I've built multiple dropshipping stores with both Shopify and WP/Woocommerce in 2018.
There are pros on cons for each platform. So how exactly do you decide which is the best option for you?
You simply have to ask yourself 2 questions .........
"What is my budget?"
Everyone loves "free". WP is free. The woocommerce plug in is free.
Payment for this combo is only your domain and monthly web hosting, which could be had for >$15 a month.
If you're hurting finacially, go with WP.
But saving money long term is the draw here.
Unlimited WP/Woo sites for a year will run you about $180 bucks.
Shopify will run you $360 for the basic plan.
10 shopify stores? About $3500/year.
So clearly if you are going to have multiple stores OR your budget is tight, "Woo if for you". (Lame, haha)
"What is the value of my time?"
Shopify wins because with its great interface and navigation, you can get your store up running quickly.
Faster its live > Faster you make sales > Faster you make money.
Time = money. And time is more scarce than $.
Paying $30 bucks a month to avoid problems like this is light work.
Especially if you have a lot of disposable income. Save your time and spend the $.
Limited $ or want 5-6 stores long term? Use WP/WOO.
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