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EPS Discipline News: An EPS cop who was charged with four counts of neglect of duty, two counts of deceit and one count of discreditable conduct has resigned before his disciplinary hearing. His name is being kept secret. #yegcc ImageImage
The misconduct charges were laid on Nov. 18, 2021. The officer resigned on Dec. 31, 2022. The public has no details on who the officer was or what the misconduct allegations were. The matter was closed in January but the public didn't even get these bare bones details until May.
This secrecy around police discipline only helps bad cops. With nothing official on their disciplinary record they're free to apply for other law enforcement or law enforcement adjacent jobs without an investigation into their misconduct.
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Looking forward to seeing @sjlhamilton at Council on Monday so she can answer questions about election donations from Kamil Issa and Harpreet Singh, nearly 10% of her 2021 election campaign who happen to be applying to take away a school playground. #yegcc ImageImage
I'm sure that @EdifyEdmonton would be pleased that one of their top 40 under 40 is taking away a school playground from children.…
I'm sure that #yegcc would be happy to support a convicted developer who failed to ensure safety measures were in place resulting in death.…
Read 6 tweets
Heads up, Edmonton.

A FIRE BAN is now in effect as dry, windy and hot conditions are creating a recipe for fire nastiness. #yeg #yegcc #yegwx
Fire ban in Edmonton means no:

open burning
backyard fire pits
cooking stoves and BBQs that use fuels such as wood and briquettes #yeg #yegwx #yegcc
Officials will emphasize with compliance over enforcement on fire ban.

But they add they will use fines and charges if necessary - and oh, that could include paying for all emergency costs tied to any fire you start.
Read 5 tweets
Ok, bear with me; working through an idea.
The @CityofEdmonton has identified that to institute the #biketransportation infrastructure needed to meet climate crisis, human well-being & municipal tax affordability goals, will cost ~ $200M. But only $100M was budgeted. /1st
So we have a shortfall of $100M over the next budget cycle (2023-26).
Car-dedicated infrastructure (lanes, parking, parking lots) is pricey to the municipal budget, & is always inadequate: it induces demand & increases risk, noise, pollution rather than easing congestion, etc. /2
Bicycle infrastructure is cheaper to maintain, & induced demand makes for reduced risk, noise, pollution.
So it's in the city budget's best interest to increase bicycle use while reducing car use.

But by what mechanisms? /3
Read 12 tweets
Link below if you are able to follow along! I'll live tweet to help add some context. 🧵
#YYC #Alberta #Addiction #Incarceration
Coming out of the gates with addiction/mental health framing, which is extremely corrosive, as it ignores the primary reason why people are dying: a poisoned unregulated drug supply.
Milliken: "addiction, homelessness, and public safety issues" -- they're doing everything they can to conflate these three things.
This is wrong: by far, the people in greatest danger are those whose basic needs aren't being met, and it's because we turn our back on them.
Read 24 tweets
1/MUCH TO UNPACK. PLEASE READ #yeg. Names changed to protect confidentiality. Yesterday, an elderly lady, Tania, met me at my office. Shaking and somewhat frail, asked if I could help her as she had nowhere to turn. As a social justice advocate, I'm here to help. #yegcc #abpoli
2/Tania managed a rooming house and recently, one late afternoon, when it was about -20c she and her partner, Frank, were babysitting a friend's dog and relaxing. All of a sudden they heard crashing and yelling. @edmontonpolice had entered the rooming house.
3/@edmontonpolice, armed, in black wearing full body armour, the police had blown open the back door with some sort of bean-bag gun as apprently their "tank" could not manouver to batter in the door.
Read 28 tweets
The City of Edmonton AND the Province of Alberta have blood on their hands. Since the summer, I have volunteered with a 'boots on the ground' mutual aid group that serves the most vulnerable in #YEG. Here are some thoughts regarding encampments and the Shigella Outbreak 1/17
Health officials, community members, the City and mutual aid groups knew of the Shigella outbreak in the summer. Peers and I would discuss how to minimize the spread and protect ourselves + the community when serving our neighbours. KNEW ABOUT THIS IN THE SUMMER. 2/17
Very few (3-5?) public bathrooms are available to the community in the area of the Shigella outbreaks. The group I work with serves over 500 people one evening a week. You do the math. Bacterium passes through fecal matter. 3/17
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Century Park timeline
2022: a couple of early risers walking their dogs in a grassy area surrounded by apartments, construction materials & equipment and an empty parking lot next to an LRT station just out of view. Image
2005: architect James Cheng's concept for a walkable, mixed-use, high-density, transit-oriented urban village that wowed planners and helped #yegcc decide to fund extension of the LRT to the site. Image
1981: Heritage Mall opening day with thousands of cars and at least two boys on bicycles. Image
Read 8 tweets
Discussion on police funding is resuming this afternoon. #yeg #yegcc
Some questions to start about the report produced by CSKA for the Edmonton Police Commission from Erin Rutherford.
Coun. Erin Rutherford asked about the discrepancies in revenue between EPS and Calgary police. Asks @YEG_Commission if they've explored other ways to generate revenue, chair John McDougall says no but he can.
Read 46 tweets
Council is set to debate a new police funding formula this morning that would give @edmontonpolice *at least* $7 million more next year & annual raises. Also, conflict of interest concerns with a @YEG_Commission report recommending a formula. #yeg…
More comments from the police commission on the police funding report (which concludes funding formulas = good) & why Chief McFee is not in a conflict of interest despite being the president of CSKA, which authored the report.#yeg #yegcc… Image
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Wow. I was specifically invited by a press secretary to attending this news conference but the government will not be taking my questions. #ableg #yeg #yegcc
It's my day off but I thought it was important I tune in to ask questions.
My colleauge @ByMatthewBlack will have a story for you today on this announcement.

