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What i am about to share was what happened to me on the 20/02/2019.
A true life story inspired by true events..
Titled: C. I. U (Criminals in uniform)
And this is my story.....
@segalink @AbdulMahmud01 @AmnestyNigeria
Just a graceful day like every other day. Started out well with a great motivation messages and a business chat with a dear friend, I like to call him the Big hommie,
Around noon a friend stopped by to say hi and talk business too, she came with grace for she is grace.
you bet sure it was energy filled with lots of good vibes.
I saw her off to a busstop, At about past 6 pm there about, Here i was walking back not too far from the busstop i saw her off. my headphones on as usual on my head nodding to a rhythm and walking down
just in my front was a yellow bus, moving with the same pace coming slow, i already knew they were police, my instincts said to run but then again i was no criminal. So the minute they got to me, they pulled a fast break like some special force agent sent on a mission
to a notorious criminal but being calm as always, two men then came out and said enter the bus, ahn ahn just like that, what happened i asked, they tagged me a cultist, and i said no, i dont know what they saying, that i am a model. omo all of them begin dey change am for me oo.
say who dhat one help, they insisted on the fact that i was a cultist and another guy came down, even woman sef follow join them, and thats how i was kidnapped, dragged into the bus.Just like that, i got in to see people and looking back were other guys, some lapping themselves
and i knew they were also passengers like me who were forced into the bus with guns pointing at them too and that was how i was moved from Surulere to Gbagada. While they drive, i still persist that i didn't do anything that what was their proof that i was a cultist?
almost all of them replied my hair. I was shamed, not of myself but of them, the system and the country in general and then i demanded to call my manager, true be told , No manager to call but i needed to play smart too, and thats how my phone was ceased too, so i stayed calm.
I began to speak mysterious for i was confused of what to do.
So when we got there, we came down, so i asked one of them a question, pls where is your superior that i will like to speak to him, before i even finished to think of what i was even saying,
one thunder slap came on my face, just before i recovered from it another thunder slap again. I held my chick, it was indeed painful, Nigga almost cried and the lousy police man, was just yelling at me saying, if i was looking down on him, that what do i mean by that bla bla bla
holding my face i answered but that was a polite question sir, i was confused this time and i became calm again. We were asked to pull just our tops, and they counted us 12 and we were instructed to sit on the floor and we did. They superior amongst them asked for the person
That bite his junior colleague who was not on uniform and his job was to go and track people and inform his Oga, the boy came out and he got a rusty matchet and asked him to lay down, he whip this guys back several times with no remorse definitely leaving marks and the boy begged
And begged but nothing cud be done until he was satisfied.
Alot of things went through my mind that time, whats going on, what am i doing here, what to do and what not to do and i began to speak mysteries again and much later, i made up my mind that i was not going to write
a statement for doing nothing.
They brought their official statement papers and biros for us all and one by one, we were called... I was one of the first set to be called because i claimed i could write when asked but then i already made up my mind not to write anything.
and was ready for any beating or torture that was attached to it..
Minutes after it all, they have successful written about 4 to 6 people statement, and when you done, your phone will be given to you to call whosoever you want but then it was a call for bail, what f**ckn bail?
i thought, but there i was standing with the paper and pen still looking to find my offence as the night draw real dark.
There i stood thinking but not scared, for this was not the first time and i had a strong spirit but wasnt sure if i was going to win this fight,
just at that thought, one of them Just turned and looked at me and yelled at me that i was going to sleep here if i dont write that statement and it was the guy that slapped me. I observed that the people who were also caught before me also did nothing, one was standing
Just in front of his shop, the other just with his sister discussing by the road side, another was coming from the east, and another for just going to buy ice for his shop just opposite and so on but none of them stood their grounds, none wanted to ask questions or fight back
but instead when i did they just ask me to be calm and just do what they say, then i knew being right or stubborn as they call it wont get me anywhere and so i had to write my statement just the way it happened.
After writing it, i was done and when i showed it to him
he started out by saying, if i say you are a fool now, you will say i am lying and other excruciating insults that followed just bcos i wrote it myself and how it happened and did not allow them to write it for me as they did for others but then it was torn and he directed me
to meet his junior colleague to help me as he has been mainly been the one doing it for others, so i went to him and this was our conversation.
