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Jul 14th 2022
People are understandably impatient about the resignation letter. This is a bit of an explainer on why it’s taking so long.

Gotabaya knows he needs head of state treatment and immunity to get to wherever he’s going. Losing this means he’s an ordinary criminal on the run.
In that journey, unless facilitated through private carriers, he will have to face the ire of the citizens of the world.

Even in choosing his final destination/safe haven, he will need guarantees of non-prosecution in their domestic legal systems (if such laws exist),
and there being no extradition treaty with Sri Lanka or any other country willing to hold him to account for the many injustices he’s implicated in.

This is not an immediately straightforward process, and he doesn’t care what happens in Sri Lanka the more he delays his letter.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
For good intentions and bad, a question coming up now is "What happens if #GoHomeGota succeeds?"

A lot of false info and lies floating around about this, so let me try and clarify to best of my ability

#අරගලයටජය #EconomicCrisisLK #GoHomeRanil for reach

Disclaimer first, especially since political content. Politics is not my expertise, so take THAT aspect with a grain of salt. Will do my best to keep this analysis economic. But still personal opinion

There are three elements in which a change in governance can be affected and comments are made on.

1. Economic reforms
2. IMF negotiations
3. Debt negotiations

I feel all of these work worse under a GR led government

Read 20 tweets
Jun 27th 2022
A thread: on claims that talking about 'other issues' - racism, militarisation, PTA, LGBTQ+, Sin-Bud supremacy, most often issues faced by 'minority' communities - result in 'diluting' & 'losing focus' of the aragalaya/GGG. #lka #srilanka #GoHomeGota
1. Everyone is feeling the economic crisis, though admittedly to different degrees. They are all suffering due to this govt's policies, especially already-marginalised folks. They therefore have every right to make themselves visible at the protest. #lka #srilanka #gohomegota
2. Many communities have been in struggles against Rajapaksa power long before the aragalaya/GGG. Most of those protesting now didn't know/care about those struggles. Communities bringing those demands to GF is not a dilution but a continuation of their longer, harder fight. #lka
Read 10 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
Scenes from Colombo's first ever Pride March yesterday, continuing the protest against the 'sTaBiLiTy' ie repression of the Gota-Ranil government. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #Pride
Beginning at the Liberty roundabout, where the LGBTQ+ community gathered for the first time a few years ago to protest after Sirisena's homophobic 'butterfly' remark during the constitutional crisis. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #Pride
This incredible flag colouring the whole stretch from Kollupitiya to #Gotagogama. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #Pride
Read 7 tweets
May 12th 2022
May 11th, yesterday - scenes from a mellow but alert and hopeful #Gotagogama. Tents have been repaired, there are books in the library again, everyone speaks to of calm and non-violence and tea was being made in the evening. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota
'We ask everyone to be calm. Save your strength - we have more to do, not to set fires. This isn't a place to sacrifice lives. We remember those who hit us till we bled - 'nahi verena verani, වෛරයෙන් වෛරය නොසන්සිදේ' (violence doesn't drive out violence) #lka #srilanka #GoHomeGota
'Many think those who follow the law are spineless. Politicians see if we break their laws while they broke them completely.

We don't want a military government. We don't want a dictatorship. We want a government that respects people's sovereignty.' #lka #srilanka #GoHomeGota
Read 14 tweets
May 12th 2022
There's a lot of political deal-making & grandstanding going on. @fernandoharin was always known as someone who 'plays to the gallery' with a touch of hooliganism & he's living up to his reputation. Whoever tries to convince us that GR is a changed man, is in it for something. /1
This is a President who refused to listen to anyone & with his Family & cabal, drove the country to bankruptcy. This is a President who misled people, stoked racism & made blunder after blunder due to his arrogance & looking after the interests of the Family & his cronies. /2
This is a President who wanted more power through 20A - apparently now he's ready to give up that powerful position!!! Even after being a miserable failure, this is a President, who still hangs on to the presidency, though people have been demanding for months that he resign. /3
Read 8 tweets
May 12th 2022
The only strong commitment he made in this speech: I WILL NOT RESIGN. EVEN IF THE COUNTRY BURNS TO THE GROUND. Mark my words: send this man home now, or Rajapakses will return. #GoHomeGota #SriLanka
And if you don’t want another one like him, vote to abolish the presidency NOW. Change parliamentary standing orders if necessary. But do it now.
Every president, prime minister, party or politician in #SriLanka who promised to abolish the presidency over the past 30 years has broken that promise.
Read 4 tweets
May 10th 2022

