1. Smaller QR code (5 inches, so ~4ft scan distance).
2. Includes slides for 2 popular mods by @AndrewRSmith and Tyler Livingston.
P.S. Please LMK if you think there's a better place for me to post version updates like this.🤗

➕New Portrait and R/Markdown templates (the latter links to amazing work by @brentthorne18)
➕New Gallery with examples of real #betterposter's used in conferences.
⬇ Latest template here: osf.io/6ua4k/

✅More QR code resources
✅Good examples of 'hat icon' posters
➖Ditches color codes as per @DoctorZen's recommendation (only works if conferences teach color meanings). Use ANY color to reinforce your msg!

✅Simplified & Traditional Chinese translations!
Cartoon: bilibili.com/video/av492139…
Templates: osf.io/td9sp/ (T) & osf.io/3dfwa/ (S)
HUGE thank you ❤️ to @Tianwei_Gong for the translation!

✅Adds LaTeX templates (portrait & landscape!) by @sina_lana & @rtsbailo 😎
✳️Moves university logo to Ammo Bar, freeing up Silent Presenter space.
✅Adds link to TheNounProject.com for icons
✳️Minor instruction text update

✅Added slide about @VectorStock for getting graphics with transparent backgrounds.
✅Added 2 new example posters by @hydrogawker and @SPrinceWare.