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If you need a reminder (or know someone who does) of why #Russia invaded #Ukraine in the first place, my friend @tjmac87 is live-streaming #Putin's Speech from Feb 21 2022 right now, with an accurate English translation!

Tune in here 👇🏽…
Here #Putin is tracing the roots of the current war, back to what he considers #Lenin’s fateful error:

Making concessions to the Ukrainian nationalists (who fought for an independent #Ukraine during the Civil War) when #Ukraine joined the #USSR in 1922.
From my own research into this period of history, Putin is absolutely correct.

Lenin should have known the types he was dealing with — evil monsters, out to destroy #Russia — after all he’d seen from them between 1917-21.

They’d be back 20 years later, w/ Germany’s backing!
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In the September 8, 1919 New York Times, the president of the Ukrainian Association of Jews warned US President Woodrow Wilson of the coming genocide that had already begun in #Ukraine.

He correctly predicted the exact number — 6 million — who would die in the #Nazi #Holocaust.
These crimes of 1918-19 were not committed against Ukrainian Jews by Germans.

They were committed BY Ukrainian nationalists who over the next 2 decades would join forces with Nazi Germany.

This was the forgotten Holocaust before the Holocaust.

200,000 Jews were slaughtered between 1917-21 in #Ukraine — by any metric, a genocide.

Yet these pogroms are not even talked about by the #Holocaust Museums in the United States and Jerusalem.

It is vitally relevant to what happened in #WWII, and in today’s #UkraineRussiaWar.
Read 35 tweets
Exactly 100 years ago, on October 20, 1922, #Trotsky delivered one of his great political speeches before the membership of the Moscow organization of the Russian Communist Party. It was an extraordinary analysis of the challenges confronting the new Communist International. 1/
Trotsky examined the contradictory development of the world socialist revolution, which had achieved its first great victory in backward Russia rather than in the advanced centers of world imperialism. 2/ #socialism
He noted a basic difference in the revolutionary process in Russia, compared to that in an advanced country such as the United States. In the former, the great problem was not the seizure of power, but in holding it in the aftermath of the overthrow of the capitalist state. 3/
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1) A Frente Integralista Brasileira (#FIB) é um movimento político brasileiro de inspiração #fascista e caráter antiliberal, anticomunista, tradicionalista e nacionalista de #extremadireita.

Surgiu em 2004, no chamado I Congresso #Integralista para o século XXI,
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1. Perché #Putin cita #Stalin in chiave positiva, mentre attacca #Lenin, nel suo discorso alla nazione di riconoscimento del #Donbass (dicendo addirittura "L'#Ucraina dovrebbe chiamarsi 'repubblica di Lenin'"?).
2. L'era #Putin ha significato per la #Russia una profonda trasformazione culturale e la rifondazione dello Stato dopo il decennio di disgregazione e crisi seguito al crollo dell'#URSS. Uno dei pilastri è stata anche la politica memoriale e la didattica della Storia.
3. #Putin ha ripreso il sentimento nazionalista da sempre presente nel popolo russo e che lo stesso #PCUS, fin da #Stalin, ha utilizzato nel corso del tempo per costruire consenso verso il regime sovietico - tranne, appunto, sotto #Lenin.
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The lessons of the war of annihilation against the Soviet Union are of contemporary relevance. The same contradictions of world capitalism threaten to plunge the world into the inferno of a third world war. #22июня #мыпомним…
The main concern of this lecture is not the specific conflicts and events that triggered World War II, but rather the war’s more general causes.…
"Here we encounter a terrible problem: For all that has been said and written about the #Holocaust, it remains a strangely obscure event"…
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#NowReading La Lutte de classes, organe de l'Union communiste (IVe Internationale) — octobre 1942 / mai 1947 #archiveLO

(archives Ă©galement en ligne ici : ImageImage

"70 années de parlementarisme ont pu cacher en partie aux ouvriers et paysans de France la nature rapace et sans scrupules de leur impérialisme ; les événements actuels dévoilent complètement son rôle vis-à-vis de la "nation".
"Le grand Capital, qui exploitera la France aussi longtemps que les ouvriers et les paysans ne se seront pas emparés des moyens de production, considère la "nation" comme un simple moyen : instrument de pillage mondial quand il est assez fort pour se mesurer directement avec...
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#Trotsky on the French Revolution is how I feel about American Rev and Civil War & #lincoln/#jefferson

"Jacobinism is now a term of reproach on the lips of all liberal wiseacres. Bourgeois hatred of revolution, its hatred towards the masses, hatred of the force and..."

