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Sep 19th 2022
🚨The @ONThealth school screening, tho flawed, is supposed to be & should still be done daily.
I'm not sure families understand that.
Moreover, they may not be able to or know to stay home with symptoms OR to mask with symptoms for 10 days onward.
It's way down the ✔ page. /1
This oversight in direction & communication has consequences for #COVID19 transmission in school since there seems to be an understanding that you can attend school sick AND without a mask. The *wear a mask for 10 days* has really been overlooked. This is forced infection. /2
I also don't understand my responsibility if someone a) comes to school with new symptoms/becomes symptomatic at school, & b) has symptoms or confirmed covid but does not mask. I am not to encourage nor discourage masking. There isn't clear @ONeducation direction. What do I do?/3
Read 4 tweets
May 4th 2022
Some 🚩s for families

as to how far this can go

while trying to protect your kids & selves

from mass re/infection

with a highly transmissible airborne virus

that can kill & disable them & you…
Currently as high as 1 in 4 #LongCovidKids according to analysis of 68 studies across 4 continents:…

And 51-80% #LongCovid according to PHO:

Read 15 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
#OnPoli #OntEd

Where is the analogous leadership?

There is an election coming

Stop catering to #COVID19 flat-earthers

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Show me you understand science

Lead like @SoniaFurstenau…

Same in ON

We are all 1 mass re/infection away

“…the province is not doing much to educate the public about #LongCovid. She cited a recent study showing that #LongCovid can affect 1 in 4 children”

PHO = approx 50% = #LongCovid…

@SoniaFurstenau 👏

#OnPoli #OntEd

Match & lead

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Election coming

“W/ HIV/AIDS…govts educated people about how the virus was being transmitted. They were told that unprotected sex & shared needles contributed to the spread.”


Read 18 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
@thetimes Another day: another scandal. #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern . Might be good for popcorn sales; but it’s terrible for U.K. reputation. Insulting to HMQ to have a Govt this bad that is supported to stay by likes of Telegraph. @ClarenceHouse; #SackJohnson VONC DissolveParly, GNU. Pls.
Read 42 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
1/ I’ve tried to stay polite, but there comes a point in a healthcare professional’s life when ‘the gloves must come off’…

This reckless, irresponsible attempt to save the skin of your pathetic & dangerous leader by KILLING & MAIMING CHILDREN is a step too far!

2/You know the pain of losing a loved one to #COVID19, but are willing to subject millions of others to that pain to save @BorisJohnson, a man devoid of a moral compass or a shred of integrity & humanity!

@educationgovuk @bphillipsonMP @LaylaMoran @AppgCoronavirus @karamballes
3/Only a handful of <12s have been vaccinated & many 12-16yr olds aren’t fully vaccinated.

What in god’s name do you think you are doing removing face😷s from schools now?


@RCPCHPresident @Rachel_deSouza @CovidJusticeUK
Read 8 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
Good evening #PrimeMinister,

How’s that number crunching going?

Have you seen the up to date figures on #NHS staff sickness in London?

What are yours thoughts on the sustainability of healthcare in the capital over the next few weeks?

@BorisJohnson @sajidjavid
What about cases Mr Johnson..Are you pleased w/ how case numbers are rising?

119,789 is without doubt a WORLD BEATING NUMBER so I guess you must be proud?

In fact the number of ppl who’ll be forced to isolate this #Christmas is truly SPECTACULAR 👏!

#Covid19UK @DHSCgovuk
And hospitalisations?

1,004 today alone.
6,299 in the last 7 days….!

That’s going to hit hospitals very hard especially as more #NHS staff go off sick w/ or due to #COVID.

Would you want to spend #Christmas in hospital, ill & afraid with no visitors?

Read 13 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
Hi headteachers in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 👋…I’ve just returned from another challenging day at work to read this👇🏼….I can’t deny it’s hard to control my fury & astonishment that you’re proceeding with such obvious super spreading events like this.

@NAHTnews @NEUnion @PatrickR_NASUWT @tes
Do some of you not understand the gravity of the current situation?

We’re on the edge of yet another avoidable catastrophe, to be frank we’ve probably gone over the top already, because ppl like @nadhimzahawi think they can outwit a virus….or maybe they simply don’t care😞?!
Putting the obvious risk of acute & #LongCovid to individual children, families & staff aside for a moment, can you explain to me why my colleagues & I should keep putting ourselves at risk whilst some headteachers are behaving in such a reckless & irresponsible fashion?
Read 4 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
Shall we play @Conservatives #COVIDIdiocy snap @AdamBienkov ?

Anyone can play….

Guess which of the 38 #Tory MPs who voted AGAINST requiring 😷s in most public spaces during a pandemic ALSO voted for schools to have NO MITIGATIONS & are indeed PRO-#COVID!
You won’t be surprised to see this lot grinning back at you.

@SirGrahamBrady & his #UsForThemUK cheer leader pal @stevebaker (of ERG/CRG fame), @DesmondSwayne (“more ppl are killed in car crashes”).
Ofcourse IDS wouldn’t be @MPIainDS if he didn’t vote against the common good.
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Moving on…

@EstherMcVey1 @Pauline_Latham @PhilipDaviesUK @gregsmith_uk

Don’t be fooled by their smiles.

With the knowledge that #COVIDisAirborne & a new variant on the loose, only a dangerous or selfish fool would want to remove all protections 10 days before #Christmas!
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Read 13 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
What is it that so many @Conservatives, incl @nadhimzahawi, don’t understand about airborne🦠 transmission?
Just how simple do we need to make it?