Whats your name- i told him and the illiterate asked me to sit on the floor again why he writes it, that shey i am stubborn
i obliged and while at it he said this is how he likes to discipline his people, pls which people he meant, the igbo people, i replied him in my language that we can never be one if this is what he means and concluded that this is how they cheat us and people like you allow it
but i dont think he understood, so i kept shot.. He then continued, with the age, i told him and he called me a small boy, i chuckled, for i knew better that it wasnt by the age but your level of wisdom even him spelt Sulurele that way writing my address and my surname too
and his talking about age some couple of other things too also asked like where i am from, my local govt and village, my age, who i live with, where i was born, where i grew up, where i attended my primary school, secondary even university, chaii all this things i wonder
even when i am writing a composition of myself, most of this wont be necessary but then i knew it was a plot,
A plot to fill in the gap and fill the blank sheets, made it look like it made sense but not. we got to the hair, he asked me if it was natural i said yes, he then asked
if they gave birth to me with it i said yes, he asked again how long have i been keeping the hair i said some couple of months and he said it was not possible but i told him i was born with it and now i am sayin that i have been keeping this for some couple of months,
That nobody can be born with it, i insisted that i am a dada boy and i was born that way, that he can call my mom if he wants, even if he wanted i would not still agree as i dont even want to stress the woman, nigga just tire for me.
After much staring, he just wrote it that way
The mumu did not even ask where i was going to or coming from before been apprehended but went on asking why i kept the hair, i lost it and had to be calm again to answer and told him that i had said it severally even before he started the statement that it is for show business,
movie projects and the likes that was when he had to stop, nigga was even tired and sick too and coughed several times and at some point i hoped it chocked him or he just falls off and pass out but sadly it did not happen and he kept on staring at where he was bitten.
He did not ask other irrelevants questions as they did for others like are they aware that some group of cultist were fighting in that area? But he asked if i was a cultist and i said no, and if i also kept cultist friends which he asked about twice and my answer remained No
After i was made to sign he then directed me to the other guy and i went and showed him and he then gave me my phone after waiting some more minutes to call who i wanted to call..
I am with my phone now, what can i do with it, i had a friend that has a neighbour.
A man called champion, he was a boxer, an undefeated local boxer who has never lost a fight, he happened to be popular around the neighbourhood and always came through for us if we had any security issues. He one time used his car to stop #endSARS from picking boys
who were smoking hemp, he literally made them reverse while he drove towards them with his own four wheels two lights directly pointing at them while he moved front they went back. was indeed a scene to watch and if he came through, there is going to be a shutdown here. i thought
So i called my friend but unfortunately he wasnt home and did not know why he did not call him but anyway that option was blocked and my friend then asked so whats going to happen, i said i dont know, and he suggested i called home and i gave him reasons why i cant
that if he could maybe send me some cash i cud try to come out myself, just anything but he claimed he had nothing and i said its all good and then dropped the call.
What to do next, i couldn't call home i knew how momsy literally panicked and called the whole relation
some years back and my siblings weren't much available too but bottom line no home calling.
I called a friend who was supposed to send me some money that day for drugs as i wasn't all feeling good as well and was recovering from acute malaria that gave constant migraines
due to stress, that night while my shirt was off, cold air filled my lungs and i literally coughed all through the time i was there and nobody said sorry or even offered water nobody cared mehn, so he asked me to come online, which i did and the first thing i said was
shud i send my account number? And he said yes, and he sent it, maybe not what i expected but he did, i am really really grateful i said and he added he hasn't rectified his bank issues which he complained about but did not want to post me this time, so he improvised which was
really good.
I thought again what can i do now, A thought came, i had friends who stayed around Gbagada why don't i call one of them and the time was past 10 : 00pm and so i went on to call him and he did not pick twice, hmmm just in the minute of loosing hope, he called back
i smiled and picked up, he hailed as usual, he always call me, "Man like Jay" with other pleasantries i had to cut him short after much and said i really need his help, it came from the heart, and he asked what and then i told him i was caught for doing nothing and brought to a
station in Gbagada.
Nigga didnt even know the place and also explained to me his car was also bad, and i pleaded and he said okay, he was coming. even when he just came back from wherever he went to and was sounding tired, he said he was coming.... And the call dropped.
