So much is coming together at once. It is hard to imagine that we are on the precipice of seeing what we have worked long and hard for, come to LIGHT. There is STILL a LOT of work to do, so don't plan your victory laps quite yet- But we're about to pick up the pace.
The msm was in all out attack mode lauding @realDonaldTrump's failure to make a deal with NK. Reporting immanent missile test incoming all week. Then they used the additional sanctions as evidence of the failed talks. Then when Trump tweeted this, they called him reckless

I will annotate this drop:
You are witnessing the collapse (we have allowed the msm enough time to destroy themselves) of the largest pre-planned and coordinated propaganda event (Sting operation, using the msm's zeal to 'get' Trump) in modern day history. #QAnon

The msm is on life-support and they have no one to blame but themselves. They have gone 'ALL-IN' for the deep state- FAIL.
Look at the T-27 hour hold. 4 hours translated 4 days. The 'countdown' from D-2903 was to end on the 19th. 19th + the 4 days = 23rd- TODAY.
Add 27 days to March the 23rd and you get April 19th. What happened on April 19, 1775?
Minutemen and redcoats clash at Lexington and Concord "The shot heard 'round the world."