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Vad hĂ€nder i SBB? đŸ§”

I takt med att lÄnerÀntorna blivit dyrare har SBB:s finansiella situation blivit alltmer prekÀr. SBB har sÄlt en stor mÀngd fastigheter i syfte att Äterbetala befintliga lÄn i takt med att de förfaller. Samtidigt har bolaget fortsatt betala stora utdelningar
trots en allt starkare kör att det gĂ„r emot all ekonomisk logik. MĂ„nga tyckare har ropat efter instĂ€llda utdelningar för att förbĂ€ttra bolagets likviditet och soliditet. Men styrelsen och VD har upprepat att bolagets finanser alltjĂ€mt Ă€r ”starka”.
IgĂ„r meddelande sĂ„ kreditvĂ€rderingsinstitutet S&P att SBB:s obligationer förlorar sin status som ”Investment Grade” (BBB-) och sĂ€nks till ”Junkbonds” (BB+). Varför spelar detta roll? Jo, av tvĂ„ skĂ€l. Det ena Ă€r att mĂ„nga institutionella investerare (t.ex. pensionsfonder)
Read 19 tweets
Extremhochwasser dank neuem Online-Tool besser verstehen #Alertswiss #Hochwasser #beprepared

Relevanz von Strassenunterbrechungen: "Solche StrassenunterbrĂŒche sind auch fĂŒr die EinsatzkrĂ€fte von hoher Relevanz, wie das Beispiel des Starkregens in #Zofingen im Juli 2017 eindrĂŒcklich belegt: Die #SBB Linie Olten-Luzern trennt die Stadt in zwei Teile."
"Beim Starkregenereignis wurden alle BahnunterfĂŒhrungen ĂŒberflutet, sodass die Stadtteile voneinander abgeschnitten waren. Das hatte weitreichende Folgen:"
Read 4 tweets
Another month, another Swiss railway goodbye.
Today: #CJ's really old school standard gauge branch line Porrentruy–Bonfol and the last days of their class RBDe 566 I trainsets.
Join @Felyxorez and me for a little goodbye tour!
#AjoieBijou Image
First point: What line again?
We're in the #Ajoie, a secluded and quite France-like part of 🇹🇭, separated from the rest of the country by the Jura mountains.
It's here, where the Chemins de fer du Jura operate a short branch line from Porrentruy to Bonfol.
[Maps: SBB]
#AjoieBijou ImageImageImage
The 11 km long line opened in 1901 as «RĂ©gional Porrentruy–Bonfol» (RPB). Only 9 years later, the line became international, as it was extended by 2km to the border to connect to the German (after 1945: French) Dannemaire–Pfetterhouse line built in 1910!
#AjoieBijou Image
Read 49 tweets
Worldwide implementation in different industries and daily usage give the financial market participants confidence to integrate and build their products around the strongest cryptocurrency #BTC, #ETH.
I am sure that this is coming to $TRAC, and here are facts why!
$TRAC is in forward to global company standard. Companies and international organization that build on #ODN are #BSI, #GS1, #Oracle, #SBB, #SCAN, #Homedepot, #SmartAgriHubs, #NGIAtlantic, #Walmart, #EVRYTHNG, #Halal
#ODN currently covering many use cases from different industry: food traceability, certifications, fashion, entreprise data interoperability, international trade, industrial data marketplaces, sustainable agriculture, financial flow, pharma industry....
Read 13 tweets
#ICongressoBrasileiroDeBioacustica #SBB #BioacĂșstica #ICBBa

Os dialetos vocais na soltura de aves: o caso do periquito-do-sertĂŁo Eupsittula cactorum (Psittaciformes, Psittacidae)

@BrunoAraujoMartins @gushcvieira @cabarau
Sabe-se que psitacĂ­deos apresentam variaçÔes geogrĂĄficas nas vocalizaçÔes, e que espĂ©cies como Eupsittula cactorum tĂȘm sido alvo do trĂĄfico de animais. Os indivĂ­duos apreendidos vem sendo soltos na natureza sem que as diferenças vocais sejam consideradas.
Este trabalho busca descrever a variação geogråfica das vocalizaçÔes de Eupsittula cactorum, avaliando os locais mais apropriados para soltura, bem como a forma com que as vocalizaçÔes se modificam ao longo da manutenção dos indivíduos no CETAS.
Read 9 tweets
Meanwhile in #France,
"the peak of this second wave is over"

(according to the President in his Adress to the Nation):
Wait... "the peak is over" doesnÂŽt mean "itÂŽs back to normal"!

Confinement will only fall on December 15,
if thereÂŽs less than 5.000 new cases a day.
(today itÂŽs ~9.000).

France is disappointed.🙁

Although they certainly can make it happen.
Meanwhile in #Switzerland:
(excess mortality of the second wave is significant)

Good news: fastest decrease in infections happens in the worst hit areas now.
Read 2817 tweets
As #COVID19 cases are found to spread, #Melbourne (city of ~5 million) tries to contain them by going into #Lockdown.
(The interview features the idea of a dedicated #Quarantine building - that would actually help, I guess)...
"People acting as if the pandemic was over was 'not the answer, it is part of the problem' ".

"The virus had leaked from postcodes already under the stay-at-home orders to other parts of #Melbourne."
(and beyond, it is feared).
Due to #Melbourne's outbreak, neighbouring South Australia is about to completely close it's borders to #Victoria.

(Nearly) no exceptions. And those essential few who are allowed in, will have to wear facemasks the entire time...
Read 2915 tweets
Vorpommern-Greifswald district (where rejections of #GĂŒtersloh residents took place, yesterday)
has specific rules:
"Those who return from international risk areas (out of Germany) or whose Corona-Warning App has alerted them, need to report to authorites" Image
In fact, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Corona-ordinance really prohibits entry of people from international risk areas AND german risk areas as well.
It's just not prominently featured on their websites.

(Overlooked that myself, hence deleted earlier tweet)
People from #GĂŒtersloh district may have to scrap all their holiday plans anyway...

An official #Lockdown is just being announced for the entire district.
(for one week, as of now)
Read 2556 tweets

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