40M people live in poverty
18.5M live in extreme poverty
5M in absolute poverty
Calls U.S. most unequal country in developed world.
Means 1 of every 5 people in U.S. live in poverty!
US has highest child mortality rate of 20 rich countries
US among highest child poverty rates in the developed world, at 21%
US also high obesity rates, income inequality and incarceration rates
~25% of children in rural U.S. were poor in 2016
~20% in urban U.S.
Highest concentrations of child poverty in MS Delta, Appalachia & Native American reservations.
➡️#GOPTaxScam will quickly exacerbate this.
Article w/photos taken between December 2016 - September 2017 offer stark portrait of America’s deepening inequality & division.
This is pre- #GOPTaxScam.
Get them down and keep them down, right, #CorruptGOP???