19
Project DevelopmentCells,working for Promotion of Champion Sectors,in States

#MakeInIndia&Upgradation of Industrial Infra,a success&more will be done to #Decongest economy

3376 SEZs&IndustrialParks with 5 lakhhectares,to be ranked& mapped,in terms of readiness for competition
Read 20 tweets
Aug 18th 2019
Today I cover the Government Securities (G-Secs) market. G-Secs, in short, are debt instruments through which Government borrows from the public (banks, financial institutions etc.). This post covers the size, type of lenders, and other broad contours of G-Sec market. Thread 1/8
The total size of the G-Sec market is approx. 92.86 lakh crore. In comparison, the size of the listed equity market (total market capitalisation of all listed stocks) was 141.47 lakh crore in July, 2019. (2/8)
Out of the total borrowing of Rs. 92.86 lakh crore, ~ Rs. 64.49 lakh crore borrowing is from Central Govt and the remaining Rs. 28.37 lakh crore borrowing is from State Govts i.e. of the the total borrowings 69.45 % is from Central Govt and 30.55 % is from State Govts. (3/8)
Read 11 tweets

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