Here's the presentation, so you can follow along.…
- Broadway/Iris
- NE Boulder Industrial
- SW Gunbarrel
2,700 retailers in 2018
6.6M sq ft of retail space; 60.3 sq ft per capita (vs U.S. 23.4 sq ft per cap)
$2.957B in annual retail sales; $27,024 per capita
$106.6M in retail sales tax
10-yr sales tax trends: generally upward but leveled off recently
Boulder: $25.37 per sq ft NNN market rent; 400,000 vacant sq ft; 6.4% vacancy rate; 24,500 sq ft currently under construction; -2.1% 12 month absorption
Over 1 = more spending by non-residents than residents
Boulder: 1.5 Pull Factor; $2.9B annual spending; $1,941 annual household spending potential
Shopper feedback included comments that the city should offer more diversity in apparel.
Ann Arbor: $21.36 sq ft rent; 64.9 sq ft of retail per capita; 3% vacancy rate; 23,000 sq ft of retail under construction; -1.2% absorption
Those numbers for Iowa City, Iowa: $14.12; 53; 1.7%; 0; 0.7%...
Palo Alto, CA: $61.88; 56; 1.5%; 0; 0.2%
Santa Cruz, CA: $22.93; 52.3; 2.7%; 0; -1.2%
Early themes: Not enough parking, rising rents, cost of city regulations, hard to keep employees due to a lack of affordable housing, transients, seasonality of students
Boulder is probably too expensive for bodegas.…
Source: This story, which used city data, which I think came from CU's look at the local economy. Hard to remember.…
Young jumps on that, saying she hears from that community a lot that they are driving to north Longmont to go to Walmart.
Young suggests allowing food carts. That was left out of the food truck ordinance.
Brautigam: We had a lot fewer regulations then.
Jones: We have met the enemy, and it is us. We make all these bells and whistles that ppl have to jump through.
Jones: It's time to change that.
Young: It happens, so we may as well (legalize it).
Brockett: Who can beat mango on a stick with some lime juice?