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Anthroposophische "Mediziner", Demeter-Bauernhöfe und die Waldorfschulen verbreiten Angst vor schädlichen "#Strahlungen". Strom, WLAN, Handystrahlen und 5G seien gefährlich - kosmische Energien dagegen nicht.

Man verstrickt sich tief in einer wahnhaften Technikangst.

Die Basis allen Kampfes gegen die Moderne ist der Anthroposophie-Gründer und Hellseher Rudolf Steiner. Vor 100 Jahren war er bereits sicher, moderne Telegraphenmasten störten mit ihren "Wellen" die übersinnliche Verbindung in "höhere Welten".…
"Elektro-Sensible" Menschen glauben, von Stromleitungen oder Elektrogeräten in ihrem Umfeld krank zu werden.

Der "hypersensible" Uli Weiner tourte mit solchen Thesen durch viele #Waldorfschulen, u.a. in Eckernförde, Emmendingen, Freiburg und Schopfheim.
Read 15 tweets
Today is #GAAD, Global Accessibility Awareness Day!

Over 1 billion people globally live with a disability.

Here are 5 ways to improve your website for EVERYONE:
1. Navigate your site with only a keyboard.

Make sure that you can access everything and see the focus at all times.
2. Check the color contrast of all your texts.

The contrast should at least have a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for normal-sized text. You can check this with a tool like
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🧵1 of 7

Happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day!

The top 5 WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) failures from this year are actually pretty simple to fix.

I'm going to share these along with some links to help you on your way.

Let's get started.

1. Low contrast text comes up on 83.9% of homepages.

This affects everyone, especially people with low vision. Also, it doesn't make it any easier to read if you have your screen brightness turned down!………
2. Images have missing alt text on 55.4% of homepages.

This affects screen reader users who might be blind, dyslexic or autistic. Or, have low vision or lower comprehension. It's also helpful for people with poor internet.……
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Happy #GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay everyone. We will be sharing this year's fantastic 'One Minute Accessibility Tips' created by you, the growing community of accessibility advocates and workers! #GAAD #GAAD2022
Kicking us off is UI / UX Designer for Dreamgate Games, Lorna McFall with a tip that is often forgotten in games. #GAAD
The curator of @TamingGamingDB and journalist @GeekDadGamer gives his tip on information in games. #GAAD2022 #GAAD
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Amtsgericht Schönau erlässt Strafbefehl gegen anthroposophischen Arzt Mathias P. (Klinik Arlesheim) wegen #Gefälligkeitsattest|en für Maskengegner.

Der #Anthroposoph aus dem Ärztebund #GAÄD ist szenebekannt und spricht auf #Querdenken-Demos.

Im Bewertungsportal Jameda war schon vor 12 Monaten zu lesen, dass Dr. P. ein Gegner von #Masken und #Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen ist. Der #Anthroposophie Rudolf Steiners hänge er seit mehr als 45 Jahren an. Er war aktiv in der Esoterik-Partei "Die Violetten".… Image
Mathias P. ist Schularzt und anthroposophischer 'Mediziner' im Ärztebund #GAÄD. Er macht auch in Homöopathie, Trad. chin. 'Medizin' und Akupunktur.

Er ist seit 2019 für die älteste anthroposophische Klinik in #Arlesheim in der Schweiz als Oberarzt tätig.… Image
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"In support of neurodiversity, Apple is introducing new background sounds to help minimize distractions"

So, they're adding -more noises- (ocean/natural sounds) to the phone.. for neurodiversity..

Let's see what they're doing for Deaf/HoH people:
"support for recognizing audiograms to Headphone Accommodations. Users can quickly customize their audio with their latest hearing test results imported from a paper/PDF audiogram. Headphone Accommodations amplify soft sounds & adjust certain frequencies to suit a user’s hearing"
A lot of autistic people experience hyperacusis. This Headphones Accommodations they created could likely easily accommodate hyperacusis by creating a limit on max sound volume and also adjusting certain frequencies.

But.. let's just be able to add a rain noise to the phone. 😞
Read 5 tweets
There are over 2 BILLION people in the world living with a disability.

And a significant percentage of them are struggling to play games. 🚫🎮

As part of the Global Accessibility Awareness Day #GAAD, this is a list of #gamedev resources to design more accessible games.


There are approximately 300 million people in the word who are colour blind.

There are also many different types of colour blindness: DEUTERANOPIA is the most common, affecting the perception of red 🔴 and green 🟢 tones.
Games that are heavily relying on colour-coding to convey information are particularly affected!

