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Dec 4th 2022
Proposal for @Twitter and @elonmusk on #dataownership

Be the repository for claiming ownership of data and information used in machine learning and getting paid for it.
@Twitter @elonmusk Post originals. Pictures. Videos. Text. Documents. Art. + metadata

Twitter negotiates with everyone using that data in ML/AI (whether they got it from there or not -- will use Twitterโ€™s data to check other repositories).

Twitter pays people royalties on their data.
@Twitter @elonmusk Posting original documents/pics etc., turns Twitter into a reference source.

An improved search of this reference data would make Twitter even more useful.

Getting paid for data use is a feedback loop that increases usage.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
Introducing Warp: a new implementation of data-driven smart contracts built on top of the @arweave network. Who would find it useful, and what are best fit use cases in the existing ecosystem? Read the๐Ÿงตbelow to learn more.
#arweave #smartweave #warpspeed Image
@arweave What issue are we solving? First of all, astronomic usage costs of current #blockchainprotocols.
1GB of storage costs at least $1M on @ethereum,
at least $500k on @solana โ€” it is just too expensive. @arweave comes to the rescue, with mind blowing $5 per 1GB storage (as of 2022).
@arweave @ethereum @solana Itโ€™s more than #storageonchain, though.
Here's what Arweaveโ€™s own protocol #SmartWeave is good at:
๐Ÿ” providing #dataintegrity,
๐Ÿค offering real #dataownership through #NFT
๐Ÿ’ซ decoupling storage from computation, saving a ton on process efficiency
Read 7 tweets
May 10th 2022
(1/5) I moved into the #Web3 #advertising industry a few months ago when I joined @PermissionIO ๐Ÿš€

Coming from a #Facebook Ads background, I thought I'd share a few trends I'm observing that will change the #AdTech industry as a whole.

A thread ๐Ÿ‘‡
(2/5) #DataOwnership. Users know their data is VALUABLE. With decentralized tech like #blockchain that support data autonomy, they will share in its value. This transfer of power's already happening, with progressive brands seeking ways to reward consumers for their data ๐Ÿ”ฅ
(3/5) Consumer Data Platforms (#CDPs) We're moving away from 3rd-party data. With CDPs, marketers & advertisers can micro-focus on user experiences across the customer engagement cycle, utilizing 1st-party data, lowering reliance on #3rdparty brokers who've dominated the market.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2022
@๐š๐š‘๐š›๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š๐š›๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ๐š›๐šŠ๐š™๐š™ ๐šž๐š—๐š›๐š˜๐š•๐š• ๐Ÿงถ

@punkscomic @pixelvaul_ @SportsCheetah @Gfunkera86 @chriswahl73 @geaniemaxi @๐š‹๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š—๐š’๐šŽ๐š–๐šŠ๐šก๐š’ @Hackatao @killeracid @RobbieSTrevino @fvckrender
#CryptoPunks #CryptoArt #NFT #NFTs 

I am a #degenerateArtLover #degenArtLover
I do not follow #NFT #NFTs #NFTCollectors #NFTMarkets or #trends.

For example, I identified with character #Courtney as a #Punk - farewell Corporate and Suits - Hello! NextEraWorld! Implying Hello ME AGAIN. The REAL ME (ageless!). Bonusโ€ฆ I dug the bad-ass-woman-vibe in
statement fashion.

I am also a #1-1!, #blockchain #digitalAssets #dataOwnership strong believer. I have been dedicated to personal projects and learning about the technology in #decentralized models. In short, I wish the day had 48 hours instead of 24. Unfortunately, I havenโ€™t
Read 9 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
I just finished my testimony to the Senate on how to handle Big Data -- thanks to the Senators and the Senate teams (Mark and Avery in particular) for working with me on this, despite the fact that my ideas were waaay outside of the mainstream.
The good news is that I was able to insert two NEW ideas into the mix:

1) Data ownership. You own your data, you should be in control of it.

2) Digital rights. Rights that protect us against a corporate-run surveillance state (there are none right now).
The bad news is: these ideas were so NEW (outside the mainstream), it's going to take some time for people to get their heads around them.

We also need a better spokesmodel than me for this (I'm OK, but there are MANY people much better at this than I am).
Read 6 tweets
Sep 20th 2021
1/3 The true threat for true digital property rights #NFTs #ownyourdata will not come from regulation or government but from big tech companies unwilling to surrender their data hegemony and wrestling for control of their definition of the #Metaverse
2/3 Part of the reason why .@animocabrands has such an aggressive investing strategy (inc. building our own stuff @TheSandboxGame @REVV_Token and others) is to support the growth of an open metaverse to a point that it becomes unassailable and true interoperability is a given
3/3 #NFTs have the potential to transform #digitalassets and #dataownership in the same way that #opensource has transformed our relationship with code #closedsource with new layers added on top of #opendigitalasset to give rise to entirely new experiences that may accrue value
Read 3 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
A terrifying new theory: Fake news and conspiracy theories as an evolutionary strategyโ€ฆ

#FakeNews #ConspiracyTheories #EvolutionaryStrategy #GroupConflict #deception
Spatial and temporal scales of variability for indoor air constituentsโ€ฆ

#ResearchStudy #variability #IndoorAirConstituents #SpatialScales #TemporalScales
Read 8 tweets

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