We broke prior record, 48 months, in Oct 2014. Longest streak of private-sector job growth too, since April 2010.
Over last 3 months = 169K.
Still strong but slower.
This month’s +263 K >> estimate of job growth needed to maintain a low, stable unemployment rate given demog change ~= +80K.
Apr: 17.9
Mar: -5.4
Feb: 3.1
Jan: - 26.3
Keep eye on it tho.
Fiscal policy at all gov't levels added 0.49 pp to GDP growth in year to 2019Q1. Include 2Q w/most stimulus since 2010

Average workweek hours for private sector ticked down 0.1 hour to 34.4 hours. Was 34.5 hours a year ago & pretty stable since 2012.
Manufacturing workweek hours unchanged.
They are there for us & we need to show up for them.
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