I meet a lot of Chinese people in my travels & always ask them where they're from as a way of learning the provinces of China. I also try to practice Mandarin. But recently I started talking to these people about politics, and Xi.
Keep their minds empty and their bellies full.
The party appears to have succeeded in this in many cases.
Another bit of advice is that leaders be invisible.
But my friend the former physicist who has lived in the United States for 30 years
does not share in that assessment.
But folks are content if they accept.
Today I met my first member of the Chinese inteligencia, a man who doesn't wish to be named, who lives in the US & is a professor a high ranked University.
He is bitter & passionate in his denunciation of the current totalitarian Chinese regime.
Xinjiang is where the Uyghurs
live--the Muslims we have heard about but whose travails are for the most part unknown inside China.
He was passionate about the horror of the genocide, & kept repeating the phrase totalitarian regime.
"The organs of Uyghurs are being sold to rich Arabs," he said. "Do you understand? Because they are Muslim."
infractions & r carefully monitored & punished 4 dissent & apparently hundreds of thousands if not millions r being imprisoned & murdered.
He kept saying: totalitarian regime. 1984. Do u understand?
But I have his number and I am going to call it and interview him and take notes.
Any who wish to be included in this thread let me know.
Updates will be forthcoming.