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I’ve been seeing this photo circulating around as the early Drag Queen from Washington D.C., William Dorsey Swann (1858-unknown)...but if you actually do some intense research you’ll realize that they’re aren’t any photos of him..

#LGBTQts #LGBT #PRIDE2020 #BlackLGBT Image
That’s a 1903 French postcard advertising another African-American Drag Queen, Jack Brown (March 5, 1875-unknown) from Petersburg, Virginia. From 1901-1921, Brown toured across France, England and the Russian Empire. He was a popular fixture at Paris’ Jardin de Paris cabaret. Image
This 1903 postcard (featuring Jack Brown & Charles Gregory) was apart of a series advertising a troupe of Americans, known as “Joyeux Nègre”, both Black & White, performing at Paris’ Cirque Nouveau. The show was also filmed by the famous Lumiere Brothers around December 1902. Image
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1. Abro hilo! Arcoíris sobre Nueva York!

Foto de @NBCNewYork Image
2. Con el calor han llegado las tormentas de verano a Nueva York y con ellas espectaculares fotos como esta.
3. El arcoíris del domingo 28 de junio tuvo un significado especial, ya que fue el cierre para el Día del #Orgullo
"Ni hecho aposta", como dice @nquints
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Closing the end of #PrideMonth with a history lesson:

1/ Why is "Stonewall" important in LGBTQ+ history?
A. It was the site of protests after Stonewall Inn, a known LGBTQ+ bar, was violently raided by police on June 28 many years ago. It marks one of the most important events in the LGBTQ+ liberation movement.

2/ What year did the Stonewall riots happen?
A. The demonstrations lasted from June 28 – July 3, 1969.

3/ Who is now know as one of the prominent figures of the movement?
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"Por una vez en la historia, España ha llegado puntual a la cita con la igualdad"

Pedro Zerolo #MatrimonioIgualitario #LoveIsLove #AmorEsAmor #Pride #PRIDE2020 #PrideMonth #Orgullo #Orgullo2020 #EqualityForAll #Igualdad 🏳️‍🌈
Quince años después de este gran logro de España por la igualdad, en Chile se promulgó el AUC recién en 2015; pero aún falta avanzar al Matrimonio Igualitario, y otros temas de interés para el colectivo LGBTTTIQ+ 🏳️‍🌈, que ayuden a equiparar con el resto de la ciudadanía
El pasado 8 de junio, un tribunal de familia dictó una sentencia que fija un favorable precedente por los derechos filiativos de NNA de matrimonios homoparentales; aunque 3 días antes el TC, rechazó recurso sobre Matrimonio Igualitario
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Miau. Hoy en día celebramos lo que años atrás fue una revuelta 🔥🔥🔥 que resulta luego de una redada policial. #Pride

No minimicemos el poder simbólico y objetivo de la rabia ante el poder. Image
Acá pueden leer más sobre las revueltas de Stonewall, en Nueva York durante 1969, con entrevistas a quienes participaron directa o indirectamente:…
Acá una reseña corta de Silvia Rivera, activista trans de aquella época:…

#GatitosContraLaDesigualdad #Catsplaining #Pride2020
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Nesse dia tão importante #PRIDE2020 o coletivo #VoteLGBT mostra que transexuais e travestis são as mais vulneráveis aos impactos do isolamento social provocado pela pandemia do novo coronavírus, seguidas pelas pessoas pretas, pardas e indígenas.…
Segundo a reportagem, a população LGBTQ+ se encontra em um nível de vulnerabilidade alta, segundo as dimensões de renda e trabalho, exposição ao risco de Covid-19 e saúde. Image
Três grupos aparecem na faixa considerada grave. São eles os das pessoas trans, das bissexuais e das pretas, pardas ou indígenas. Se avaliado somente o critério que relaciona a exposição ao risco, todos os grupos apresentam alta vulnerabilidade Image
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¿Buscando películas para esta tarde de puente? Tenemos algunas recomendaciones sobre mujeres trans y lesbianas. Películas para reflexionar en este día del #Orgullo2020.
Elisa y Marcela se conocieron en 1898, en un centro educativo, casi un convento. Se enamoraron y se las arreglaron para estar juntas. Con todo en contra, se casaron por la iglesia. ¿Cómo lo hicieron? Esta es una historia real. #Orgullo2020 #LoveisLove
No sin ella es otra historia de la vida real. Laurel interpone una demanda para que sus bienes puedan ser transferidos a Stacey después de su muerte. Es una difícil batalla por los derechos patrimoniales. #Pride2020 #LoveIsLove. .
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1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Sunday statement you can read in full here:…
2/5 June is Pride Month #Pride2020 – a time for LGBTQ2+ communities and their allies to come together to celebrate our diversity from a place of inclusion, empathy and love. #FreeTobeMe #Pride #Canada #LGBTQ2 #VirtualPride
3/5 With #COVID19 still active in 🇨🇦, the risk of the virus spreading remains, and large-scale in-person celebrations ↑↑ this risk. I applaud the actions of #Pride Festival organizers in #Canada in quickly organizing virtual festivities. #StayProudStaySafe
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‘Vestida de azul’ (1983): Documental pionero en visibilizar al colectivo transexual de nuestro país a través del relato de sus seis protagonistas. Dentro hilo 👇