Good compromises between aesthetics and accessibility can be seen in "FTL" & "Hue". Both games have the option to add patterns to colour-coding, which are generally easier to read.
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It's Global Accessibility Awareness Day! A day to focus on digital access and inclusion for all. So we will be posting resources, links etc. that may not be Medicine specific, but are illustrations of good practice for accessibility. #GAAD
Did you know that more than two million people in the UK live with a visual impairment? 4.5% of the British population has colour vision deficiency (colour blindness). Find out how to use Colours Accessibly: 👇…
It is estimated that there are about 9 million people in the UK who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Accurately captioning content is an inclusive step, which can have a dramatic impact on learning.…
Read 9 tweets
Monster accessibility #TwitterThread ahead!

I'd like to make sure the #a11y community does not miss this announcement by the React Native team. Would appreciate RTs & getting the word out.
For #GAAD 2019, @Facebook took the #GAADPledge, committing to making #accessibility a core part of the @reactnative project.…
As part of this pledge, Facebook's React Native team has performed an accessibility gap analysis, documenting 90 issues they have found and turning them into these @github issues:…
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Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zuck ist Medizinrechtler für "besondere Therapieeinrichtungen" wie homöopathische und #anthroposophische "Medizin".

Mit einem Gutachten für den anthroposophischen Ärztebund #GAÄD half er esoterischen Impfgegnern, die als Ärzte STIKO-Schutzimpfungen verweigern. Image
Im Buch "Impfen Pro&Contra" des Impfgegners Martin #Hirte wird Zuck zitiert: Besonders hom. und anthrop. Ärzte hätten das Recht, aus "persönlichen Überzeugungen" heraus und gegen den "medizinischen Standard" Impfungen zu verweigern: Kein "Maulkorb" für Alternativmediziner. Image
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Ärzte & Apotheker fordern #ImpfStopp!

Offener Brief an Bundesärzte- und Apothekerkammer : Impfaktionen gegen SARS-CoV-sofort einstellen. "Unkalkulierbare Risiken" drohen!

Eine perfide Aktion von "Alternativmedizinern" aus Homöopathie und #Anthroposophie.

Kaum erschienen, wird der offene Brief schon von #Rechtspopulisten (Zitat L. Bednarz) wie Boris Reitschuster oder den #Verschwörungsideologen um Anselm Lenz von "Demokratischer Widerstand" verbreitet:

"Stoppt die Impfkampagne des Corona-Regimes".
Mediziner, die schon im Vorfeld massiv Stimmung gegen Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen gemacht haben, wenden sich nun dem Kampf gegen Impfzentren und Schutzimpfungen zu. Darunter Anhänger der anthroposophischen Pseudomedizin des Impfgegners Rudolf Steiner und aus der Placebo-Homöopathie.
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This final #GAAD post is a bit of a mashup.

I want to debunk things I was confused about when I first started learning about #accessibility, esp. ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), and give you some tips and everyday references.

Day 5 is #a11y learning 📚 -> Larene's 5 days to accessib...
Many years ago, the web started becoming more "dynamic", i.e. we started adding a bunch of JavaScript to do fancy things.

Before HTML5, we only had <div> and <span>, so these fancy things were basically invisible to assistive technology.

ARIA was created created to solve this.
ARIA is a list of HTML tags that add *semantic* meaning to an element.

<h1>, <button>, <a> generally don't need ARIA, but <div> and <span> do, especially if they are interactive.

Always use semantic HTML over using ARIA.
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Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Today, we ask creators to talk, think and learn about digital accessibility 👇 #GAAD
.@DeafiesinDrag discuss a serious problem in their classic lighthearted tone: many videos across social media lack captioning that would make them accessible to Deaf viewers. #GAAD

One simple way to make your content accessible is to add subtitles and closed captions. Auto captions are a decent first step, but they can miss a lot — it’s better to add captions yourself to ensure they’re completely accurate. →
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Simple #a11y tips:
• A model for WordPress a11y:…
• Make tap/click targets 44px:…
Simple #a11y tips:
• Type=search disappoints:…
• Reconsider that date picker:…
Simple #a11y tips:
• More under-engineered toggles:…
• Under-engineered text fields:…
Read 15 tweets
Missed out on the last one, so for this year’s #GAAD I wanted to highlight colourblindness and how to better tailor game UI for it with a couple of tips, tricks and examples #gamedev #ui

Thread (1/4)
When displaying two opposing teams and only colours can be used to tell them apart, aim for ones that sit opposite one another on the colour spectrum. Orange and blue being the two most distinguishable options when accommodating for the most common colourblindness types.

When working with a variety of different colour states for similar elements it’s worth considering using icons and/or patterns as a way of indicating what each state mean.

Can have the added effect of strengthen the intent for non-colourblind users too; win-win.

Read 4 tweets
Happy global accessibility awareness day! #GAAD

I've saved the trump card of all #accessibility testing techniques for today. Did you guess it?

Learning how to use a screen reader! 🗣-> 5 days to accessibility - d...
It's hard to learn something, without seeing someone else do it first. 👀

Marc works at a university and is a Mac user. He uses the built-in screen reader (VoiceOver) to control his computer, including browsing the web.

