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Aug 4th 2022
1) A couple of concerning effects of Europe's reducing river levels on the #UkraineWar, perhaps the most direct of which is the effects of the declining levels of the Danube on Ukraine's ability to use that river to bypass the Russian #blockade of the country's Black Sea ports.
2) See this excellent continuing #thread🧵for details of efforts to expand use of the Danube - amongst other things - to bypass Russia's #blockade, which are necessarily ongoing, despite the agreement to open safe corridors from Ukraine's Black Sea ports.
3) It is worth bearing in mind that Ukraine (quite probably Russia too) is known to have been using rivers & other inland waterways for logistical supply to its forces, which will almost certainly be affected by this, though the degree can only be guessed.
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Jul 27th 2022
BBC News piece by @Matt_Murphy15 on the work to establish safe passages for convoys of grain ships out of Odesa, Chornomorsk & Pivdennyi, following the Turkey & @UN brokered deal, signed on 23rd July, to relieve at least this part of Russia's #blockade…
Work seemingly progresses apace, with the Russian delegation, under Rear Admiral Eduard Luik, arriving in Istanbul yesterday to join the new, joint grain co-ordination centre, which has apparently already opened.
Whilst Ukrainian authorities have released a NAVTEX with a start date of today, outlining the extent of the safe corridors & that the convoys are to be led from the ports by single, Ukrainian-flagged tugs, to an area of inspection.
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Jun 16th 2022
An ongoing & overdue thread on all things #BlackSea #blockade #grain and 🇺🇦maritime position.

Standard 🇷🇺 position, no need to provide safe passage as the only threat to shipping comes from 🇷🇺. Would give licence to interfere with ships and PR images.…
2. Plans to construct temporary silos in border regions to overcome the bottlenecks caused by the different rail gauges coming in central Europe. Not a universal solution, would provide some relief to the problem.…
3. Nuanced shift and suggestion by 🇹🇷around the hot issue of demining the approaches to 🇺🇦ports. Just create channels rather than complete the time consuming process.
-> not sure how viable this really is given drift mines and would require actual convoying in the areas. Image
Read 125 tweets
May 25th 2022
1) @Reuters report that Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko has apparently suggested Russia is ready to provide a humanitarian corridor for vessels carrying food to leave Ukrainian ports, in return for the lifting of some sanctions #blockade #UkraineWar…
2) This is not the first such offer made by Russia. @SamChambers of @splash_247 reported another in March, which resulted in no ships sailing, & a different result this time would be a considerable surprise.…
3) Perhaps the key difference, however, is the apparent linkage of shipping movements to sanctions relief, tacitly admitting, perhaps for the 1st time, that there is actually a #blockade in place, & it may take more than raising the issue of Ukrainian mining to spin that away.
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May 1st 2022
The Surge of “Little Green Men,” and Metal is Poised to Strike – Part 5 - The world is closer to witnessing the use of some type of #NuclearWeapons due to war in the Ukraine than during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 - by @TraderStef #TacticalNukes #WW3… Image
#LittleGreenMen #Russia #Ukraine #NATO #War - #TacticalNukes - a bunch of high-ranking Russian military suits were taken out by a Ukrainian hit in #Izium
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Apr 17th 2022
[ thread 🧵 on the NOC’s LFB account ]

In late May 2019, Belqacem Haftar visited DC in a bid to secure U.S. assistance in setting up a mechanism meant to deposit $$$ proceeds from #oil exports into a special account in lieu of sending them straight to the CBL in Tripoli.
The next year, in the summer of 2020, the US & the UN endorsed the idea of preventing oil $$$ proceeds from being funneled directly & systematically to the CBL in Tripoli.

But the rationale now promoted was not the one advocated by Haftar & his associates.
In 2020, international diplomats began suggesting the formation of a special #committee overseeing the equitable & transparent distribution of oil #revenues among the three provinces, & among essential #budget categories.