#DiadelOrgulloLGTBI #PRIDE2020 #Orgullo2020
"Yo de pequeño me veía niña, una niña con un pito, pero una niña. Me he ido dando poco a poco cuenta de que de hombre no podía estar".

"Para la Tierra, yo no soy hombre ni tampoco mujer, soy travesti. O sea, soy la ridiculez de la Tierra. Una cosa que no se debe hacer, que no se debe mirar, a quien no se le debe hablar".

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Karl Gorath was just 26 when his jealous lover denounced him as a gay man. He spent years in the concentration camp system until he was liberated from Auschwitz in 1945. But after liberation, he faced another set of difficulties. 1/5 #PrideMonth #Pride2020
West Germany used the Nazi version of Paragraph 175, the law criminalizing homosexuality, for decades after the war. Under that law, Karl was arrested again in the 1950s. 2/5 #PrideMonth #Pride2020
At his trial, Karl realized that he recognized the judge. The judge sentencing him to jail that day was the same man who had sent him to a concentration camp in the 1930s, for the same "crime." 3/5 #PrideMonth #Pride2020
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En el marco del #PRIDE2020, abro un #Hilo para decirles qué es el #Orgullo para mí. 🏳️‍🌈
Orgullo es poder compartir mi vida desde hace 9 años con un ser tan maravilloso como @alexzuno. Orgullo me da tener una pareja que me respeta, me inspira y me apoya. #PRIDE2020 🏳️‍🌈
Orgullo es haber podido casarme con él en el 2018, algo imposible hace poco en nuestros respectivos países 🇲🇽 🇫🇷. Orgullo me da haber ejercido un derecho por el que tantos han luchado. #PRIDE2020
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"Una statua. Mi hanno dedicato una statua al Greenwich Village di New York. È stata collocata esattamente in fondo alla strada dove si trova quel famoso bar. Chi sono e perché quella statua in mio onore nei pressi di un bar? Una lunga storia.” #PRIDE2020
Sono nata a New York il 2 luglio 1951. E a chi ha origini portoricane e venezuelane può capitare di nascere in un taxi di fronte al Lincoln Hospital. Ma gli può capitare anche di peggio. Per esempio, essere abbandonato dal padre, appena nato. Josè Rivera, credo si chiamasse.
«Però almeno una mamma l’avevi.»
Insomma. Solo fino a tre anni, quando si suicidò lasciandomi sola con la nonna.
Lo so. Avevo almeno una nonna. Ma non per molto. Quando si accorse dei miei modi femminili mi gettò in strada. Avevo solo 11 anni.
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Miau. El mes del #Orgullo2020 casi termina, y les traemos algunos datos sobre las desigualdades que viven las personas #LGBTTTIQ+ en este blog que publicamos en @Pajaropolitico… #Pride #PRIDE2020 #PrideMonth Image
Por ejemplo, aún en pleno 2020...

- 64% de las personas no aceptan que dos personas del mismo sexo vivan juntas como pareja,

- 87.5% de las personas deciden ocultar su orientación sexual o identidad de género durante su adolescencia, Image
- 41% de los hombres entrevistados en la ENADIS, mencionaron que no rentarían un cuarto de su vivienda a una persona trans*, Image
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Today @HoustonHealth Department reports 879 new cases of #COVID19 today, bringing Houston’s total to 18,056.

