Context: I'm listening to Philosophy Talk's episode "Is Postmodernism Really to Blame for Post-Truth?" 1/…
1 might also ID it as the post-structuralist tradition of investigating the relations between power & knowledge.
<stern glance at Jordan Peterson and hiz boyz>
But the connections to CT are painfully wrong.
So if that's your ante, you're not playing.
And if you think truths aren't constructed by power and money: YOU AREN'T PAYING F'ING ATTENTION!!!
Investigating how truth is constructed is not the same thing as saying all truths are equal or there is no truth.
You find how power/knowledge shapes identity, most especially, how P/K shapes other identities in relation to dominant identities.
So all that is not the agenda of CT, it is CT's findings. Read'em and weep!
Yes they do! You know why?
And that's why you should have an interest in CT too, unless you don't give a F about the culture in which you live.
Guess what? CT itself can tell us why.
Does that invalidate CT, or does that help us think about what USA grad schools are really doing?
If you adopt this misguided critique, you are abetting those nefarious ends.
Don't be a naive patsy that plays into this scam!
Join the SJWs in investigating power/knowledge to build a more equitable and just society for everyone!