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Ventilation is important to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but how can you tell how good your home's🏡air is?
@Ptbohealth has teamed up with @ptbolibrary & partners to launch the first CO2 Monitor lending program! #COVID19 #ventilationmatters #freshair…
This is an exciting partnership & thanks 🙏 for the support @masks4canada @ncceh @deejcane @LadyScorcher @kdnyhan @Prescientx1 @co2check1 @comilla_s.
We hope other libraries will follow!
So, why monitor CO2 & what can be done if levels in your home are high?
Check out our @Ptbohealth info sheet & webpage:…
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What is it that so many @Conservatives, incl @nadhimzahawi, don’t understand about airborne🦠 transmission?
Just how simple do we need to make it?


#VentilationMatters #MasksSaveLives #OmicronVariant

@BorisJohnson @sajidjavid @DonaldC73785137 @educationgovuk
I suspect that most 5yr olds would understand if you showed them this👇🏼

We keep on saying “It’s not rocket science”…because it really isn’t! A #VaccinesOnly approach is simply not enough, it never was. We need MULTILAYERED mitigations, a #vaccinesPLUS strategy.

How such inadequate protections for the youngest members of society can be justified by reference to one’s own school days beats me.
@DonaldC73785137 clearly doesn’t understand the science of airborne transmission!

Maybe this from @VickiGSP will help?

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This is absolutely tragic but wholly predictable!

Public health messaging has been/remains woeful.

Group singing must be one of the highest risk activities & performing an entire concert w/ an audience of 300 was a recipe for disaster.

@UKHSA @SMHopkins @GOVUK @DHSCgovuk
Whilst this may be the fault of @UKHSA (formerly PHE), the PM & many MPs have repeatedly endorsed the incorrect view that we can safely mix indoors without wearing a mask.

#COVIDisAirborne #MasksSaveLives #VentilationMatters

@10DowningStreet @BorisJohnson @Conservatives
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You could be forgiven for thinking this is safe👇🏼because you’d assume the PM would follow the rules?

But @BorisJohnson & his motley crew don’t want to invest in improving ventilation, & they certainly don’t want to do anything to protect others or to ⬇️ pressure on the #NHS.
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1-Don’t get me wrong, I’m v pleased that @UKParliament are now taking #COVID seriously & doing SOME of the simple things we know ⬇️ transmission.

#Masks #SocialDistancing #WorkFromHome

Assuming everyone working on the estate is >18, the vast majority will be doubly vaccinated.
2-So tell me, why are pupils (largely unvaccinated), education staff & families of both not afforded such protections?
I searched the #DfE website HOPING for advice on 😷s, social distancing, options for CV/CEV pupils & staff to work/learn from home, ventilation?
3- But NOTHING, just👇🏼from @nadhimzahawi in the last few days re LFTs, NO MENTION of any other mitigations at all.

#COVIDVaccination has only just begun in the 12-15s, so what are CV/CEV pupils, staff & those with CV/CEV family members to do?

Maybe the @UKHSA can help….?
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1/8 What ppl need to realise now is that @sajidjavid & @BorisJohnson have made it crystal clear that they’re absolutely cushty w/ AVOIDABLE PREVENTABLE DEATHS & SUFFERING OF ANY KIND - #COVID & non-#Covid.



@10DowningStreet @Conservatives
2/ To completely ignore the desperate pleas of so many clinicians & healthcare leaders about the situation ON THE GROUND IN THE #NHS NOW…shows a level contempt for our expertise & professionalism that is hard to put into polite words.

@ShaunLintern @NHSConfed @rupert_pearse
3/ The really frightening thing is that unlike @sajidjavid & countless @Conservatives repeating ad nauseam the “We are watching the figures very closely” b*ll*cks, we know exactly what such grotesque #WilfulNegligence will actually lead to.

@HZiauddeen @DrNeenaJha @drmeenalviz
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Well this is interesting…

I didn’t know that @richardm56 was a signatory on this letter👇🏼 from #UsForThemUK to the then Education Secretary @GavinWilliamson regarding the use of 😷s in UK schools?

@susannareid100 @DrHilaryJones @benshephard @GMB…
Would one expect someone with a record of being a #COVIDMinimiser & of spreading #COVIDDisinformation to be presenting a daily breakfast programme with such a large audience?

IMO it’s a question @GMB & @richardm56 must answer!

@SunderlandLolly @mariannaspring @ITV
The list includes some of the usual suspects of course ….@hartgroup_org members - no surprises there!

