Sanders directs this where it should go by highlighting how Americans will pay less for health care. #DemDebate2
Hickenlooper: "If we don't clearly define we are not socialists, Republicans are going to come at us any way they can. #DemDebate2
What Obamacare did was force consumers to buy insurance or else they were taxed. It further entrenched the corporate power of private insurers in the U.S. health care system. #DemDebate2
Bernie Sanders: We will have Medicare for All when tens of millions of people are prepared to stand up and tell the insurance companies and the drug companies that their day is gone. That health care is a human right.
Sanders: Medicare is most popular health insurance program in country. People don't like their private insurance companies. They like their doctors and hospitals. #DemDebate2
Biden: Depends on if they committed a major crime. #DemDebate2
Frackenlooper replies socialism is not the solution. Also adds later we can't demonize business. #DemDebate2