I plan to follow-up to look at a city angle for this story next week.
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Important news conference about to begin from the Alberta government "New funding to address addiction and homelessness" #yeg #yegcc #ableg

From the news release on Alberta's homeless action plan #ableg ImageImageImageImage
From the news release on addictions crisis. ImageImage
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Ok, I wasn’t planning on doing any emotional labour today, & talking about the issues around the policies that attempted to literally destroy my family are labour.

But if any day is a teachable moment this is it.

Ready for the horror show?

This is a🧵

#Reconciliation #cdnpoli
I will be drawing from “21 Things You Didn’t Know About The Indian Act” - a book so good we published Indigenous authors are all jealous we didn’t write it first, ha.

So here we go, The Greatest Hits of Indigenous Genocide in Canada (or why things are the way they are today).
First, some background. Early journal entries of European contact with Indigenous peoples described them as such:

(ALT text enabled) "The natives, the so-called savages" Francis Danie"It is certain that good talents are found among them.&They strive after a sincere honesty, hold strictly to their
Read 40 tweets
I see some concern about the cost of $170m for implementing bike lane infrastructure. Additionally, I see “what about the homeless?” I’ll get to that as well.

🧵 that I will add to over time:

First, a little perspective:

The 50st overpass is $179 million dollars.

Yes. One small section to help alleviate driver frustration & increase safety costs more than the entire bike lane build out.

No one asked about the homeless when that was approved. Why?

Maybe because homelessness, addictions, and mental health supports are provincial files.
The issue homelessness is playing out on Alberta streets, Edmonton’s included.

That’s not finger pointing, municipalities literally can’t provide Health Care. I will get to the very substantial investments we have made in helping with housing, anyway, later in this 🧵
Read 33 tweets
To put this in perspective, this is the price tag for about 2 overpasses - and media doesn’t report on it because it’s a part of transportation infrastructure. We’re allocating a small percentage of infra budget to increasing safe mobility & attracting business investment. #yegcc
The Clareview Rec Centre was ~$125m & built around the same time as Meadows at near the same cost. That’s $250m.

Yellowhead freeway expansion is about a half billion dollars.

The price tag here is to safely separate car traffic from users of bike, scooter, mobility aids, etc.
It also aids in the goal of reducing sprawl as having a purely car centric city means continual outward, low density construction - which puts a strain on our resources (too little butter for the toast).
Read 6 tweets
For our full statement please head to the link in our bio. We stand with Deputy Prime Minister Freeland, her staff and all women in politics and public roles who have been subject to unjust threats and harassment #cdnpoli #ChrystiaFreeland…
Days ago while on a visit back to her home province, Minister Freeland and her staff were verbally harassed and threatened. #cdnpoli #ChrystiaFreeland
Rage, fear & hopelessness are all feelings that our board have felt in response because this experience is one that reflects our own & that of many women in politics & public facing roles & especially resonates with women of colour #cdnpoli
Read 10 tweets

Edmonton City Council votes in favour of moving $15.2M dollars to the Health Streets Operation Centre for 2023/2024.

The money aims to improve safety with a focus on Chinatown.

Of the money, $8.7M will be redirected to EPS.