We report eight new deaths, bringing our total to 216.
Out of these 216 total deaths, 63 are associated with nursing homes and three with the Harris County Jail.
Our community’s infection rate is three times higher today than it was three months ago.
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E chegamos a nossa última semana de #OrgulhososDeVc 😭 Não cabe em palavras expressar o quão lindo foi ver a mobilização de vocês durante este mês 🏳️‍🌈 Obrigado por tudo 💖 #cartoonnetwork #PRIDE2020 Segue o fio+
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This 99-year-old trans WWII vet is raising $1M to grant LGBTQ seniors’ wishes. – @kaelynforde
1/ Robina Asti has led an extraordinary life: she flew planes with the Navy during World War II, managed a major mutual fund in New York City and, at 99 years old, still serves as a flight instructor.
2/ “Being 99 is just a number. It's a number that means 100 years ago, in 1921, some little jerk was born. And that's me.” – Robina Asti, founder @CloudDancersOrg
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Meet Suzi Boum, Israel's favorite drag queen!
Suzi shares her personal story, insights about the #dragqueen community in #Israel, and more! Happy Pride Month 🥰 #RainbowTalksIsrael #LoveisLove
#RainbowTalksIsrael 🏳️‍🌈 is the @IsraelinSF #PRIDE2020 project. Join us to learn more about the #LGBTQ community in #Israel, from some of their most outstanding members. Each member represents a different color of the #Prideflag. Suzi represents- Yellow for Sunlight!
Music Credits:
"Ain't No Mountain" by Offer Nissim Present: The Bitches
"Everybody Needs A Man" by Offer Nissim
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#Hilo 🧵Se cumplen 108 años del nacimiento de #AlanTuring, quien es considerado uno de los padres de la computación y precursor de la informática actual, pero que también fue perseguido por su homosexualidad y aquí lo recordamos a manera de homenaje en el mes del #PRIDE2020 👬 Image
🧮🖥️Las matemáticas y la ciencia fueron la inspiración de #AlanTuring durante sus estudios en Inglaterra. Los estudios universitarios los hizo en Cambridge y más tarde estuvo varios años en Princeton, en Estados Unidos. Image
✍️📑En 1937, publicó un artículo en el que definió una máquina calculadora de capacidad infinita, que luego sería conocida como ‘La Máquina de Turing’, que operaba basándose en una serie de instrucciones lógicas, sentando las bases del concepto moderno de algoritmo. Image
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Our final article in this week's series to honor the South Asian #LGBTQ+ Community is about an androgynous Hindu deity named Ardhanārishwara!

All our articles from this series will be available on our website as well! Happy #PRIDE2020 🏳️‍🌈! 👇… Image
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Did you know the original Pride flag 🏳️‍🌈 was raised at the #SanFrancisco Gay Freedom Day Parade celebration on June 25, 1978?
Each color of the flag has a different symbolic meaning:
Red- Life 👶
Orange- Healing 🧚
Yellow- Sun 🌞
Green- Nature 🌱
Blue- Harmony 🎵
Violet- Spirit 🙌
To celebrate #Pride2020 we asked outstanding members of the #LGBTQ community in #Israel to share their story, each one represents a different color of the Pride flag. Introducing #RainbowTalksIsrael 🏳️‍🌈 💞

Stay tuned, Our first video is LIVE soon! 😍
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Our #Pride2020 recreation of the Progress Pride flag uses the full range of our collections to celebrate the amazing diversity of the natural world.
For #MusPride today, we're revealing exactly what's hiding behind the stripes...
A #PrideMonth THREAD >>>
The white of our flag - included in the Progress variation of the Pride flag to represent the non-binary community and those transitioning - is a section from the wing of a large white butterfly, Pieris brassicae.
#MusPride 2/12
The next two colours represent transgender folk, with the light pink chevron coming from the Museum's mineral collection. This is a piece of thulite (also known as rosalite) dotted with white calcite crystals which give it a lighter shade.
#MusPride 3/12
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🏳️‍🌈 Constitue une discrimination sexuelle le fait de discriminer contre une personne homosexuelle ou transgenre. 🏳️‍🌈

Cour suprême des États-Unis, 15 juin 2020
(Bostock c/ Clayton County, 590 US _ (2020))

#PRIDE2020 #PrideMonth #Pride Drapeau arc-en-ciel contre un ciel bleu.
Première surprise : la plume derrière l’arrêt n’est nul autre que Neil Gorsuch, juge de droite nommé par @realDonaldTrump en 2017 qui est connu pour sa réticence quand il s’agit de donner de « nouvelles » interprétations aux lois.
Il va même jusqu’à rappeler ce principe :

« Après tout, seuls les mots couchés sur le papier sont la loi telle qu’elle a été adoptée par le Congrès et promulguée par le Président. »
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A dark day in Poland.

President Duda has signed a "family charter" committing to "defend the family" & protect children from "LGBT ideology".

In reality, it will prevent same-sex marriage, LGBT adoption.

Opposition leader @RobertBiedron says it's designed to "divide society". ImageImage
Robert Biedron is not the opposition leader. He leads a smaller opposition party & is a presidential candidate.

But what is happening is Poland is the same as what we see in the UK & US right now.

The stoking of a culture war.

And it is very deliberate.
Check out this petition calling on #Poland's govt to pass laws to protect LGBT people in schools, workplaces & public places & to abolish homophobic & transphobic laws like "LGBT-free zones" & the proposed "ban on propagating LGBT ideology". #PrideMonth…
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Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or told they aren’t who they say they are.
I want my trans followers to know that I and so many other people around the world see you, respect you and love you for who you are.
I donate to @Mermaids_Gender and @mamacash. If you can, perhaps you’ll feel inclined to do the same. ❤️
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