As you all know by now, the prosecution rested its case on Friday against Keith Alan Raniere, a.k.a, "The Vanguard".
Perhaps that’s because every time they open their mouths, more evidence for the prosecution comes out, lol…
Closing arguments for #NXIVMtrial are on Monday..
Self assured and un-intimidated by their opponents with (decades) more experience- #WOW!
I will give the highlights & evidence from my notes on days I managed to make it in-
NONE of these questions have been answered, because Allison Mack, Clare Br@nfman and Nancy Salzman Plead guilty, (&others in courtroom giving BS stories to media?! #wtf)🤔
Although NOTHING is in "renunciate" Keith Raniere's name (by design), much was in #NancySalzman's name.…
NYT reporter, Barry Meier had reached out 2 #KeithRaniere, for last chance comment be4 his expose went to press. 👇
#NXIVM Mexico has political power.…
They gained a reputation for doing this, BANKRUPTING people, and were feared..
In fact, they spent more than they made back in litigation.
Next, A lawyer took the stand- Anthony Valenziano…
She dared hand over a #NXIVM (then ESP) binder from an intensive she took, years earlier- to famous cult deprogrammer @RickAlanRoss and her in law Sutton Family.
I don't think she was present for the testimony on these days when the Sutton case was discussed, but we all learned how they were sued for so many years. #Horrible.
For FOURTEEN YEARS, NXIVM burned through endless $$$s, 10 law firms
and countless (30+) lawyers to protect the #NXIVM reputation.
Franco testified that videos existed , containing statements, which if proven would nullify copyright claim- if matter deemed public interest.
Bronfman $$👇
He testified that $700,000 in debit charges to Pam Cafritz's Key bank account and $300, 000 charges to her Amex...
ALL charges took place AFTER her death.
Meanwhile, legal costs were covered by Clare, all up to present day.
In 2018 she set up an IRREVOCABLE TRUST for ALL #NXIVMtrial defendants..
But if anyone wants to start digging for themselves, here is a good lead to start with:… … at 15:15, and especially at 19:30 #ArtsinEmbassies
Exhibit 804: Oregon death certificate of Ashana Chenoa : 2003
This name used at Canada Border 12/24/04 - when Dani crossed. Enabling Raniere 2 keep her illegally, eventually as hostage in room 2 years. Kathy Russel's gas charges also corresponded 2 this trip.……
Thank you, @RickAlanRoss 🙏
Mr Ross was arrested when Jason called the police.
They were awarded a $2 Million judgement, bankrupting him!
He looked into #NXIVM -> CULT
During the 1st intervention with Michael, Rick Ross noted that Michael kept calling #NancySalzman
She kept them from making any headway.
"Wouldnt it be nice to have an actual expert looking at us instead of someone who is not a Dr?"
Mr Ross took her up on this, and suggested a list of cult specialist PhDs/MDs..
The Suttons hired John Hochman and Dr Paul Martin to perform analysis.
Luckily a pro bono team of lawyers took on the case for Mr Ross...
"Robert Jay Lifton's Eight Criteria of Thought Reform as Applied to the Executive Success Programs"
February 12, 2003
By Paul Martin, Ph.D. (his 2nd report)👇…