Supplementary List of Business in Lok Sabha is out.
Two bills listed for introduction, including the Constitutional Amendment Bill for 10% Quota. What's more, it is also listed for consideration and passing TODAY!

No time will be given to MPs for filing amendments. The Bill was circulated TODAY! Parliamentary practice is being thrown out the window.
Whattay farce.
Now all that remains is the consideration and passing. Can happen any moment.
It proposes to amend Article 15 & 16 of the Constitution and add a 10% quota for Economically Weaker Sections. This is for admissions in edu institutions & Govt jobs.

Random voice: No written notice also!?!
AJ: I'm seeing that all political parties across the aisle had put in a 'jumla' of giving reservation to the unreserved for their manifestos.
(Huh. #TIL for me as well!)
MPs scream: We're not opposing it!!!
AJ: OK you're not opposing it.
Random screaming ensues.
(He's reading out schemes targeted at the poor)
Speaker: We are extending the house time since it's six pm till this bill consideration is over.
Kharge: Do it in next session then?
Speaker: Kal Kare So Aaj Kar.