Disclaimer: If you follow me, or we've spoken, I hope it'll be clear that this thread is not supposed to be a humble brag, etc.
I've just been struck by people's generosity on FinTwit, and think their kindness should be recognized. Right time of year..
"You should check out Invest Like the Best ( @patrick_oshag ) and Masters in Business ( @ritholtz )"
When I started listening, I recognized roughly 0.00001% of the terms and jargon that was said, but that was perfect.
I am truly indebted to these two gentleman for all the incredible work they have done, and how they unknowingly helped introduce me to the world of investing.
It had worked once already!
@ritholtz agreed to get breakfast, and then I headed out to Stamford for lunch with @patrick_oshag .
I'll never be able to truly describe what that day felt like, but I am so grateful.
Going chronologically, these are some people on FinTwit that I am most thankful for over the last few months. (More in 2nd thread)
One of the most informative, and enjoyable conversations I've ever had. Thank you, Christie.
The introduction could have gone more smoothly (picture), but wow was @michaelbatnick helpful, and a nice guy. Michael was even kind enough to review my first draft.

Memorable advice: "In your first year of blogging, 11 months of it will suck."
Nick also offered to review a draft. Unreal! Truly thankful, Nick.
Morgan, thank you for being a constant source of advice and support. Seriously.