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Thread by @leahmcelrath: "One of the most potentially devastating hurricanes in history threatens the entire mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Trump woke up a […]" #UNFIT #Florence

6 tweets, 2 min read
10 subscribers
One of the most potentially devastating hurricanes in history threatens the entire mid-Atlantic region of the United States.

Trump woke up and has tweeted/retweeted 14 times in the past hour - all about himself.

#Florence is the kind of storm for which a POTUS should be consulting with top advisors and exploring military responsiveness, search and rescue services, post-hurricane resource distribution, and other critical emergency management issues.

Trump is talking about...himself.
Many focus on hurricane wind speed and eye placement - which are important - but most hurricane-related deaths occur from storm surge and inland flooding.

#Florence is projected to hit land as a major hurricane and then SIT. It’s a worst-case flooding scenario similar to Harvey.
The most dangerous side of a hurricane is the “dirty” side, aka the one subjected to the most rainfall.

North of the equator, that is the NE side of a hurricane.

Because of these storms’ counterclockwise rotation, moisture from the ocean is cycled onto land as rain.
With #Florence, models of its size and potential placement show the storm to have a “dirty” side that encompasses DC, major military installations on the Virginia coast, and the entire Chesapeake Bay region.

It extends well all the way up the highly-populated New Jersey coast.
#Florence isn’t just another hurricane. It is poised to become a major threat to critical infrastructure and even national security.

Potentially historic flooding affecting power, major highways (including the I-95 corridor), access to food and water for millions of people, etc.
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