Moments like this is when you realise and ponder what the actual end result of the #GotaGoHome could be. The people started the protest due to the increased cost of living imposed by the #GOSL, the Government that the @sjbsrilanka vehemently told people not to vote for.

The economic troica including @HarshadeSilvaMP and @EranWick categorically warned the citizens and the Government since 2020. All those cries were left unheard. The @sjbsrilanka is the Main Opposition in the Country and was the first to bring in crowds to protest.

We were then ridiculed and told that we did all this in the middle of a pandemic etc. The sad part is that when you have people saying things like "Mind your own business, We will fight this through", It makes us think what the actual solution is.
Read 7 tweets
May 9th 2022
'Today is one month that Nande has been at home'

Scenes from a #Gotagogama that has immediately started rebuilding, and evolving situations elsewhere.

Please stay safe. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota Image
Police and Army barricade at Lotus Road, 2.31 pm. They eventually left. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota ImageImageImageImage
'You thought you could crush our protest with your violence and bloodshed. We thank all those who stood with us and say, we will be stronger now'

Spirits seemingly high on the barricade when we eventually made it there. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota ImageImageImageImage
Read 22 tweets
May 8th 2022
Scenes from the Maadan Badhrakali Puja, last night at #Gotagogama/Galle Face.

With thanks to everyone who translated and explained the parts of the ceremony as it went on. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota
The rituals came to #LKA with Indian labourers brought by British colonisers & are continued by their descendants, the Malaiyaha Tamil community.

The deities are village guardians, who were worshipped before formal Hinduism began & they can speak to in their own languages. #lka
The Vikki Parai Isai group from Ingiriya heating the drums to tune them before the ritual. Parai drums are played by oppressed castes & is a key part of Malaiyaha Tamil culture, along with dances such as the kooththu, all of which their ancestors brought from India. #lka.
Read 13 tweets
May 5th 2022
No money for food, fuel or medicine but infinite money for violence against civilians - Police & Riot Police repeatedly tear gas IUSF protestors & more at Battaramulla today. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 Image
'බිලි මගින් බලේ ගන්න - පිපිරෙව්වේ බෝම්බ තොපි'

IUSF march from Nugegoda to the Parliament entrance at Polduwa junction near Diyatha Uyana. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
Police ready at the first barrier, which didn't last long. A first group of performer/protestors tied these flags to the barricade. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
Read 21 tweets
May 1st 2022
The Samathai drummers from Batticaloa joined in and lead the final stretch of the artists' protest yesterday.

Thread of some scenes and stories from both these powerful elements. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022
Tamil and Muslim women from Ampara, Batticaloa and Jaffna visited #Gotagogama yesterday. They raised the issues they were facing due to the #EconomicCrisisLK and issues of justice they'd been fighting for years. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota
They drummed, sang and took up space at the barricade. I might be wrong but I've never heard that much Tamil spoken at the barricade since this protest started. There were short translations so listeners could understand. It was A Moment. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota
Read 14 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
Blindfolding Bandaranaike: Arrived at Galle Face to this powerful sight.

Thread of a few more things that happened at #Gotagogama today.

#lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 #TakeBackOurPower
Rally by the Medical Faculty Student Action Committee, raising issues of the lack of medication and the patients whose lives are at risk. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022
Medical Faculty rally and the ongoing protest by IT Professionals merge near the statue. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022
Read 9 tweets
Apr 28th 2022
General strike - some scenes of various trade union protests that arrived at Galle Face/#Gotagogama today. The uniting demand - #GoHomeGota - is for GR & his family must answer for their failures, then go to jail. Power to the people ✊🏾 #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
March by a mixture of trade unions leaving from Fort Railway and heading to GGG. Posters focus on state violence & the murder in #Rambukkana. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
Collective of Ports unions & several other small groups protest outside Fort Railway Station. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
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Apr 17th 2022
Following import substitution, self-sufficiency, and local production didn't work out for Sri Lanka in the last 2 years. My longest 🧵yet to explain - promise it's worth it!


#SriLankaCrisis #SriLanka #lka (#GotaGoGama #GoHomeGota #GoHomeRajapakshas #අරගලයටජය for reach)
Now, these ideas are often "common sense". It sounds good - if we have a forex problem, lets stop importing and make it ourself! Lets be self-sufficent, why depend on others?

But econ ISN'T common sense - so let's go through my view on why these don't work.

The main idea behind these is basically - produce goods locally, ideally goods we currently import, and sometimes, hope to export later.

So 3 broad benefits spoken of

1. Save/grow forex
2. Increase GDP
3. Have a backup if global trade fails

Lets go through all of these

Read 30 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
As we reflect on #COVID19 and realize how difficult the pandemic has been, let's take a look back at a past #pandemic in 1918 and learn about the parallels between them and how both affected our island nation...

#Srilanka #History #GoHomeGota #EconomicCrisisLK #SriLankaCrisis
As many of you may know, Spanish flu is not actually from Spain. There are many theories on where it actually began but many claim the source was Camp Funston in Kansas, USA. There it spread via WW1 troops to Spain were the uncensored press reported on it for the first time.
From there it spread across Europe into Russia and then into Asia. By June 1918, it was in India where it became know as 'Bombay Fever', killing 20 million people. By July, it had reached Colombo, coming from India by boat. Dock workers started showing signs of the disease.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
With the recent #protests, national attention has turn the events of #OccupyGalleFace. But, I doubt many people truly understand #galleface significance and #history. Today, I want to take a look at it's #past and see what we can #learn.

#EconomicCrisisLK #history #GoHomeGota
Originally, Galle Face was a strategic military location for the Dutch and was named "Gal Gate" as the gateway to Colombo Fort. In the 1800s, it covered a massive area and was home to many recreational activities - cricket, racing, golf, and, rugby - that drew large crowds.
On May Day 1933, Galle Face served as a location for labor strike led by future mayor, A. E. Gunasinha. Men wore white sarongs and red striped banians and sang songs promoting the working class. Ultimately this would lead to May Day becoming a national holiday.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
මෙන්න සුමල් පෙරේරාගේ අද ගේම. පැටිකිරිය සහ පරණ කතා coming soon. If you are wondering why Johnston Fernando was one of just FOUR ministers kept in Cabinet, its to do one LAST GREAT HIGHWAY ROBBERY.
#SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 #lka #GoHomeRajapakshas #GoHomeRajapaksas
While the people are demanding that #RajapaksasGoHome, the family is trying to pull one major scam in close partnership with crony businessmen of the likes of Sumal Perera of Access Group. #GotaGoGama #අරගලයටජය #GotaGoHome #SLnews
The consortium, calling itself the Lanka Infrastructure Development Consortium (LIDC) comprises of Access Engineering, Maga Engineering, ICC, KDAW and NEM Construction.
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Apr 15th 2022
I'm going to do a single political thread on the #GotaGoGama #GoHomeGota #OccupyGalleFace protest and a threat it faces. Might be contentious, but please give alternative views.

#SriLankaCrisis #SriLankaEconomicCrisis #SriLanka

Starting off with a few disclaimers.

