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May 3rd 2023
Hello again and thanks for reading, this is Thursday's #RussiaUkraineWar thread.

It's Day 435 since #Russia launched its full invasion.

I am still recovering from yesterday - what a day. Relive it here:
Some breaking news, we are learning about repeated explosions in #Zaporizhzhia this morning.

S-300 anti aircraft missiles again being used by #Russia to attack civilians, but monitoring groups say one exploded just after launch, before it crossed the frontline.

It's noisy.
The weather has improved in #Ukraine. But though the ground may be drying out a little on the frontline, conditions are still incredibly tough.

Here's the only viable route for #Ukraine to/from #Khromove (then beyond to #ChasivYar)

Read 62 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
The miserable life of #Putin

#VladimirPutin and mistress gymnast #AlinaKabaeva, the likely mother of his spawn, live in opulence together in a residence in Valdai. Corrupt gains is what funds Putin, who has vast properties, and he indulges his cohabitant vatnic lover #Kabaeva
#Putin's main source of funding is the Cypriot company #ErmiraConsultants, which holds stakes in enterprises important to Putin.

In particular, Ermira controls the eal Invest company registered to a figurehead - a lawyer from St. Petersburg #VladislavKopylov.
Purchases for #PutinWarCriminal and his relatives were paid from Ermira's accounts. He also bought apartments and houses with this money. Since 2015, offshore ownership has probably passed to the people of the oligarch #ArkadyRotenberg
Read 6 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Despite the impressive announcements and laudatory odes, the speech of #Russian President Vladimir #Putin at #Valdai, contrary to Peskov's assurances, will be forgotten today or tomorrow.
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#Putin described his speech as "an opportunity to wag the tongue." The topic of "negotiations" run through the President's speech. Putin longs to have negotiations and end this phase of the war on terms he can sell as victory.
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The minimum he agrees to is #Donbas and a corridor to #Crimea. By appealing to the "Washington bosses" who should give thumbs up to #Zelensky and force him to peace on the terms of the #Russian President, #Putin misses an important point.
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Oct 28th 2022
1/X So, some (unsystematic) remarks on #Putin's #Valdai speech: 1) Yes, he turned most of it into a rebel yell ag. the declining West, its arrogance, and attempts to maintain power. Much of that was instrumental yet based, actually, on fact. Don't like it? Complain to the...
2/X ... West for giving #Putin so much reality to work with. 2) Yes, he clearly tried to appeal to "another West" (and also another Europe) where he believes #Russia's position of multipolarity and cultural conservatism can find sympathy. So what? We, the West, see nothing...
3/X ...illegitimate in constantly appealing to what we see as "another Russia." Yes, same thing, like it or not. Two can play at that game. 3) Note: while calling for resistance to the West, he also insisted that the West as well would have a place in the new "multipolar...
Read 8 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
A brief conclusion on #Putin's speech at #Valdai: he managed to rewrite the history of independent #Ukraine and the world, blame everyone around, insist that "NATO is constantly engaged in the expansion of territories", and expose #Russia as a "peacekeeper".
#AgainstRussianLies Image
😳"the Kyiv regime carried out two full-scale operations"
A short question from #Ukraine: can anyone name them?
😡Seems for #Rutin, almost all European countries' territories were Russian.
"Russian lands were always Russian but fell under different influences, and processes of changing Russian sovereignty were launched"
Read 4 tweets
Oct 19th 2018
💥A slide with a quote from Putin: he learned in the streets of Leningrad to always hit first if he can't avoid the fight. Few minutes into his speech at Valdai Business club meeting in Sochi, Putin claimed that Russia will never use the nuclear weapons first, but...thread👇
2. "In this situation, we are kind of waiting that someone will use the nuclear weapon against us, we are kind of (coughs) not doing anything ourselves..." (в этой ситуации мы как бы ждем, что к нам кто-то ядерное орудие применит, мы как бы сами ничего не делаем.")
3. "We, like martyrs, will go to heaven, and they will just die like dogs (alternative translation: croak) because they will not have time to repent." ("мы как мученики попадем в рай, а они просто сдохнут, потому что они даже раскаяться не успеют")
Read 12 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Oh, Fiona!
Take the quotes in the “anonymous” op-ed and run a search. You’ll find her there.
Read 45 tweets

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