1 of 2 threads on fake Brexit narratives doing the rounds
Some Labour types have continually tried to tie Brexit to Austerity as an excuse for Labour's Brexit appeasement - "we must respect the causes"
This, frankly, is nonsense
There are exceptions of course however it's fairly clear austerity didn't cause Brexit because those who *perceived they were most at risk* voted Remain
Council Tenants and those who'd paid off their mortgages voted Leave
Private Renters & Mortgage holders voted Remain
Young people on insecure zero hour contracts - Remain
Labour Voters were most hit by austerity
Labour Voters were and are *increasingly* remain
Conversative voters, likely least hit by austerity-Leave
There is *potentially* a tranche of long term unemployed who thought "f**k it" but this is hardly austerity = Brexit
It also provides the cheap shot of "well if you support Remain you support the status quo of austerity you selfish Elitist"
#Brexit is essentially a victory for all of the attitudes Labour supposedly stands against. It is an attack on the hopes & futures of young people & those most hit by austerity
Its a movement of intolerance & division
Because,unfortunately,you are
These are demographics - they are generalizations. "Not every Leave voter was a racist" and all that. Some voted leave because of Greece, many normal people thought they were voting to save the NHS or that we'd be better off.