Loads of you will lose muscle in a calorie deficit
Your metabolism will crash
You'll become weak
You'll be starving
All because of a lack of protein intake. Here's how to fix it:
Replace your carby sugary snacks with non-carby or sugary snacks, ideally high protein stuff:
- Tuna
- Cottage cheese
- Boiled eggs
All quick & easy snacks to get down your neck - all have a decent amount of protein to top you up.
Set a reminder on your phone to go off at 6pm every evening that says:
"Cook meat"
You need to make sure that you're cooking a decent amount of meat for your meal 2 every night, otherwise you'll always struggle with protein.
This means:
- Takeaways
- Pizza
- Junk food
- Microwaved stuff
- etc.
Cook chicken, turkey, steak, beef, liver etc. every single night without fail.
It's a quick and easy whey (waheey) to get A LOT more protein down your neck every single day.
Very simple.
But I would argue that this isn't as important as point #2, because meat has more micronutrients, is chewy & more filling.
I know it's a traditional thing, but it's not helping you to get your protein needs.
Get rid of the bread,
Replace it with more of the filler, especially if the filler is high protein. I.e. eggs, tuna, chicken, beef, whatever.
I don't care about the moral side, it's just a reality that you're making life more difficult for yourself if you're a V - vegan being the more restrictive of the v's.
+ Leaner
+ More muscular
+ A higher metabolism
+ Better health
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