#VentilationMatters #MasksSaveLives #OmicronVariant

@BorisJohnson @sajidjavid @DonaldC73785137 @educationgovuk
I suspect that most 5yr olds would understand if you showed them this👇🏼

We keep on saying “It’s not rocket science”…because it really isn’t! A #VaccinesOnly approach is simply not enough, it never was. We need MULTILAYERED mitigations, a #vaccinesPLUS strategy.

How such inadequate protections for the youngest members of society can be justified by reference to one’s own school days beats me.
@DonaldC73785137 clearly doesn’t understand the science of airborne transmission!

Maybe this from @VickiGSP will help?

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Read 11 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
This is absolutely tragic but wholly predictable!

Public health messaging has been/remains woeful.

Group singing must be one of the highest risk activities & performing an entire concert w/ an audience of 300 was a recipe for disaster.

@UKHSA @SMHopkins @GOVUK @DHSCgovuk
Whilst this may be the fault of @UKHSA (formerly PHE), the PM & many MPs have repeatedly endorsed the incorrect view that we can safely mix indoors without wearing a mask.

#COVIDisAirborne #MasksSaveLives #VentilationMatters

@10DowningStreet @BorisJohnson @Conservatives
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You could be forgiven for thinking this is safe👇🏼because you’d assume the PM would follow the rules?

But @BorisJohnson & his motley crew don’t want to invest in improving ventilation, & they certainly don’t want to do anything to protect others or to ⬇️ pressure on the #NHS.
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Read 9 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
“Children w/ underlying conditions are no less precious. Their parents don’t love them any less!”

Why these simple facts need to be stated in modern🇬🇧is beyond me…

But thank you so much for doing so @DrAmirKhanGP 🙏🏻💙

#COVIDisAirborne #ThinkSmoke #UnsafeSchools @reallorraine
More FACTS for “as long as it’s not my kid(s) that are effected” types…


Children aren’t supposed to die.

🇬🇧schools, esp 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, are still v unsafe.

Parents are being punished for trying to protect their kids from a highly contagious #airborne 🦠
Unless @nadhimzahawi @educationgovuk take immediate action, #COVID19 will almost inevitably reach every child & will also spread to family members & staff who may be vulnerable.

It shocks me that so many of us keep saying this & STILL no one is listening!

Read 6 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
Nailed it @karamballes, never has a “grass roots” parents group been more inappropriately named.

#UsForUs would be far more apt!

These particular parents are the v same people arguing against 😷s & vaccine passports & just about anything we know ⬇️s transmission.
If they actually cared about children’s health & wellbeing AND wanted to reduce educational disruption, they’d have put their weight & influence behind making 🇬🇧schools safer.
They’ve had months to do it & have wealth & political influence on their side.
So why have they not?
It’s quite obvious now, it’s all about THEIR FREEDOMs & THEIR RIGHTs.

They don’t want to #WearAMask or compromise their social lives, restrict their travel & they certainly don’t want to be involved in home schooling.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
There are many layers to the #Covid19UK human catastrophe but IMO it’s all DELIBERATE @mrjamesob

Not even @BorisJohnson is so ignorant that he can’t understand the seriousness of what is currently unfolding.

The crux is - HE WANTS IT TO HAPPEN!

@sajidjavid @JonAshworth
If you were looking for the perfect foil for the #BrexitShambles & #NHSPrivatisation in one fell swoop AND you wanted to divert attention from the cronyism & corruption being uncovered every single day….you’d create as much chaos, fear & desperation as possible….
….carefully positioning your scapegoats (the EU/drs/nurses/teachers/refugees….

You’d allow #COVIDDisinformation to run riot, including from the @UKHSA (& conveniently replace #PHE), whilst churning out a #COVIDisOver narrative through a compliant media.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
Well this is interesting…

I didn’t know that @richardm56 was a signatory on this letter👇🏼 from #UsForThemUK to the then Education Secretary @GavinWilliamson regarding the use of 😷s in UK schools?

@susannareid100 @DrHilaryJones @benshephard @GMB…
Would one expect someone with a record of being a #COVIDMinimiser & of spreading #COVIDDisinformation to be presenting a daily breakfast programme with such a large audience?

IMO it’s a question @GMB & @richardm56 must answer!

@SunderlandLolly @mariannaspring @ITV
The list includes some of the usual suspects of course ….@hartgroup_org members - no surprises there!

@DrHoenderkamp & #AllisonPearson obviously wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.

I almost smiled when I saw the name of my old friend #FrancisHoar - such a nice chap!
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Read 9 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
The continual references to “with the benefit of hindsight” are simply not going to wash.

There are far too many of us who know EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED & tragically STILL IS.


@BorisJohnson @10DowningStreet @Conservatives @Jeremy_Hunt @SC_HealthSocial @Keir_Starmer
Mr Johnson may feel a degree of safety hidden away from scrutiny on holiday, but there are literally 1000s of us who’ve been begging for a pragmatic, intelligent & compassionate response to #COVID19UK - we will not go quietly!

@AppgCoronavirus @LaylaMoran @CarolineLucas
There’s only so much insensitive, offensive & ignorant bluster we will tolerate…HONESTY & ACCOUNTABILITY are needed now.

The buck stops at the doors of @10DowningStreet, or maybe a luxury villa in #Marbella🤔?

@sajidjavid @CovidJusticeUK @CMO_England @uksciencechief
Read 20 tweets

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