I'll shed some light on his performance, loopholes, probability of delivering his mandate and ,fairly enough, recommendations.
All sentiments stipulated here are purely my opinions.

I remember how jovial & hopeful I was upto an extent that I penned down this letter due to the expectation I had of him.

In a nut shell, as of today, the administration of @M_Farmaajo has not met my expectation and this is why:
There is no mentionable progress made in this sector particularly in securing Mogadishu & liberation of the districts that are under the siege of AS.
Many liberated towns has fallen into the arms of AS again after the govt stopped pursuing them.
Similar security problems which the defenceless civilians had to endure prevailed in the countryside .
The president, in just 2 years, replaced:
the spy chief (3 times), commander of the Armed Forces (4 times) & Police chief (4 times).
Most of these individuals were not new comers but they had served earlier in more or less similar capacities.
Not forgetting the handful of advisors each pocketing thousands of $$$$ but literally performing very poorly.
The unending Robow saga whose repercussions almost plunged SWS into chaos & the PNG-ing of Hansom- to name but a few - painted a picture of political immaturity & lack of good will
Political parties/ politicians were under hunt and some were denied to use their platforms, address pressing national issues and/or conduct workshops for thier supporters. Some of them were even arrested
Something a section of the Somali analysts called "Dollar Diplomacy" or in a crude language "A gun for hire".
1. The constitutional court + JSC.
2. The so called provincial constitution
3. Modalities & road map of the 2021 elections
4. The Somalia - Somaliland talks
6. Fostering political consensus & laying good grounds for political competition
7. The Somalia- Kenya maritime case
8. The status of Mogadishu and it's residents
2 years is enough for trial & error. The govt, if they are really serious, can focus on fixing a few paramount issues that can contribute to state building.
My recommendations hereunder;
1. Forge cordial & mutual relationships with federal member states. Easy and acheivable. Just calls for basic common sense, strategies devoid of malice, walking the talk and reaching out to them. A win-win situation for both sides of the political divide.
Such deals come along with scrutiny, mistrust and creates a vacuum for political instability. China Fishing deal & the oil issue are good examples
Review the salaries of the security agencies
Roll out acomprehensive National security plan - a realistic strategy with the right people implementing it.
Politicians and political parties should be given their space. The govt shouldn't put them in the run for speaking out.
Let this constitution review process have a distinctive time frame.
Clear exit strategy should be drafted and it's work plan implemented with immediate effect
Never take sides since no one will literally force you to do so.