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Mar 31st 2023
(1/6) This Week's Media Crackdown in #Turkey

Criminal investigation launched against journalist @RusenTakva for “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” due to his Twitter post describing ruling alliance as "right-wing and racist".

@RusenTakva @t24comtr (2/6) #FreeTurkeyJournalists

Journalist Seyfettin Uygur, who tried to film a new hospital building foundation which allegedly was not laid despite the televized ceremony in the quake-hit #Hatay province, was attacked and threatened.

@RusenTakva @t24comtr @gazeteduvar (3/6) #FreeTurkeyJournalists

Journalists Ökkeş Sabah and Aydın Akyürek were physically attacked by members of ruling party AKP while covering clashes between party members during a pre-election meeting in the #Gaziantep province.

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Mar 20th 2023
Bazı sorulara cevaplar:
1-3 veya 4 büyüklüğünde #deprem oldu, bu bir #öncüdeprem midir? = Öncü depremin kendine has bir özelliği, bir işareti yoktur. Arkasından büyük deprem gelirse onun öncü deprem olduğu anlaşılır, ancak iş işten geçmiştir
2-Bu #fay henüz kırılmadı diyorlar siz ne diyorsunuz?= Hiçbirşey. Hangi fayın kırıldığı üniversitelerin, MTA nın raporlarında var oralara bakın uzman olmayan, fayı sahada görse tanıyamayacak kişiler fay kırığı ile diğer yüzey deformasyonlarını ayırt edemezler, yanılırsınız.
Bir başka yöntem artçı dağılımıdır, nerede yoğun iseler orası kırılmıştır. MTA Haritasında #Göksun’dan #Doğanşehir ve #Malatya’ya kadar uzanan hat ile #Pütürge’den #Pazarcık, #Türkoğlu, #Hassa, #Kırıkhan ve #Samandağ’a kadar olan alanda artçıları görüyorsunuz. Neresi kırılmış
Read 15 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
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Feb 6th 2023
ATTENTION: 🇹🇷| NOW: Preliminary 7.7 magnitude #earthquake hits southern #Turkey.
🇹🇷| URGENT: LAST MINUTE: Magnitude 7.8 #earthquake hits southern #Turkey; Major damage reported.
🇹🇷 #Erbil #Turkey, population is leaving the city.
Read 63 tweets
Aug 26th 2022

1- Ünlü polis şefi #HanefiAvcı’yı tanımayan çok azdır. Şöyle ya da böyle Avcı’yı tanıyanlar acaba kimsesizler mezarlığına gömülen öğretmen Ali Uygur’u tanır mı?
2- İşte biz bu flodumuzda bir çuvalın içine -doğal sorgu yöntemi gereği - elleri kelepçeli bir şekilde kediyle birlikte konulan ve başına vurularak öldürülen #AliUygur’un hikayesi hatırlatalım, hatırlatalım ki unutulmasın istedik.
3-Bazı dikkatli okurlarımızın işkencede öldürülen öğretmen ile televizyonlarda üst perdeden akıl veren Hanefi Avcı ile ne alakası var dediğinizi duyar gibiyim.
Read 67 tweets
Aug 17th 2022

1- #Peker’in 13 Ağustos’ta 1980'lerin meşhur bombacısı, Hasan Yeşildağ'ı bombalı eylemler sonrasında arka sokaktan kaçıranın Fahri Kasırga olduğunu iddia eden paylaşımlar yapması dikkatleri Kasırga'nın hayatı üzerine çekti.
2- Hakkında yakalama kararı bulunan #SedatPeker , kendisine ait Twitter hesaplarından biri olan @delicavus_nth hesabından 13 Ağustos’ta yaptığı paylaşımlarda adı geçen Fahri Kasırga kimdir? Merak edenler için bu sorunun cevabının peşine düştük…
3- 20 Ocak 1953'te, Nazime ve Şaban çiftinin oğlu olarak doğan Fahri Kasırga #RİZE 'nin Çayeli ilçesinin Çilingir Köyü nüfusuna kayıtlı.
Read 101 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
So, as I tweeted in french, I was arrested in #Istanbul, #Turkey last night on my way to report in #Diyarbakir.
I was taken out of the plane right after landing in front of the other passengers by a police officer and taken in costudy for a 2hour interrogation session.
I was then told I represent a threat to the (Turkish) Republic's security and that I will be deported in the first plane in the morning. I was accompanied to the Immigration department's "guest house", which is a room locked from outside, where I would sleep without my phone.
Other people in the room included an Azeri couple (lady in the women's section), two afghanis, two penjabis, one bangladeshi, one Iraqi from Mosul and a syrian studying in Germany that was denied entrance to Turkey where he anted to visit his aunt. We were given Burger king menus
Read 8 tweets
Feb 29th 2020
#BREAKING:#Turkey has launched a military operation to target #Syria Arab Army bases in #Aleppo & #Idlib. Operation involves #THK's F-16 fighter jets, Anka-S armed drones as well as T-122 Sakarya & T-300 Kasırga of #TSK. Video shows launch of 122mm rockets minutes ago 👇
#BREAKING:Due to the fact #Russia has not yet permitted #Turkish Air Force to fly its fighter jets over #Idlib, F-16C/D Block 50+ fighter jets of 181 Filo from 8th Main Jet Base of #THK in #Diyarbakir flew over border with #Syria & launched SOM cruise missiles at #Aleppo! Image
#BREAKING: This video which is now verified by my sources prove that the F-16C/D Block 50+ fighter jets of 181 Filo flew over the #Turkey-#Syria borderline to launch their cruise missiles at #Syria Arab Army & Air Defense targets in Al-Nayrab, #Aleppo.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 10th 2019
1. No one's talking about the fact that the Kurdish forces that were our allies in N. Syria are largely a part of the Marxist-Leninist YPG-PKK. While there are good Kurd Christians in the middle of this, #Turkey has a very real security threat from these terrorists.
2. I was just in #Antakya, #Gaziantep, #Sanliurfa, and #Diyarbakir with my family in summer. Very few Americans drive through and visit these places. Roadblocks there because of terrorist attacks from PKK forces. Christians attacking @realDonaldTrump on this are making a mistake.
3. Turkey is not fighting against "the Kurds"; they are fighting against terrorist PKK, which many Kurds also oppose. Turkey does not need to be our enemy. Turkish people were overwhelmingly kind and civil to us on our trip and respected out Christianity.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 31st 2019
Preliminary observations on #TurkeyElections:
1) The opposition (#Nation bloc) making major gains, including the capital Ankara & Antalya.
2) HDP proved to be kingmakers - swayed votes to the #Nation bloc.
3) AKP losing significant votes & mayors to its #Peoples bloc partner MHP.
Preliminary prediction on #TurkeyElections: AKP cadres have seen that #Erdoğan's strategy of framing the elections around the theme "existential threat" has backfired, and will start complaining of losing votes, municipalities, & spoils to their ultranationalist partner #MHP.
Of #Turkey's 12 largest cities, the opposition is winning at least 7: #Ankara, #İzmir, #Adana, #Antalya, #Mersin, #Eskişehir, & #Diyarbakır. The largest city #Istanbul is a toss-up! #Bursa, too, is too close to call. AKP is losing Turkey's economic power houses. #TurkeyElections
Read 18 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
anybody interested in a #rant on the #earnings of #freelance #journalism? if so, let me first brew some coffee and you can fasten your seat belt.
only @brunchik? see, you folks don't even give a shit.
okay i'm ranting anyway, even though you don't care. #earnings #freelance #journalism
Read 21 tweets

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