#Yeg #Yegcc
"Ask them where have they been for the past three months, when are they going to show up and deliver and live up to their word?"

While council approved the Chinatown money, Mayor Sohi and others asked why the province hasn't stepped up to help with more funding/resources?

Worth noting there is a *lot* of nuance regarding this motion and vote that I can't sum up in a tweet, but here's how the vote went down. #yeG #Yegcc
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The Edmonton Police Commission's press release where it compares Chief McFee's $340K yearly salary to other chief salaries is not only blatant media spin but it appears to have a rather large error contained within it. Here it is. #yegcc
The release states that Toronto Chief of Police makes $356K per annum. The Ontario Sunshine List puts the Toronto Chief of Police's 2021 salary at $332K. We've inquired with the Edmonton Police Commission about the discrepancy. Click the link for proof.…
The release also uses the 2020 salary for the Ottawa Police of Chief which is $359K. But the 2021 salary is available and former Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly made $341K in 2021. Why use the 2020 salary number?…
Read 8 tweets
Edmonton city council got absolutely played by police. The base police budget has increased by $22 million and the Safer For All Task Force's recommendation, that council freeze the police budget and invest that money in community, is effectively dead. #yegcc
That modest half measure was killed by these Edmonton city councillors. They voted for the status quo, to continue a policy of guaranteed funding increases that literally no other police department gets in Canada.
We're two years on from the murder of George Floyd and the largest mass movement in modern history and elected officials are not just defunding the police, they're giving them more money than ever.
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Edmonton city council is currently debating the police funding formula. Stay tuned to this thread for updates. Councillors are currently asking questions of administration. Police commissioner Ashvin Singh is in attendance. #yegcc
Commissioner Singh is currently making the case for why Edmonton Police need their guaranteed funding increases no matter what. Argues that moving from a guaranteed funding formula to not having a guaranteed funding formula could throw the police and their budgeting into disarray
Councillor Rutherford brings up the notion of trust between council and the police commission with respect to a four year budget commitment.
Read 28 tweets
So about that Crime Stoppers misdirection presser today with UCP Minister Shandro and EPS Chief McFee. #ableg #yegcc 🧵

Let's clarify a few things about police funding and public safety in Edmonton:
Edmonton property taxes provide for the best resourced police force in Alberta and 2nd in Canada.

No one spends more on police per person than Edmonton and it's almost a quarter of your tax bill.…
We have the largest air force with two helicopters, an airplane, and are buying a second airplane for $4.5 Million. Plus drones. And tanks. And cars. And trucks. And a ton of guns.…
Read 21 tweets
At #yegcc a number of speakers called for EPS funding to be restored, however, a number of the talking points relied on misinformation or conjecture. Allow me to expand;

1 - Edmonton is one of the only, if the only, police force in Alberta, and possibly Canada that had a formula
2 - this formula was suspended in 2020, until Administration could propose an alternative. So that means any amounts anticipated in 2023 were done so with the foundation of a suspended formula. So EPS should not have anticipated 407M in 2023. So no cut in 2023.
3 - EPS budgets in 2020, 2021 and 2022 were not cut, or defunded, they rose steadily. In 2019 EPS received 345M from tax base, and in 2022 they received 385M from tax base. This is not a cut.
Read 13 tweets
Edmonton’s police commission needs to be more transparent & open up private meetings to foster public trust, says city councillor (& commissioner) Anne Stevenson. The police commission had its first public meeting with council today. #yeg #yegcc…
Coun. Anne Stevenson, who is also a commissioner, said there needs to be a “cultural shift” so that the oversight body becomes comfortable asking difficult questions of police leadership in a public forum.
Police commission chair John McDougall told me the commission has been “remarkably transparent” already. Even so he supports the idea to have more public committee meetings.
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MORE for you on the threat of wild pigs (aka boars / feral hogs) to #yeg I didn't have space for.

1. Re: idea 'predators will take care of it': here's a pig hanging out with a wolf captured on a trail camera in Alberta Image
“You cannot barbecue your way out of this problem": Mike Bodenchuk, USDA.

Hunting pigs for the foodbank was tried in one Texas city. But cities that try to make it into an asset instead of full eradication failed, he said. #yeg #yegcc

📸 Barrhead trail cam Image
“Trap them if you must, shoot them if you can, kill them before they get inside the city of Edmonton": Bodenchuk.

📸 Some wild pigs caught in one of the govt's traps Alberta #yeg Image
Read 18 tweets

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