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Mar 25th 2023
1/ $PVCT’s Modernized #SmallMolecule #RoseBengal: A #DrugSubstance, and #ActivePharmaceuticalIngredient for 21st Century #DrugDevelopment. A THREAD.
2/ “Everyone” seems to know or understand #RoseBengal, but do they (you) really?
3/ #RoseBengal is a small molecule (i.e., <1,000 Daltons*), but a “heavy” one at 973.67 Da or g/mol. It is heavy because of its four iodides, which comprise 52% of its molecular weight.
Read 45 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
Your #LastWarning

The #WHO has written the #REMOVAL of #HumanDignity, #HumanRights and fundamental freedoms in their Treaty Draft.
Who trust #WHO ?

2018 - 56 min.…
What is the #WHO ?

Questions for the

( and the conflict of interest of #AbOsterhaus #RIVM )
Read 13 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
#November2022 #November12 #WorldPneumoniaDay #LungCancerAwarenessMonth #LungCancerScreeningDay

This 'long' thread is about-

"Lung Cancer Awareness month- Nov"
"World Pneumonia Day- Nov12"
"National Lung Cancer Screening Day- USA: Nov12"
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is taking the opportunity this November, Lung Cancer Awareness Month, to highlight the burden and principal risk factors of lung cancer around the world.
1.8 million (18 lakh) people died in 2020 due to this cancer (2/21)
This count is almost double the number of deaths caused by the 2nd most common cause of cancer deaths - colorectal cancer!!

Tobacco smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer

Smoking in public places exposes those who are not interested in smoking .. (3/21)
Read 23 tweets
May 18th 2022
"The metaverse... besides being immersive and interoperable, it's meta-physical, that is, a realized illusion, an impossibility in the round, able to absorb an infinite number of contradictions and convert them into fuel for growth."--Martin Gurri @mgurri…
A fundamental limit to the search for the oldest fossils | Nature Ecology & Evolution…
#PaleontologicalResearch, #FossilAge, #LifeOrigins
Read 13 tweets
May 7th 2022
Van 22 tot 28 mei 2022 wordt in Genève de 75e World Health Assembly (WHA) gehouden. De WHA is een grote internationale bijeenkomst van alle lidstaten van de World Health Organization die fungeert als besluitvormingsorgaan.
Tijdens de WHA wordt over zaken rondom de wereldwijde volksgezondheid vergaderd, met Covid-19 als hoofdonderwerp deze keer.

Waar wij op nationaal niveau langzaam uit het hele Covid-verhaal lijken te stappen is de WHO op internationaal niveau bezig ons aan hen te onderwerpen.
Op de agenda van deze bijeenkomst staan namelijk tal van akelige spreekpunten zoals: "Behavioural science for better health initiative", waar openlijk gesproken wordt over hoe overheden wereldwijd gedragsverandering op hun bevolking hebben toegepast en hoe die te verbeteren.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/09/2022…
Global supply chain risk and resilience | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal…
#GlobalSupplyChains, #EconomicAnalysis, #risk, #resilience, #robustness
Researchers Identify 'Master Problem' Underlying All Cryptography | Quanta Magazine…
#ComputationalComplexity, #CryptographySecurity, #OneWayFunctions
Read 13 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/04/2021…
A 45-year-old man declared 'dead' was found alive after 7 hours in a morgue freezer, reports say…

Magnetizable Concrete in Roads Could Charge Electric Cars While You Drive…

#ElectricVehicles #BatteryCharging #MagnetizableConcrete
Read 13 tweets
May 10th 2021
The Mumbai civic body denied allegations of suppressing the #COVID19 death and infection figures and said it was recording the number of fatalities as per protocols laid down by the WHO and ICMR.
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India reported 3,66,161 new #COVID19 cases in a period of 24 hours, as per data updated at 8 am on Monday, taking the total active cases to 37,45,237. A total of 3,754 deaths were witnessed in the same period.
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The Jammu and Kashmir government ordered that a #COVID19 positive test will not be mandatory for admission to a coronavirus health facility in the Union Territory.
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Read 16 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
A good decision by #Randwick Council to cautiously reopen three of Sydney's popular eastern beaches, as new #COVID19 cases in #Sydney fall to a very low level and we are almost four weeks past the peak of infections in Australia -…
Forget the abuse heaped on the #WorldHealthOrganization and Tedros Adhanom, by #Trump and many others, we should listen to them about a 'phased' exit from the various #Quarantine measures.…
#UK: 120,000 detected #COVID19 infections and 16,060 deaths (237 deaths per million); #Australia: 6,612 detected COVID19 infections, 71 deaths (3 deaths per million). How might you explain the difference?
Read 3 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
<Thread> Important critique by top expert @D_P_Fidler.

Fine-grained analysis includes explanation of United States' LEGAL OBLIGATIONS to report to #WHO what it knew about #coronavirus (when the US knew China was covering up "cataclysmic" disease).…
2. My own added thought:

Trump criticized #WorldHealthOrganization for its recommendations on travel bans.

But note several experts took the view that the WHO position was required by the 2005 international rules—which the US helped draft and support.…
3. There are valid criticisms of the #WorldHealthOrganization's handling of China and the coronavirus pandemic.

Fidler's final point is such a smart one.

Trump's approach is squandering the opportunity to have a genuine, independent retrospective review of the WHO's actions.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
Un paio di cose sull'articolo pubblicato ieri da Repubblica:

1) La dichiarazione del #WorldHealthOrganization citata precisa che non ci sono ancora prove conclusive che #SARS_COV_2 sia aerotrasportato.
2) In ogni caso, "airborne" si riferisce al contagio via aerosol, che può avvenire nelle vicinanze della persona infetta. In pratica, è possibile che la trasmissione avvenga anche attraverso gocce sotto i 5 micrometri di diametro - quelle prodotte quando parliamo o respiriamo.
Questo è ovviamente uno dei motivi per cui le interazioni sociali sono al momento sconsigliate, ma non significa che si rischia il contagio aprendo la finestra.
Read 6 tweets

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