Bull shit. I saw a story today about a rapist who did 45 days in jail. 45.
Which brings me back to victim blaming. Most of the advice we've heard about MacKenzie Lueck and dozens of other women doesn't keep women safe. All it does is ensure the predator goes for someone else. An easier target.
But why do we have Brock Turners? Why don't we change laws about stalking and harassment?
Strengthen DV punishments?
I keep writing disgusting stories about vile attacks only to learn its a third or fourth or more offense. Why weren't they incarcerated?
What we're really saying is figure it out sweetie because we don't care and you're on your own. Predation is baked into this world and it's your job to avoid it. Your pain doesn't matter
No one deserves to be raped. No one deserves to be murdered. It doesn't matter your gender. Your outfit. The time, place or day. No one.
Personally I think that would be a good thing and thus concludes my thread.