Watch this to see how he does it 😁…
Screen readers are a type of "assistive technology" - products designed to help people with disabilities or the elderly achieve what is otherwise impossible.

There are many screen readers (SR) out there, @webaim does a great annual survey on SR usage 👏…
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Day 3 of 5! Tomorrow, there will be #GAAD events around the globe.

In Australia, tune-in to @a11ybytes Thu 21 May, 4pm AEST; 12 talks, 10 minutes each, all about #inclusion and #accessibility - this event changed my life.

Today, we're about accessibility checking tools 🔍 -> 5 days to accessibility - d...
So, we've talked about keyboard, and colour and contrast.

Other common #a11y mistakes:
❌ images without alt-text
❌ unlabelled <input>s
❌ icon-only links and buttons, with no labels
❌ and more...

Can all be found in one go with an accessibility analyser
Accessibility checkers are code analysers - they scan a web page's source code, and give back a report of all potential #a11y problems.

This report resembles something like what you would see out of a professional accessibility audit, with one big caveat 👉
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#GAAD morning, it's Day 2!

How'd everyone go with keyboard #a11y yesterday?

You may have found it slow to browse a site with just the keyboard. Yes, there is a learning curve, also, many users have software that gives them shortcuts!

Today is about colour and contrast 🖍 -> 5 days to #a11y (accessibil...
In Australia, 8% of men, and 0.4% of women have some degree of colourblindness.

We cannot use only colour to provide meaning, or risk excluding nearly 1-2 in every 20 people from the web.
Here is a sign up form, it uses colour to show whether an input is valid or invalid. In this example, the password field is invalid, it has a red border, and the other fields have a green border.

I use to simulate types of colourblindness, just hit f5
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Did you know that 70% of the web is inaccessible folks with low vision?

This Thursday is #GAAD - Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

I'll be tweeting about 5 #a11y techniques I use everyday to ensure I don't exclude people on the web.

Let's start with unplugging your mouse ->
There are many keyboard-only users out there. People who use a screen reader fall in this category. These users generally have low-vision or blindness (but not necessarily).

Also, people with motor disabilities, or injuries, that temporarily or permanently cannot use a mouse.
Keyboard accessibility is *essential* for some people, they can't operate the web without it.

However, keyboard navigation is also *beneficial for all* users - it's much more efficient to use a keyboard to fill in a complex form, than it is to use a mouse. Think, hospital admin.
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Take amazing selfies. Get optimized workout stats. Use Siri with your AirPods when your iPhone is across the room.

We're featuring tips from actress Tatiana Lee (@mstatilee) to show you how she uses her Apple devices to get things done. Check out the thread below 👇
#GAAD Do more with accessible technology
“Hey Siri, text my trainer that I'm on my way.”
“Hey Siri, start my workout playlist.”
“Hey Siri, find a juice bar nearby.”
The hands-free possibilities are endless.

Here’s how to use Hey Siri with your new AirPods:
Set up your Apple Watch as a wheelchair user, and you'll get dedicated workouts, push counts in place of step counts, and reminders to roll instead of stand.

Here's how: Wheelchair Settings on Apple WatchStep 1: In the Watch app, tap HealthStep 2: Tap Edit, then tap WheelchairStep 3: Select Yes and tap Done
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On this #GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay, inspired to hear @lynnekjolso talk about #Inclusivity @Microsoft. One of the best keynotes I've attended i recent years!

Being #inclusive is such a win-win, yet many businesses don't pay enough attention.

#GAAD @CdnMarketing #CMAevents
So many great takeaways from the session.

"#Diversity is I am different.
#Inclusion is I matter."

~Kathleen Hall, CVP Brand, Advertising and Research @Microsoft
"Inclusive culture drives innovation.
Inclusive products remove barriers.
Inclusive #marketing resonates."
~ @lynnekjolso
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For global accessibility day I'm taking some time to work on getting transitions in the Ember router to announce themselves to assistive technology reliably.

Looking for something quick to do?

Add role=search to your marketing site's search form.…

It makes your search box show up as a search landmark. This makes a huge difference to effectively finding it.

Looking for something a little more ambitious? Set up and use a screen reader for the day.…

Nothing improves your understanding of how it feels to use a screen reader than using one.

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Today the first game I’ve ever worked on as a UX Designer, #AltFrequencies, is out! And since it’s #GAAD I wanted to make a short thread about our development process on accessibility features and how we included them in our design @gbla11yday
Alt-Frequencies is an audio-based game which has several accessibility features, especially for blind and low-vision gamers. The game is entirely playable using only sound.
Right at the beginning of the production, we wanted to include several accessibility features within our game, to make sure that as many people as possible could enjoy it.
Read 12 tweets
I keep hearing 7.1+ & seeing Oaxaca
Just putting this here^…
I seem to have missed this one:…
Read 69 tweets

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