@DrHoenderkamp & #AllisonPearson obviously wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.

I almost smiled when I saw the name of my old friend #FrancisHoar - such a nice chap!
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Now I’m getting really angry @GavinWilliamson @educationgovuk

This document isn’t t worth the paper/screen it’s written on!

Who advised you on this unscientific, dangerous nonsense?

@PHE_uk by any chance?
The same PHE that has failed HCPs on #PPE throughout the pandemic?
Just for a moment put the children, staff & families who’re being unnecessarily exposed to #COVID19 day after day in schools that are almost completely MITIGATION FREE.

Who’ll be caring for #COVID patients in the INEVITABLE, but AVOIDABLE surge that we’re at the start of?
WHO Mr Williamson?

My HCP/NHS colleagues have for 18/12, & will continue to, put our lives, & those of our loved ones, at ⬆️risk to provide the care that patients w/ #COVID19 need across ALL healthcare settings & in their homes.

Day in day out!

@TheDA_UK @sbattrawden
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For anyone who hasn’t realised just how deep the #BackToNormal lunacy runs, take a look at some of the “nearly 50” @Conservatives who are actively supporting @UsforThemUK’s dangerous & irresponsible campaign to make 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools #COVID19 MITIGATION-FREE!

The ring-leader is @SteveBakerHW, of #CRG AND #ERG fame. Neither he or his #CRG mate @Mark_J_Harper appear to have any understanding of #airborne viral transmission.
Mr Harper’s clearly also a fan of the unscientific & reckless #LivingWithCovid mindset.

But it’d be unfair to give @halfon4harlowMP ALL the credit for causing unnecessary harm & suffering.

Several other high profile @Conservatives are members of the @UsforThemUK support group.

Some of the “usual suspects”-
@MPIainDS @SirGrahamBrady @DesmondSwayne @EstherMcVey1

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It’s exactly the same as absolutely ludicrous instructions to the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿public to “proceed with caution” & “remain vigilant” given by @BorisJohnson & @Conservatives in July.


@10DowningStreet @sajidjavid @RishiSunak @CMO_England @uksciencechief
In the weeks since Jul 19, we’ve seen the slow but sure abandonment of #COVID restrictions
V few 😷s in indoor public places, 5-10% ppl are still wearing them, if that.

Festivals are happening, nightclubs are open, there’s virtually nothing that’s out of #Covid19UK bounds.
#SocialDistancing gone!

Restrictions on numbers gathering anywhere gone!

“But don’t worry guys, as long as you wash your hands singing Happy Birthday” & coat yourself liberally in hand gel, the #DeltaVariant (OF AN AIRBORNE🦠) won’t get you!”
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Mr Williamson, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to contain my horror at #DfE plans for the return to 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools this week.

Such insincere tweets are deeply offensive to anyone who’s been personally affected by serious acute #COVID, #LongCovid or been bereaved by it.
Suggesting schools “get back to a greater sense of normality…” during a pandemic of an #airborne 🦠reveals a marked lack of scientific understanding of the issues & is an utterly disingenuous way to present the situation to parents & children who deserve far better.
And to those of us caring for patients to w/ #COVID19 whilst simultaneously trying to tackle the ever growing mountain of non-#COVID care (STILL in sub-optimal #PPE) it is a huge slap in the face.
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Good afternoon @RishiSunak & @BorisJohnson

Claims that “we can’t control the spread of the virus.The virus is doing what’s doing….”, that we must learn to “live w/ #COVID” & exert “personal responsibility” are incorrect, disingenuous & dangerous!
@BBCNewsnight @simakotecha
What you actually mean is that YOU (& your government) have deliberately CHOSEN to prioritise the ECONOMY over the HEALTH & WELLBEING of the British ppl…..but are dishonestly & patronisingly pretending there is no other option?

@10DowningStreet @sajidjavid @Conservatives

W/ easy access to scientists & public health experts, anyone used to researching, looking for & assessing evidence, can find plentiful, accessible information on how to reduce #coronavirus transmission!

For highly educated ppl like yourselves, it would be an absolute doddle!
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I’m right behind you @Sandyboots2020👏

Just imagine what school improvements £37bn would’ve bought @BorisJohnson ?

Maybe there isn’t a #Tory MP or donor w/ an interest in #ventilation systems, #HEPA filters, CO2 monitors etc?

