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Oct 8th 2021
😱Video of New Zealand PM 'smoking crack'😱

#Real or #fake? Let’s find out. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 1/...

#Verification πŸ“Ή
#SpeurJeMee? 🧐 #HowToOSINT Image
On 1 Oct. someone posts a video on #Twitter.

We see two videos superimposed. According to the caption , we would see the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern twice.

At the top she appears to be talking to #BillGates and at the bottom she appears to be using #crack. πŸ”ž2/. Image
We also find the same video in various other posts on #Twitter, #YouTube, #Facebook and on the alternative video site #BitChute.

In total, these videos were viewed more than 31,000 times. Let's verify! 3/...
Read 34 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
This #meme shows an 'experiment' on #GMO 🌽.

It went #viral multiple times in the last decade.

Do we see a scientific study by 'students in England'❓

I found who took these pictures. How? πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 1/..

#GeoLocation 🌎
#Verification πŸ“Έ
#SpeurJeMee? 🧐 #HowToOSINT
We'll look for the original context 1⃣ AND we'll examine whether this 'experiment' meets the scientific standard 2⃣. 2/...
1⃣ To find the original context, we need to find who posted this picture first.

You always start this kind of investiagion with muliptle (!) Reverse Image Searches. Always use #Google, #Yandex, #TinEye (πŸ‘‡) and #Bing. 3/...
Read 26 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
This picture was put online in Denmark πŸ‡©πŸ‡°, shared 424K times and viewed by 44M people. 😲

@snopes and @Knack got in contact with this woman for a #FactCheck. How did we find her? πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡1/...

#GeoLocation 🌎
#Verification πŸ“Έ
#HowTo #SpeurJeMee?🧐 Image
@snopes @Knack No luck with inverse image search (Google, Yandex, Bing and TinEye) to find the original context.😒

No useful visual clues in the picture (logos, street signs, …) 😒

The road looks American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ, but we don't have much to start with… 2/... Image
@snopes @Knack If we find the exact location of the picture, we might find the original context which could lead to identifying the woman. This is the reason for #GeoLocation πŸ“. 3/...
Read 28 tweets
May 12th 2021
πŸ“’"Jij zal niets bezitten en gelukkig zijn. Wij zullen alles bezitten en nog gelukkiger zijn."

Waar komt deze uitspraak vandaan❓ En waarom maken deze woorden mensen zoπŸ€¬β“

#SpeurJeMee? 🧐

(Met #zoektips voor eigen onderzoek onderweg. πŸ˜‰) 1/...

#FakeNews #OSINT #ViralQuote Image
Op 6 mei plaatst een Nederlandse vrouw een beeldcollage in de Facebookgroep Volk en Victory. Die groep heeft bijna 10.000 leden en is er naar eigen zeggen 'op gericht om de politieke leugens aan de kaak te stellen'. 2/... Image
We zien o.a. de πŸ‡³πŸ‡± politici Mark Rutte, Hugo de Jonge en Ferdinand Grapperhaus. Rechtsonder zien we ook een fotomontage van iemand in een uniform van de nazi-eenheid Schutzstaffel (SS) en van de Nederlandse politie.

Dit 🧡 focust echter op de afbeelding linksonder. 3/... Image
Read 46 tweets

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