-Day 1 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Calls Shutdown & Syria "Fake News"
-Top US Envoy in ISIS Fight Resigns
-Seeks 2 Fire Fed Reserve Chairman
-Russians Behind Pro-Jill Stein Blitz
-US Senate Adjourns Without Action
-Refuses 2 Negotiate w/ Democrats

Day 657 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 447 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 87 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

A Texas teacher was fatally shot by her estranged husband who was under a restraining order. He also killed her mother & shot her 4-year-old.
Texas law makes it easy for abusers to keep guns they own or to buy guns without a background check.
The new Congress offers a historic opportunity & new front in the fight for commonsense gun violence prevention—background checks, a red flag statute, & more. Courage!
17 people died in Parkland, David Hogg orchestrated one of the best movements for gun control.
Activist David Hogg says he's planning on majoring in political science at Harvard.
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
VP Mike Pence canceled a speech on North Korea's human rights abuses last week, adding firepower to an announcement of new sanctions and the release of a report on dictator Kim Jong Un's brutal rule. abcn.ws/2EH2xLl
Otto Warmbier's parents suing North Korea for $1B for son's imprisonment and death trib.al/r5QANCq
Remember when Bill Clinton chatted on the runway with Loretta Lynch? cnn.it/2ED3wfE
“Here’s what actually surprises me,” @haroldpollack writes. “Beyond the various improprieties, the Trump Foundation did pretty much nothing at all.” Looking closer at a president’s uncharitable charity.
"While the conversation was cordial, the subtext was clear: Khashoggi no longer lived under Saudi rule, but the country’s most powerful royal was monitoring his every word." His final 18 months: wapo.st/2EH9QTg?tid=ss…
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 420,000 government workers to work without pay, including 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers. #TrumpShutdown

Trump doesn't even specify what is "fake news" anymore. Just anything on the general topics of the shutdown and Syria?
Asked if he felt Trump should keep the government shutdown for the next two years if the Democrats didn’t capitulate on border wall funding, Schlapp quickly replied: “It would not break my heart.”
Here’s what happens when there’s a government shutdown in 15 minutes: cnn.com/2018/12/20/pol…
Prepared by people working without pay
Trump announces a "large group" lunch meeting at the WH on border security.
Mitch McConnell says he's not going and POTUS needs to negotiate with Dems. WH is silent on who will be attending.
@Phil_Mattingly reports that the House Freedom Caucus members are having lunch with POTUS today.
Reminder: McConnell just said on the floor that this can only be resolved once Trump and Senate Dems reach an agreement.
Seems quite fitting that the GOP is ending its one-party rule with the government literally shut down bit.ly/2VbZGQG
“Nothing better illustrates the needless stupidity of the shutdown than Mr. Trump’s claim to be taking a stand for border security when one of the agencies being caught up is Customs and Border Protection.” washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump…
Chuck Schumer: "It will never pass the Senate. Not today. Not next week. Not next year. So, Mr. President ... if you want to open the government, you must abandon the wall, plain and simple." Via ABC.
Trump just again claimed Reagan fought for a wall "for a long time"
Trump's claim that Reagan tried to build a wall is entirely false. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2018/… Maybe he's confusing Reagan with Pat Buchanan?
54,000 Border Protection agents will work without pay over Christmas because of #TrumpShutdown
Senate adjourns until Thursday, signaling that the government will remain closed at least until late next week. @SherylNYT @katierogers nyti.ms/2Rgv94M?smid=n…
White House now floating $2.1 Billion for border wall, significantly lower than Trump’s $5B demands
“They’re absolutely going to crush him. He has no idea what’s coming his way,” the Republican said.
Every time the Fed raises rates, Trump’s payments on some $340 million in variable-rate loans go up bloom.bg/2CuMfUs
The message to the markets, via Treasury Secretary @stevenmnuchin1
Why doesn't Trump speak for himself?

@NBCNews: White House says Erdogan promised Trump he'd finish off ISIS in #Syria
“As your friend, I give you my word in this,” Erdogan told Trump on Friday call, according to senior White House official nbcnews.com/politics/polit…
The great @EliotACohen on the Mattis fallout: "Henceforth, the senior ranks of government can be filled only by invertebrates and opportunists, schemers and careerists. If they had policy convictions, they will meekly accept their evisceration."
Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy to the global coalition fighting the Islamic State group, has resigned in protest to Trump's abrupt decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, AP reports. apne.ws/Otdxqrs
Flashback: Brett McGurk saying it would be "reckless" to pull troops from Syria
If there’s any question about why Trump is pulling out of Syria, consider the glee in Moscow
The Taliban is greeting the Pentagon's withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan with cries of victory.
Is this #winning?
As tumultuous as events have been so far, Trump’s first two years may ultimately look calm compared to what lies ahead.
“It’s entirely possible it gets worse, not better,” says GOP strategist. @maggieNYT nytimes.com/2018/12/22/us/…
Trump is watching more TV, but the TV is also almost always on even during meetings in Oval Office dining room, where he keeps one ear attuned to what’s happening and stops discussion if he hears his name mentioned. nytimes.com/2018/12/22/us/…
As the stock market had its worst week in a decade, Trump has kept an almost obsessive watch on the market drops, tuning in to Lou Dobbs.
The lower it goes, the more Trump worries he's losing a key reelection argument, WaPo reports.
“A rogue presidency”: The era of containing Trump is over.
Corker talked about an “adult day care center,” but it’s gone out of business with Mattis resigning. A look at Trump entering year three unbound.
One mystery cleared up in DOJ letter to House. Rosenstein still in charge of Mueller probe. "There has been no change in the overall management of the Special Counsel investigation, which continues to be managed by the Deputy AG."
Russians launched pro-Jill Stein social media blitz to help Trump, reports say nbcnews.com/politics/natio… via @nbcnews
Why do the people who most depend on government aid hate the government so much?
In the wake of the Kaepernick ad, Nike announced that it had crushed earnings expectations, leading to a market surge Friday that found Nike's stock as the sole gainer in the entire Dow. trib.al/AusDY4C
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Wait. Is Trump saying he does not know his government’s pointman on the anti-ISIS coalition?
It’s not the media that has revolted over Trump’s Syria move: It’s much of the GOP, his defense secretary who resigned over it and the US envoy involved in ISIS fight who also quit in protest
Congressman O’Rourke, who top Democrats increasingly see as a 2020 contender, calls on Trump to support the Senate-passed funding bill and end the shutdown — and issues a scathing rebuke of Trump’s leadership
The Violence Against Women Act has expired, cutting off funding to domestic abuse victims. Groups that help were struggling even as DV is increasingly deadly: nearly 1/2 of women killed in major cities were murderer by a current or former partner washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/…