Huff Post “source’ is a woman I met in 2016 & had to file a police report against her for trying to break into my home & harm me.
HuffPo & CAIR teamed up with an individual who also wanted to hurt me, spread lies, harm my family & scare me into silence
It's not coincidental, CAIR’s spokesmen was quoted in this libelous hit piece against me
I have spent years, demanding "Media" like HuffPo explain why they work with CAIR-HAMAS when even our FBI cut ties with them.

Chris Gaubatz worked undercover as a convert to Islam & unmasked 12,000 pages of CAIR documents exposing CAIR is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood!
Watch Chris testify before Congress about CAIR-HAMAS.
Despite HAMAS' continuous efforts to silence, slander, & intimidate @CAIRvGaubatz, Chris has refused to back down.
Chris not only exposes the Muslim Brotherhood but their Marxist accomplices in media who smear individuals like me who speak out!
HAMAS seeks to eliminate the Jewish state & Jews
EVEN, the Anti-Defamation League concludes that CAIR has long expressed anti-Semitic & pro-terror rhetoric.
Watch CAIR's President openly support HAMAS!
Hussam Ayloush works for the HuffPo & is the leader of the CAIR LA office
On election night, he called for the overthrow of the U.S. Govt
For years, I tweeted about Ayloush

The Marxist HuffPo is attempting to brand me, a Pro-Trump Jihad Fighting Jewish American, as an “extremist”, while at the same time promoting, defending & employing representatives of a designated terrorist group Hamas – CAIR.
"Racist" - What race is jihad terror again?
"Nazi" - Even when you are Jewish!
to try & publicly shame & hurt their targets & silence critics of Jihadists
No surprise the HuffPo & CAIR teamed up to target, harass, & smear me with sick, grotesque LIES when @CAIRvGaubatz & I began to work together.