Said #committee would be above the govt & above the CBL.
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Feb 10th 2022
Protestaktionen als "ziviler Ungehorsam". Was sich hier abspielt ist eine politische Auseinandersetzung. In der Realität sind kurzzeitige "demonstrative Blockaden" vom Versammlungsrecht gedeckt. Wer also eine Demonstration auf öffentlichen Verkehrs- 1/X…
anmeldet, kann dabei auch Beeinträchtigungen der Verkehrsteilnehmer (Stau) erzeugen. Das ist grundsätzlich bei Versammlungen hinzunehmen. Der Ausgleich der Grundrechte wird auf Basis des Versammlungsrechts durch die Versammlungsbehörde geregelt. Auch nicht angemeldete 2/X
sind nicht per se verboten. Allerdings muss sich gegebenfalls ein Organisator wegen eines Verstoßes gegen das Versammlungsgesetzes verantworten. Aber die kurzfristige demonstrative Blockade einer Straße kann deshalb nicht sofort unterbunden werden. Selbstverständlich sieht 3/X
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Apr 13th 2021
#Antislawismus und #Rassismus gegen Menschen aus dem östlichen Europa. Ein Thread zur historischen Einrodnung und dazu, was ein progressiver #Antirassismus daraus mitnehmen sollte.
"Deutsche Kulturträger": Vor allem seit der #Aufklärung virulente Vorstellung von einer 'höherwertigen deutschen Kultur', die das 'Licht der Civilidation' in den 'dunklen Osten' trägt, der als kulturell 'leerer Raum' imaginiert wird.
"Deutscher Osten": #Völkisches Konzept des östlichen Europa als eines 'Raums', der vom Baltikum bis zum Schwarzen Meer als 'deutsch' vereinnahmt wird, da, siehe oben, es zwar wenige 'Deutsche', aber eine 'höherwertige Kultur' gäbe.
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Mar 9th 2021

No fuel vessels have been allowed to unload at Hodeidah port since Jan 3. 13 vessels carrying over 350,000 tons of fuel are currently being held off #Yemen’s coast. This means higher prices for fuel, food, & no power for health facilities.…
Saudi Arabia's blockade is a main driver of the humanitarian crisis. Saudi has enforced this blockade for all 6 years of the war against Yemen’s population, by air, land and sea, and weaponizing access to food. #YemenCantWait
This consists of Saudi controlling and limiting all international and commercial flights into Sana’a airport, imposing a naval blockade and checkpoints on all shipping vessels trying to enter Yemen’s ports, and preventing land border crossings for commercial traders. #YemenCrisis
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Dec 20th 2020
#China #Nepal #Bejing #Coronavirus #BLOCKADE

China has blocked Rasuwagadhi, Kerung and Tatopani checkpoints for over six months this year. Border-crossings are an integral source for food, medicines, etc. for small Nepalese villages.
China has banked upon Nepal's economic and geostrategic vulnerabilities in order to discipline it. Border crossings between Zhangmu and Kodari have been in operation since 1968, newer ports for trade have opened up in recent times.
Even after the Tatopani border was opened on 6 July, Chinese restricted movement of goods from entering Nepal. Only four containers a day were permitted to cross the borders, and exports from Nepal are halted since March.
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Dec 12th 2020

Going on 6 years of war & 4 years of @realDonaldTrump's disregard for the lives of millions of Yemenis, @JoeBiden has promised a policy reset. He's repeatedly called for an end to US participation & weapons in the #Yemen war. #YemenCantWait…
To end U.S. complicity in this war, @JoeBiden must start his policy reset on day one by stopping weapons deliveries to the Saudi-UAE coalition, including Trump’s recently proposed $23 billion sale to the #UAE. #YemenCantWait #StopArmingUAE…
@JoeBiden must work with Congress to pass a Yemen War Powers Resolution prohibiting intel sharing, logistical support & spare parts transfers for coalition airstrikes. Such a demonstration of support from Congress will help Biden pressure warring parties to end the violence.
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Nov 21st 2020
Die Vorbereitungen in #Leipzig #le2111 laufen. Der #Gegenprotest der #Antifa sammelt sich bereits und scheint zahlreich Präsenz zu zeigen. 👍