I called back in 5minutes and he asked for 15more minutes to get his shit together that he was coming and i said ok.
During those process some other persons like me was also using my phone to call and control their people to come bail them too, My battery was in its red,
getting low so i switched off my data as it wasnt important then.. I got talking with some of them and when i asked the guy who bite the police officer why he did it, he answered that he thought it was one of those agberos and if he knew they were policemen
he would have chopped off his ear or hit his balls or something, that they were three of them just standing and two of em escaped and my eyes went to the guy who was bitten and he was all shivering and trying so hard to stay awake and alive at the same time.
The guy added they dont know its not an ordinary bite, that he is a vampire, i looked at him immediately and he looked like one. At some point i believed but i had to snap out of it before i start thinking deep and asking questions and if it was any true, he got what he deserved.
I called back in almost 20minutes and he picked to reply i am just about to board a bus to the place, i am coming, i refused to be happy till i saw him, so i dropped the call and waited again.. They constantly shifted our position as the night drew darker, thinking we might just
miss a number, hey dont sit there, sit here they said, who asked you to sit there one asked, but its your, coomon shut up. will you come here my friend and so we moved again, we were treated like some investment.
As they constantly counted us in numbers,
sitted on the floor close to them while they sat on chairs, asking us, hope we had all made calls and if we needed them to talk on our behalf that they can, just to get them here to come bail us and they get their money and all answered yes, at some point one of them
even spoke earlier on behalf of one of his investments, as i would like to call us due to the way we were treated saying, we are the anti- cultist and we got a call from the commissioner of police to go to that area and apprehend those cultist boys that are fighting in that area
and we saw him with his gold dyed hair and dreadlocks and we picked him.
Abeg which cultist were this guys talking about? looking at the boy in question was a young boy of about 19 years, innocent looking but with an almost washed gold dyed hair looking not combed and can never
be classified as dreads with no tatoos or piercing whatsoever and so the phone was giving back to him and he went to sit and not to long they sold themselves out that they were going to Ajah the following day to also raid, and then i knew somebody lied
that there was no commissional call and it was just a thing for them to stay relevant but to what detriment?
Not so long in that thought my friend called and he said he was at the Atm just beside the station after telling him a stipulated amount to bring along with him
so there he was getting the money when i dropped the call. Minutes later he was at the gate with another friend i knew him too, he also stayed at Gbagada as i could see them both from where we were sitted. I almost stood as i was happy to see them but someone tapped me to sit
Let them ask me up.
They came in and our eyes met, they met them, and they asked them for both their phones, it got my heart rate beat up a bit until i figured it was part of the process too. So i waited they met them. The guy that slapped me was the person they met and was
the one always handling those parts he called me up asked me to see them and said i should go back and stand far and started insulting me, see me that i am useless, that cant i be like them, that is it not the same thing we do, or so now they know what i do hmm. He continued that
cant i be responsible that i am this that i am that bla bla bla at then i almost said something but i kept to my rage giving a sarcastic smile while someone tapped me to agree with him by saying yes sir.
while he said those things one random persons passed not sure
If he is one of them or not but he just passed us as saw all that was happening and said slowly as he walked away he said "one mans food is" waiting for me to complete it like he was talking to me but i dare not say anything but quickly we replied it together and said
it is another Man's poison but this time i spoke in my head, that gave me a relief.
After some minutes of talk of been delayed they asked him to wait and his second left, which i think was pretty much important that time so he alone about 5 more minutes, after some consideration
from their end they agreed on the amount. He then called me to come identify my name and sign so i can go which i did, a guy i met there who used my phone to put a call across made be assure him to keep calling while i go out which i did and they also came through for him.
While outside the other friend showed up as he went to pick up something and we all exchanged pleasantries and they directed me back on how i was going to get home and made sure i had money to take me too. After much we all left..... I got home by past 12 am there about.
Need i remind you this is the second time in three weeks i have been apprehended and they never asked me for my identity on those two occasions but they just wanted to rob me off everything i had and thank God i came out safe and sound but my face still hurts
And if not for my full beards my head would have fallen off or something, like they were trained to slap somebody. Kai
P.s i took some pictures of them while they sit which is blur as a result of bad camera and i couldn't use flash and it was really dark.
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