"...grandeur of the history that is made in the streets, is concentrated in one cry of indignation and fear – Jacobinism! We, the world army of Communism, have long ago made our historical reckoning with Jacobinism..."

"...The whole of the present international proletarian movement was formed and grew strong in the struggle against the traditions of Jacobinism. We subjected its theories to criticism, we exposed its historical limitations, its social contradictoriness, its utopianism..."

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I've just found in the Net some pictures of a place I've heard about, but actually never seen: the WW1 POW camp near #Nymbruk, Bohemia. I did not even know its name. This is a family story. A thread /1
In 1914 the Austro-Hungarian empire started WW1, Italy was still a neutral country. The Italian/Venetian speaking people from #Trento province (then Tyrol), where draft and sent to fight zarist Russia. This picture is the 1st train leaving Trento to the front line /2
possibly my great grandfather, then austro-hungarian subject was in that train, who knows? /3
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Muitas semelhanças existem entre os movimentos #comunistas do passado e presente.
Comecemos com #Trotsky:
Assim como #universitários de hj, ele entrou na #política ainda na #Universidade. Image
Trotsky se envolveu com ativistas campesinos, os Narodnik.
E como todo esquerdomacho, eventualmente se transformou em um marxista apĂłs conhecer a sua futura esposa, uma ativista marxista muito desejada em seu meio. Image
Assim como nossos ativistas universitários, Trotsky Ñ terminou a graduação (em matemática) e acabou se metendo com sindicatos, tendo como função recrutar mais comunista...nas universidades.
Trotsky eventualmente se formou. Claro que não em matemática,
formou em filosofia, claro. Image
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#Trotsky, 1904: “In the lower strata of the people, in the very depths of the masses, a work was going on, a movement of molecules, imperceptible yet irresistible, incessant, a work of accumulating indignation, bitterness, revolutionary energy...
“The atmosphere our streets are breathing now is no longer an atmosphere of blank despair, it is an atmosphere of concentrated indignation which seeks means and ways of revolutionary action...
“A tremendous amount of revolutionary energy has accumulated. It should not vanish with no avail, it should not be dissipated in scattered engagements & clashes, with no coherence and no definite plan...
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Thread : Lorsque je vous lis @olbesancenot, j’ai honte pour vous et mal pour la #Gauche que vous prétendez représenter en dépit de toute honnêteté intellectuelle.
#KarlMarx disait : « la #religion est l’opium du peuple ». Vous en faites carrément une race. ⤵️
2-#Trotsky: « nous les révolutionnaires, nous n’en avons pas fini avec les problèmes de la religion car nos tâches consistent à émanciper non seulement nous-mêmes, mais aussi les masses de l’influence de la #religion». Vous n’êtes donc qu’un contre révolutionnaire @olbesancenot⤵️
3-Marx, Trotsky et #Charb qui autrefois Ă©prouvait de la sympathie pour vous doivent se retourner dans leurs tombes.
De quel genre de #Gauche seriez-vous le représentant @olbesancenot si vous en trahissez les grands hommes? ⤵️
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Je continue les explications sur Trotsky puisqu’on m’a demandé conseils.

Après son autobiographie «Ma vie» que j’ai préconisé pour connaître l’homme, j’encourage à la lecture de « La Révolution permanente » pour sa théorie.


#RĂ©volutionrusse Image
Ce livre écrit entre 1928 et 1931 constitue le cœur de la doctrine de Trotsky, de celle qui va l’opposer à Staline (et à ceux qu’il appelle les « épigones »), le voir exclu du parti, exilé puis assassiné.
La formulation de la « révolution permanente », pensée à partir de la révolution de 1905 et surtout celle de 1917, s’inscrit dans la lutte de Trotsky contre les Mencheviks, partisans d’une révolution ayant pour finalité d’instaurer la démocratie.
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L. Trotsky - « Ma vie »

#Trotsky #RĂ©volutionrusse
(1/8) Image
Il s’agit de l’autobiographie célèbre du père de le Révolution russe (avec Lénine) depuis son Ukraine natale au sein d’une famille juive jusqu’à son exil en Amérique du Sud et son meurtre sur ordre de Staline. Une vie de révolutionnaire sans concession avec son lot
de sacrifices, de déportations, de morts, d’exécutions, de victoires et de défaites. Une vie marquée par le fer rouge de « la révolution permanente » et du don de soi à la cause, qui permettra au lecteur de bien saisir la place de Trotsky dans l’histoire du socialisme
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