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Oct 27th 2022
For the first time in its history, the @IEA sees #fossilfuel demand peaking across all of its projections including the “business as usual” (STEPS) scenario. What does it mean for geoeconomics & geopolitics of the global #energytransition? A🧵1/13…
The dependency on #fossilfules is a risk to economic resilience & energy security inherent to the currently dominant economic models. High #coal, #oil and #gas prices have knock-on effects beyond energy systems reliability & fuel the global #polycrisis. 2/13
#EU, #UK, #Japan and others embedded a fatal vulnerability into their growth models as they bet on boosting #gas intensity of their economies post Global #Oilcrisis in the 1970s. Now they are forced to pay a high price for this oversight. 3/13
Read 14 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
🚨 New paper 🚨

Green #hydrogen and derived #efuels are critical for #climate #mitigation, but when will they be available at scale?

In a new Nature Energy study, we look at a key bottleneck: the market ramp-up of #electrolysis capacity.

Summary 🧵⬇️…
2/ #GreenHydrogen, produced from renewable electricity via electrolysis, is vital for the #EnergyTransition. In the #EnergyCrisis hydrogen is also considered an option to limit Europe's fossil fuel imports.

However, scaling up supply is a huge challenge!
3/ There's a lot of momentum in electrolysis project announcements. This is also much needed because global capacity needs to grow a staggering 6,000-8,000-fold from 2021-2050 to meet #NetZero scenarios. Yet, most projects still lack an FID, making them uncertain. Image
Read 17 tweets

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