Is it just not lucrative enough @Conservatives?
I’m surprised none of the VIP #PPE contract beneficiaries didn’t spot an opportunity to make some extra cash supplying schools with FRSM😷s knowing #COVIDisAirborne ?

For those foolishly continuing to block out the truth of #COVID19UK, this👇🏼isn’t what “recovery” looks like.
The ONLY CONCLUSION one can draw from #DfE advice is that UNMITIGATED #coronavirus TRANSMISSION in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿/🇬🇧schools IS THE PLAN for the 21/22 academic year!

The HUMAN collateral damage’s been “baked in”- lives lost, chronic debilitating illness, orphaned children…ALL AVOIDABLE.
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Who writes this nonsense @PHE_uk?


We’re the ONLY country in the world who has simultaneously removed ALL MITIGATIONS, STOPPED ppl isolating if they have a #COVID contact but are vaccinated & have numbers like these👇🏼.

I live & work in the #NorthEast - there’s a lot of #COVID about & our healthcare services are under significant pressure.

BUT I can go just about ANYWHERE without a 😷 & have to hope no one coughs in my face!

What is about #COVIDisAirborne that your comms team don’t understand?
I can go to a shop, a restaurant/bar, on a train/bus, a theatre/cinema etc….WITHOUT a 😷.

AND if I get #COVID non of my close contacts who are doubly vaccinated need to isolate?
➡️My husband can even go to work as an optometrist (getting close to ppl’s faces) IF I HAVE #COVID!
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I’m not sure which bit of the #Covid_19 picture you’re missing #PrimeMinister but maybe listening to @mvankerkhove @WHO will help👇🏼?

YOUR CHOICES have made 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 #COVID MITIGATION-FREE! An international pariah pursuing an unconscionable, unnecessary, unethical experiment!
Your idea of #LivingWithCovid will, WITHOUT QUESTION, result in MANY MORE AVOIDABLE DEATHS & countless cases of #LongCovid.
Young adults, pregnant women, CHILDREN….

Non-#COVID healthcare disrupted & delayed further.

Is that the aim?
@10DowningStreet @sajidjavid @Jeremy_Hunt
Please look at these charts/figures.
When schools/universities reopen in coming weeks, the situation will get far worse. Many students have had only 1💉, the majority of children will have had none.
Children & young ppl here have been thrown to the #COVID wolves @BorisJohnson
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@dr_musgrave,I’m struggling to see how you can justify tweeting these comments as a medical practitioner…It is almost as if you are living/working in a parallel universe?

In the NorthEast the #NHS is under huge pressure & elective surgery has again been cancelled due to #Covid.
A v good friend/teacher (doubly vaccinated)has recently been v unwell, she caught #COVID19 from a pupil in her class.
Many other teachers in the school became ill.

In the few weeks before the end of term, #COVID19 literally ripped through #NorthEast schools & communities.
I am certain that no one wants children to be off school unnecessarily but if cases in school children spiral out of control once more, education will almost certainly be disrupted, again affecting children in the most deprived areas the most.
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I read with interest the @thetimes article on #schools which claimed triumphantly that daily #LateralFlowTests of close #COVID contacts is as good as or better at reducing ongoing transmission & that indeed “Schools do not spread COVID”.
Here is the article incase you can’t see it because it’s behind a paywall.

Have a read….
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Who are you trying to kid @Douglas4Moray?

The public health data says the exact opposite. I’m starting to think that to be a current #Conservative MP one must promise to ignore every single bit of scientific evidence that says #COVIDisAirborne!

@ScotTories @Conservatives
THE SCIENCE IS NOT COMPLICATED & shows clearly that #VentilationMatters & #MasksWork to⬇️ transmission in crowded indoor areas.

Schools across the UK have been more or less #COVID MITIGATION-FREE zones throughout the pandemic.
Children, staff & families have been badly failed.
#Tory desperation for #Freedom is selfish, reckless & unscientific.

Please listen to public health experts, medics & parents who understand the need for ongoing protections for the school community in Aug/Sept.

Ignore pressure from @UsScotland et al & JUST FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!
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1/ Sadly I can believe our government is pursuing a #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy” ….but I am really struggling to accept that their senior medical & scientific advisors & those in @PHE_uk etc are condoning such a brutal & inhumane policy.
2/Assuming govt want #coronavirus to spread rapidly, despite the natural #Firebreak provided by the school holidays, they must be feeling rather satisfied that the numbers of cases are ⬆️ so rapidly.
Presumably they block out the ⬆️in hospitalisations & deaths so they can sleep?
3/ They avoid the issue of #LongCovid wherever possible so are unlikely to notice the iceberg of morbidity as it gets larger.
Even if they do, difficulties in accessing a PCR test because the symptom list is inadequate will ⬇️ the number of ppl who can prove they had #COVID.
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1/ #PrimeMinister & #HealthSecretary,

I just want to clarify how I can keep myself & my family safe from the #COVID19 surge in cases in our area?

