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Aug 6th 2022
To give insight into the last 48 hours... A thread about #IP, #Copyrights, #Trademarks, #cc0 and #Moonbirds 🧵↓ 👇
Intellectual Property is classically defined as any original works resulting from creativity (think along the lines of things that can be created physically like a movie, book, drawing or album.

You can then apply this line of thought to digital assets, like art NFTs or code)
In most places in the world, the right to COPYRIGHT OR PATENT these types of works are normally reserved to the producer of that content... whether that be the creator themselves, or someone they've assigned rights to via a contract.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
Well, this is awkward.

The company that owns Shaq's trademarks (Authentic Brands Group) has opposed his son's trademark filing for "SHAQIR O'NEAL."

How on earth did this happen?


A thread 🧵
The Notice of Opposition starts by claiming that Authentic Brands Group ("ABG") holds all the rights in Shaq's name, image and likeness.

This is true.

Shaq did transfer all of these assets to ABG and is a shareholder in the company.

Authentic Brands Group goes on to claim that the trademark for SHAQIR O'NEAL is "confusingly similar" to trademarks it owns for Shaq.

Read 8 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
I have assisted clients in registering 7,000+ trademarks in the US and around the world.

The Washington Football Team has likely filed a trademark application for its new team name.

The question is where.

#WashingtonFootball #WFT #NFL #trademarks

[a thread]
There is a treaty called the Paris Convention.

178 countries signed this treaty.

If a company files a trademark in 1 of the 178 countries, it may then file the same mark in any of the other countries WITHIN 6 MONTHS and get the priority date from the original filing.

The Cleveland Guardians used the Paris Convention when securing the trademark for its new team name.

In March 2021, the team filed a trademark for "Cleveland Guardians" in the Republic of Mauritius.

The application went unnoticed until the new name was announced in July.

Read 7 tweets
Mar 3rd 2021
There are lots of #intellectualproperty issues that are raised by #NFTs. Let's dive🤿in to cover a few. A 🧵👇 1/
The main #IP issues raised by #NFTs has to do with #copyright law. Copyright law has a mixed reputation in the world of software and #cryptocurrency, but it is definitely a major concern in the art world. 2/
What #copyright issues come up because of #NFTs? Ownership. Who really owns the copyright in the work? The creator? The purchaser of the NFT? A downstream purchaser? The platform? Platforms? The #smartcontract? 3/
Read 12 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
#Trademarks Searching Isn't Always Hard:

For instance, before applying to register a mark containing the phonetic equivalent of


one might simply look to see how other non-Mattel BARBIE applications for registration have fared:…
We could simply start by entering:


in the TESS Free Form search field.

[mi] stands for "mark index":…
Since know Mattel owns lots of BARBIE registration, we can exclude these simply by adding:

not mattel[on]

to our search.

[on] stands for "owner name":…
Read 8 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
let's say we wanted to search TESS for word marks that could be considered similar to IGUANA, we could start by truncating the i at the beginning with an asterisk which takes the place of zero or more continuous characters (since it's hard to trust initial vowels) Image
while we're at it we can throw an asterisk on the end too since final letters are often literally the last things to differentiate marks Image
next we should look skeptically at the letter a which, as a vowel, basically can't be trusted not to switch places with almost any other vowel, we can attempt to cope with this problem by employing our class operator for vowels:

{v} Image
Read 8 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
Like every business, Washington’s #NFL team had to consider existing #trademarks when #rebranding. According to this story, the new name is being held up by a trademark dispute (meaning someone likely holds the trademark in their industry already). . .…
The Washington #RedTails very well might the new name #Snyder and his #NFL are seeking, as someone in Virginia already holds a very similar #trademark…
And in the industry of #football no less!
Read 9 tweets
Nov 5th 2019
Innovative companies are known to generate higher annual total shareholder returns as compared to their peers who are not focused on innovation as a strategy for future business growth

Global innovation trends reveal that innovation is among top 3 priorities for industry leaders
One challenge faced by leadership teams to promote #innovation initiatives include excess action by individual innovators, without a uniform direction.

This leads to various disconnected efforts that fail to generate desired results

#management #leadership #strategy #tech
Effective leaders aim at innovation with a clear strategy by defining role of each team member.

This results in creation of various internal innovative vehicles for the organization that contributes to the target portfolio by generating valuable tangible and intangible assets
Read 7 tweets
Nov 15th 2018
This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their day jobs properly & decided to take the law into their own hands. It started as a small cover up 12 years ago but has turned into British State Persecution.

#Skynews #BBCNews #DailyMail #Guardian #Euronews
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 147 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
This all started because the #MetPolice & #LBRUT couldn't do their jobs properly & then decided to take the law into their own hands. The result of this decision has led to events stranger than fiction

#BBCNews #Skynews #Itvnews #Channel4News #ThisMorning #TheresaMay #UKGov #LBC
My company was raided. It should have been a straightforward matter. But the #MetPolice & #LBRUT forgot to seize my computer & came back to do a 2nd raid. The search warrant didn't permit a second entry, however, #LBRUT entered unlawfully

#Guardian #Telegraph #DailyMail #GMB #UK
Complaints were then made to my MP #VinceCable. He liaised with the #Metpolice & #LBRUT. And then weeks later, the search warrant was completely changed & was passed off as the search warrant executed on the day of the raids.

#DailyPolitics #Libdems #Conservatives #labour #bbcdp
Read 145 tweets

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