#Querdenkenstoppen #noAfd #Covidioten #Coronazis
Super #Transpi in #Leipzig "Für eine #feministische #Staatskritik mit #Abstand zur rechten #Querfront"
Themen: Zurückdrängen von Frauen ins Private, zunehmende #häuslicheGewalt, #Unterbezahlung im #Pflegesektor. totgespartes #Gesundheitssystem"
#Querdenkenstoppen #noafd #le2111
Super, lautstarker #Antifa #Gegenprotest in #Leipzig auf dem #augustusplatz. Danke euch!
Es wird sich warm gesungen.
#Querdenkenstoppen #Covidioten #noafd #le2111
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Jul 14th 2020
Special Report
"President #DonaldTrump not-so-cryptically revealed that he had something big planned for #Venezuela during a meeting with leaders of the U.S. #military’s Southern Command"
by @AlanRMacLeod
https://… #Venezuelan #Trump #DEA #drug #drugs
The #USSNitze is conducted what the #USmilitary is called a “freedom of navigation operation… contesting an excessive maritime claim by #Venezuela.…
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Jul 15th 2019
💰1MDB Global Scandal💰

What is 1MDB?

Short for 1Malaysia Development Berhad (which means limited), the fund was set up in 2009 by then-Prime Minister Najib Razak to invest government revenues in real estate

Questions arose in early 2015 when the fund failed to meet payments on $11 billion in debt.

🔑The WSJ then published documents showing that about $700M from 1MDB-linked entities had ended up in Najib’s personal bank accounts just before elections in 2013.…
By far the largest transactions that flowed into Malaysian PM Najib’s accounts were two deposits of $620M & $61M in March 2013, during a heated election campaign in Malaysia.…
Read 42 tweets
Jul 12th 2019
💰Qatar Blockade & Kush’s 666 bailout.

The troubling overlap between Jared Kushner's business interests and US foreign policy
📌A congressional inquiry has raised the possibility that Kushner supported a blockade of a US ally as payback because it would not fund his family’s business…
🔑In May 2017, Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon, met for a private dinner with top leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. #Otaiba?

The pair learned of a plan by US allies Saudi & Qatar to impose a blockade on another US ally, Qatar.…
Read 39 tweets
May 28th 2018
#DW #TimSabastien:'The fact is there was no intensive fire by #Hamas gunmen was there? And we know that bc by the evening your Army spokesman #JonathanConricus said"our troops have not taken any sustained direct fire"
So why are u misrepresenting your situation?'#GazaMassacre🇵🇸
#DW #TimSebastien: "Isn't it strange that #Hamas who you said declared its intentions to break through the border to kill #Israel-is & to destroy your country, it offered no sustained direct fire to secure those aims?"
#MichaelOren:"And your point?"
#GazaMassacre #ICC4Israel #BDS
#DW #TimSebastien:Your military spokesperson said several,that's not dozens?
#Oren:Last time there were 12 different protest points
DW:Again you're very diff. from your spokesperson?
Oren:Let's leave that aside
DW:I'm not leaving aside facts, do I leave aside facts?
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May 28th 2018
Prior to 2008 Israeli invasion"#OperationCastLead",British gas producer #BG Group was to supply #Palestinian gas to Israel from off the Gaza coast.
Timeline,Press Releases,#Reuters,BG website,Geopolitical…👈
‼️Gaza Sea #Blockade👇🤨
Natural #Gas - #Gaza has it: #Israel wanted it. That simple.
Anyone who thinks that the siege has to do with 'terrorism' or 'defending Israel', or for that matter the history of the conflict, are missing the elephant in the room:…
#IDF's #Gaza assault is to control #Palestinian Natural Gas, avert Israeli energy crisis.
2014 - #Israel's Def. Min. has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot #Hamas' are about dominating #Gaza's #Gas Reserves.
#Blockade #BDS #BoycottIsrael #Palestine…
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