- Phased in over 5 years.
- Borrow against future revenue.
- Build subways, light rail, BRT, green lanes.
- Unlimit scooters and e-bikes.
- Upzone near present and future transit, and finance development.
- Change parking minimums to parking maximums.
- Automate traffic enforcement.
- Immediate tow for blocking green/bus lanes.
- Convert paint-only Bike Boulevards into Green Streets with barriers & forced turns to discourage cars.
- On Spare The Air Days, tolls double and transit is free.
- All small non-combustion vehicles allowed in Green Lanes.
- Speed limit there is 15MPH.
- Leading pedestrian indicator at all traffic signals.
- LPI always includes cyclists.
- Partial Idaho Stop - slow & go at stop signs, still must stop at red lights.
- $300/year grant spendable on bike stuff.
- Anywhere drivers pay a toll, cyclists get $1 back.
- Employers get a tax credit for each non-commuting worker.
- Fund an R&D foundation for improving remote work technology and encouraging adoption.