First off, everything Oga Knight says here is true.
The most valuable thing you have in this world is your time. You can't make more of it. And one big roadblock to personal & business success is not knowing how to manage time.
And the problem actually starts with you. It's not your fault you have this problem. We were taught growing up to save money and spend it only when absolutely necessary. Because of this, we try to...
I had an epiphany a few years ago. Nothing ground breaking. Just that it dawned on me that I couldn't run a digital agency properly if...
That day, I...
Then I looked inwards a in my personal life. I moved to Lekki and made sure my home was less than 10 minutes to work. I stopped doing the laundry myself. I stopped
Nothing beats having a system of procedure for doing your work. Nothing beats putting a value to your time and
Your quality of life will be better. Your business will grow faster. Your employees will get better. Your clients will be better taken care of.
And don't say "Oh it requires money." It's not about that. Its about you
Hopefully we have shared some good things here.