In July 2008, after a few grand mal seizures & being admitted to the hospital, my best friend's dad drove a few hours to be with me... for a few weeks straight.
An RN documented: "Father at the bedside."

Dad left when I was 1.5.
Latchkey kid at age 5.
Older siblings moved out when I was 8.
Left alone for entire summers starting at 14.
Moved out when I was 17 & a half.
Survival skills? Be a good kid, follow rules, never drink/do drugs.
However, you kind of NEED help when suddenly diagnosed with a life-threatening condition and are having seizures.
He was an attorney, and did all the research to try to save his wife. He flew her around the country to get all the second opinions. She enrolled in trials. They tried everything.
Bob knew I had no "adults" in my life to help. I knew nothing about healthcare.
He came to me without me needing to ask. He asked all the questions. He wrote everything down. He started researching & keeping his own notes. He became an expert in brain cancer.