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1) There's no determined origin of Sars-CoV2 which could have possibly derived around a number of caves in China within bat colonies, laid dormant for many years then eventually passed on from host bats to humans
#UK #Plandemic #EU #WHO #DenazifyUkraine #UN #COVID19 #GreatReset Image
2) Peter Daszak of Ecohealth alliance, Ralph Barrick of Fort Dedrick, Micheal Callahan of Darpa and a network of BSL4 labs around Asia including Wuhan were working on Gain-of-function experiments engineering potent coronaviruses that can infect humans Image
3) Quickly the same people working on gain-of-function experiments set up 'The Lancet group' which pushed their narratives and jumped to say that Sars-cov2 was of natural origin with their 'Proximal origin' paper published March 2020 hardly had any time to determine such a claim Image
Read 25 tweets
It's not as simple as 'Russia invaded Ukraine'. This is a deep complex wrestle for the power of Ukraine between 3 factions. The Nazi Banderites, the US-funded Melnyk and Russia defending itself from the Banderites and Melnyk
#USA #DenazifyUkraine #abolishNATO #WEF #UkrainianNazis Image
1) The Revolution of dignity, a gov and military coup of Ukraine from 2013 was deliberately instigated and funded by:

US National Endowment for Democracy
USAID (US-backed political candidates)
George Soros (funded institutions and protests)
NATO (trained army personnel) Image
2) EU leaning Poroshenko took power illegally by overthrowing Eurasian-leaning Yanukovych
who canceled signing the EU AA agreement which would’ve led to EU membership

The coup announced live the day before in the Ukraine parliament starting off the Euromaiden protests of 2013 Image
Read 25 tweets
1/4 Every every major pogrom in Ukraine during the Holocaust, including those in Lviv, Babi Yar, Kamianets-Podilskyi, and Vinnitsa; every act of ethnic cleansing; and every mass murder, was co-plotted by and reported to monstrous Nazi Stepan Bandera. @StephenKing #denazification Image
2/4 Stepan Bandera’s OUN-B, Ukrainian Auxiliary Police (Hilfspolizei), and 14th Grenadier Waffen-SS (1st Ukrainian) at work during the pogroms in Lviv, Babi Yar, Kamianets-Podilskyi, and Vinnitsa. #denazification
3/4 Stepan Bandera’s Banderites Nazis’ genocidal ethnic cleansing at work here against hapless Poles. #denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine
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Brexit, a trojan horse to hide the tory mismanagement and theft of over £2 trillion since 2010 only makes up 1.25% of the money lost

#Austerity £1T #Brexit £25B #Cov19 £400B #Debt £500B
#UK #ToryFascists #BackBoris #EU #BrexitLies #DenazifyUkraine #UN #abolishNATO #BrexitChaos Image
1) Out of nowhere the Brexit referendum was announced and the date set was June 23rd 2016 by David Cameron.

'A once in a generation decision'
'Its your chance to decide if we stay or leave the EU'
'The government will implement what you decide'
'Its just an IN/OUT vote' Image
2) The government, establishment and most of the media, who should be impartial, sent out leaflets to every house claiming they believe the UK should remain in the EU

The date was set and everyone seemed to be ready, happy with the up-and-coming vote and a friendly vibe about it Image
Read 24 tweets
1/6 Imagine if a country was hanging banners of Hitler outside of its public buildings. Groups of legislators spontaneously singing ‘our father is Hitler, … is our mother’ while in session. Major streets, squares, and parks were renamed after Hitler. #denazification #abolishNATO
2/6 Reactionaries bring Hitler banners to soccer games. Statutes of Hitler are erected everywhere. Books critical of Hitler are banned. Dissenters are murdered, other political parties are liquidated. #denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine
3/6 The Waffen-SS is openly celebrated as is Hitler’s legacy of pogroms. Hitler’s cult status is elevated higher than it ever had been before. #denazification #abolishNATO #ZelenskyyWarCriminal #DenazifyUkraine
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In the 1980s an East German criminal was delivered across the Berlin Wall to fuel a tide of neo-Nazi violence that still plagues Germany today.

His name was Rainer Sonntag—and he was a Communist spy.

His handler? Vladimir Putin.…
Sonntag grew disillusioned with East Germany's worker's paradise—and attempted a couple of elaborate escapes.

The nation's feared secret police was always a step—and an informant—ahead. Sonntag faced an ultimatum: spy for the cops, or go back to jail.…
He chose espionage. The team handling Sonntag comprised a roughneck policeman, a Stasi agent with a photographic memory, and #Putin, a young KGB officer keen to sow chaos in the West.

They dispatched Sonntag across the Wall, and he delivered.…
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Is this what #Putin calls "#DenazifyUkraine"? Looks like he should #denazify himself and say his fake news troll army to use following hashtags:
Is this how #denazify'ing works?

#Zelensky, a man - elected with 73% of #Ukrainian votes by the way - is still there. #ZelenskyIsAHero.

He and his country don't deserve this.


Footage from this morning in #Kiew #Ukraine
And here's how "#denazify'ing #Ukraina" looks from inside the #apartments:
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