I live & work in Newcastle, where cases are now well > 800 per 100,000, a real #COVIDHotSpot!

@BorisJohnson @sajidjavid
2/ How do you suggest advice to “proceed with caution” & “remain vigilant” will stop my #NHS colleagues & I from succumbing to #COVID19 as frontline HCWs regularly exposed to #coronavirus, now that 😷s are OPTIONAL in many places & virtually all restrictions will end in 7/7?
3/ Which exact bit of your roadmap/unlocking is still “following the science”?

The science that quite clearly says the best way to protect both health AND the economy PLUS prevent new #covidvariants arising is to KEEP COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION & CASES LOW?
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1/4 @GMB & @BBCBreakfast what was the issue?

Did showing the many scenes of foul-mouthed, aggressive, reckless & idiotic “fans” wrecking everything in sight not fit w/ the ridiculous notion that we can rely on PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY from July 19th to keep us safe from #COVID19?
2/ I suspect asking any of them to continue to #WearAMask indoors in crowded, poorly ventilated areas next week will be greeted w/ a similarly irresponsible & ignorant response.

It’s worth noting that this reprehensible behaviour was PRE-MATCH, this was them in an EXCITED MOOD!
3/ I daren’t imagine their response to being told that #FreedomDay is NOT QUITE HERE YET & that the public need to be patient & tolerant for a bit longer.
& imagine the outrage when they discover that we should’ve focused on SHARED AIR rather than wet-wiping & hand-sanitising!
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1/ #JohnsonAndJavid - a grim tale of ego & ambition driven ideology combined w/ lethal ignorance & #WorldBeating serial incompetence. @MattHancock was just the warm up act.

#Covid19UK is a grotesque & callous population “cull” without care or compassion for those most affected.
2/ #WilfulNegligence no longer adequately describes their modus operandi.

Everything about this phase is DELIBERATE…PLANNED…CALCULATED.
3/ Every life lost to or affected by #COVID19 in this #3rdWave is in the “reasonable collateral damage” group, chosen by the most brutal & self-serving government of my lifetime.

#HerdImmunityByInfection a strategy enabled by complicit medical/scientific advisors & a woeful MSM.
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1/8 But “very very very low risk” of what @apsmunro ?

Yes mercifully we can all agree on that, but it’s absolutely no comfort to the distraught families of children who have died of #COVID19 after contracting it in #COVID MITIGATION-FREE English schools. None whatsoever!
2/ What about the risk of getting PIMS or significant #LongCovid?
The trauma for both children & parents of a prolonged hospital stay shouldn’t be underestimated.
What about the devastating effect of losing a parent,close family member,teacher or of one of them having #LongCovid?
3/ What about damaging effects of the repeated educational disruption we’ve witnessed over the past 16/12, which may effect some children for a v long time, maybe always?
The lives of children who’ve been @ key moments of their education(Yrs 6/7,10-13)may take v different paths.
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1/11This is the bizarre thing @joanna_brady ….

@UsforThemUK are repeatedly heard saying “NO” to ANY form of protection from #COVID19, a virus that we know can cause significant morbidity & mortality in both adults & children.

But they NEVER offer any practical solutions.
2/ Obvs it’s good news that serious illness/death in children from #COVID19 is rare, but there’s no good way to predict which 1 in roughly 10 children’ll be left w/ long term debilitating symptoms, so letting them be so CRUELLY EXPOSED every day they’re @ school is NEGLIGENT!
3/ Negligent, cruel, unnecessary, unconscionable, wicked, brutal, reckless, unforgivable…..
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1/10 How fortunate to have both @lensiseethrough & @JuliaHB1 in one place together!

Molly, Julia & @UsforThemUK - Let’s put the physical risks of #COVID19 & #LongCovid to individual children & adolescents to one side for a moment.
2/ And let’s also ignore the devastating effect on any child, of a close family member having serious #COVID19, #LongCovid or dying from #COVID.
3/ And for completeness let’s just forget that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US wants to “get back to normal” & for the final restrictions to be safely eased…..

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