I detest political violence of ANY kind. I hope this incident is not used to portray his peaceful opponents negatively.
#NZpol #jobsnotmobs

It does not matter who the person is or what they believe. Violence is wrong, and it is bad for the country.
And, lying about it is bad for the country.
All our countries are vulnerable to this kind of harm, but in New Zealand there is a spectacularly high level of apathy about everything, including the risk of terrorism.
NZ has been lucky so far...
I've lost count the number of MPs I've passed on the street, even stood and chatted with. There's never any security around them, unless they're at the top.
Because complacency is a core value for many New Zealanders. Oh well, his risk.
The lack of foresight, rationalism and, frankly, ambition here is stifling. Thankfully, there is a growing group of likeminded, positive, conservatives in NZ and we keep each other sane.
His far left policies are destroying my country but hey, we have an election in 2020.
Read more from me at social.quodverum.com/@godlessnz
Today we will learn more about the alleged attacker as he appears in court. And, I've learned pols have even LESS protection than I thought. It's insane. #nzpol

In Canada & the UK, jihadists have stabbed & killed individuals.
Wake the f*** up.
You need it and if you're smart you'll ask for it. Or at least you'll stop wearing headphones while you walk to work, alone.

Not blaming Shaw ofc. j/s.
NZ's MPs in general are too complacent.
You can't prevent it all. But you can try to protect yourself, and as MPs you CAN make the laws tougher on crime, and the Police properly funded.
Attacking an MP needs to have a harsher penalty bc it affects more than the person who is attacked. It undermines democratic freedoms.
Despite the anti-conservative double standard worldwide, I will speak up regardless of who is attacked.
Owww, that is a super painful injury to have. Risk from a fracture near the eye and the brain are serious. I think he'll be fine but this could have been a lot worse.