I think the protests are great for Sri Lanka, I think they've done permanent good already, I think they should continue.

I'm also not a political/social expert - so take this from that POV.

The response to the poll confirms something I was concerned about - that there is space for the protest to be attacked based on perceptions of elitism

If a Twitter poll of what protestors think is like this, I feel actual sentiment might be worse


Read 20 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
There have been increasing cries for President Rajapaksa to step down, but this is not unique to today…

Take a look at how in 1953, the Ceylonese Hartal brought down PM Senanayake and his UNP government…

#srilanka #history #lka #EconomicCrisisLK #srilankaprotests #GoHomeGota ImageImage
In the 1952 elections, the UNP, led by Dudley Senanayake, won a majority in Parliament. However, in 1953, things went downhill as Sri Lanka slumped into economic crisis after the boom from the Korean war came to an end. Image
However, the government response was seen as detrimental to the situation as subsidies on rice were lifted and social welfare spending was cut. The prices of basic commodities rose and Finance Minister J. R. Jayewardene even telling people to just “Grow your own food.” Image
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Apr 14th 2022
Today, we're angered by inflation but did you know your ancestors experienced similar conditions 150 years ago...

In 1866, Grain Riots broke out over the price of rice and a weak British colonial response. Read how it unfolded below...

#srilanka #EconomicCrisisLK #GoHomeGota
For centuries, while rice cultivation in Sri Lanka existed, the country mainly relied on imports from India for it's supply. This continued even after the British took control of Ceylon in 1796 and they imposed import duties and taxes to profit off this trade and raise revenue.
However, in 1866, a massive famine struck the east coast of India killing 4-5 million people. This shortage of rice caused the price of rice to tripled in Ceylon from 6 to at most 20 shillings.

This strained poor village communities, many of which depended on this imported rice.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 13th 2022
What will happen to Sri Lanka, economically, over the next few months, especially to its people?

The answer isn't pretty, but it's something to prepare for.

#SriLankaProtests #SriLanka (Also tagging #GotaGoGama #GoHomeGota #OccupyGalleFace #අරගලයටජය for reach)

Let's assume there's some sort of political stability at some point. What that is doesn't really matter too much to this thread's outcomes, it just extends the timeline if it's delayed.

With that out of the way - what will SL need to come out of this?

As long as we keep engaging with the IMF and our creditors, it should hopefully bring enough confidence that there will be some inflows (bilateral, remittances, export conversions, aid) that allow the urgent essential shortages to ease across the next month or two.

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Apr 13th 2022
Let me go through how remittances work and make a plea, please send money to Sri Lanka.

#SriLankaEconomicCrisis #SriLanka #ProtestLK #EconomicCrisisLK (also #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 #GotaGoGama for reach)

Think of remittances as when money from outside SL comes into SL on a personal basis.

This can either be

A. From a foreign account to your own local account


B. From your foreign account to someone's local account.

Let's take A first.

In this case, your dollars are sent to a bank account held by a local bank. Now, as long as those dollars are there, the bank can allocate those dollars for other purposes, ie for an outflow of dollars.

No Rajapaksas involved.

Read 11 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
In 1915, Sri Lanka experienced a period of unrest as the Sinhalese-Muslim riots broke out, leading to attacks on the Moor population and a suppressive British response...

Read how it unfolded below...

#history #EconomicCrisisLK #srilanka #lka #GoHomeGota
In the late 1800s, Sri Lanka experience a period of Buddhist revival as many resented the encroachment of Christian missionaries, the weakening of traditional authority under British rule since 1815, and the growing Muslim culture and identity in Ceylon.
In 1912, the tension escalated when the Perahara from the Temple of the Tooth to the Mahaweli river was denied permission to play music during part of the journey by the British as it came too close to Hambaya Mohameddans’ mosque who claimed the noise would disturb worship there.
Read 9 tweets

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