Buckle up for A THREAD.
#MedTwitter #SoMeDocs #DoubleDocs #DiverseDoubleDocs #MedStudentTwitter #WomenInMedicine #DiversityInMedicine

🔹Dr. Flier is a professor at and former dean of Harvard Medical School from 2007-2017.
🔹Dr. Flier posted about his dissatisfaction with portraits no longer hanging in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital lecture hall back in April 2019:
List of affiliated Harvard hospitals: hms.harvard.edu/about-hms/hms-…

Here’s a link to it again if you want to follow along for yourself
Yes, the portraits were removed from that one wall, but they were moved to the respective departments of which each of those individuals served as dean/chair. The portraits still exist, they are still on display and no one is denying history.
I assume the committee is open to feedback as most committees are...
All of us take part in “white patriarchy” bc it is a set of social norms passed down.
Out of 22 deans: hms.harvard.edu/about-hms/fact…
🔹Not allowing people to enter medicine
🔹Creating inequitable standards of admissions
🔹Challenging the advancement of individuals
🔹Erasing the contributions happening at the Harvard system and beyond by non-white men

Here is an example posted by @AJSharmaMD about an initiative at at the Harvard Public Health School: hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/…
What are your thoughts?
@LatinasInMed @NarjustDumaMD @MariaCMoraP @anavmanana @MVGutierrezMD @DrTeresaMC
🔹Making <$ than male + white peers despite my training
🔹Being passed over for jobs, promotions, opp’s bc I am ‘too loud’ or ‘aggressive’ #ThatsBias (cont)
🔹That I am never doing enough for my community + vulnerable patients
🔹Harassment by patients + colleagues
🔹Being overwhelmed by expectations to fix diversity (#MinorityTax)