In a 28 day period ( in February) there were 66,000 apprehensions at our southern border.
That's ONE month.
I mean, with a crisis of this proportion, you would think we would have an absolute moratorium on immigration, right?
Think again...
What did Trump do?
He signed it.

He could've used the "art of the deal" and sent it back requesting a continuing resolution and more money, right?
But he didn't.
What does that tell us?
Click and listen...
But by then, it was to late.
He said he had no choice, he had to sign it. Watch...
You know, because the economy is so good and all...
Whether or not you believe Trump is legitimately trying to help, the fact is, there is an agenda to destroy Western Civilization.
There is no other logical conclusion.
Do you think it's organic? No! Their governments are systematically replacing them.
This is a sinister and evil targeting of a single group of people on the continents where they reside. White people.
Your leaders have betrayed you.
They operate above the law, accountable to no one.
By the time they are done, we will be living in concentration camps, like many in South Africa.
We could reject the politicians who sing the false song of globalism.
And we could take our country back.
Is this #MAGA ?