I'll be livetweeting here!
This is the first time that Mark Morgan (former Obama Border Patrol Chief and former Trump Acting ICE Director) is going in front of Congress in his new role as Acting CBP Commissioner.
Both Ds & Rs agree overcrowding has been a main cause of bad conditions, but offered solutions are very different.
"The first goal of our policies should be to reduce that flow."
By contrast, many Dems think the first goal to should be to treat people in government custody in an humane way that follows our own laws.
I think everyone can agree many coyotes do terrible things and that CBP save laws.
On at least toothbrush denials, CBP's failure to provide them is extremely well-documented. Morgan is wrong.
But it's worth noting that many @CBP policies, like metering, actively benefit the cartels and corruption news.vice.com/en_us/article/…
As with most of these hearings, no mention of the reasons people are fleeing harm.
Of course, most agents won't act badly in front of OIG...
They were built as police stations, but for YEARS now, CBP has been holding people far longer than a few hours.
Here's a 2015 report from us on this. americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/hiele…
But as @Haleaziz discovered, that may not have been entirely true. buzzfeednews.com/article/hameda…
Johnson says his main concern is the health of officers, including exposure to illnesses.
Multiple children died in CBP custody from illnesses! One kid died of the flu! texasmonthly.com/news/autopsy-d…
Morgan says it's daily coordination.
But CBP can always *release* people rather than locking them in inhumane conditions.
@CBPMarkMorgan doesn't have exact numbers for Sen. Peters on how that money was spent. Morgan says he'll follow up later with the data.
Portman says that families he talked to expected to be released into the US.
Readers. That is NOT accurate, in any way, shape, or form. immigrationimpact.com/2019/01/30/asy…

CBP hates to admit it, but it's a detention agency.
Here's the problem; ICE has massively overspent beyond what Congress appropriated, in almost single year. Appropriators don't trust ICE right now.
Morgan rejects any claim of a "culture" of bad behavior. In response, Hassan brings up the large membership of the Facebook group.
Important to note about all of these is that supplies in supply room =/= supplies provided to people in custody.
But by CBP's own statistics, individuals with criminal convictions and pending warrants make up just .98% of people arriving at the border.
Again, this does happen, but every government statistic provided suggests this happens in a tiny fraction of the overall cases.
She says CBP needs 3 changes:
1. More pediatric medical professionals.
2. Trauma informed child-welfare experts.
3. NGO access to help kids.
BUT! Border Patrol agents have admitted pre-completed medical forms. There are MANY flaws with the process. dallasnews.com/news/immigrati…
But of course, an overwhelmed agent can easily not provide that care and then log information saying that he did. This is a real concern.
Morgan says "We absolutely take every allegation seriously." But CBP's own data shows in 96% of complaints, "no action" is taken. americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/still…
But again, our reports showed that CBP routinely lets officers get away with impunity, with no follow-up to the vast majority of complaints. americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/no-ac…
Morgan says forcing people to apply for asylum in 3rd countries would 'stem the flow.'
He says that low asylum grant rates = most asylum seekers not legitimate. Not true.
Worth noting ICE often gripes about ATDs in congressional hearings, but tells Congress in their budget documents that they love ATDs and they "enhance operational effectiveness."
Carper also says the United States is to blame for a lot of corruption in the Central America.
Just last night, NBC broke that emails showing that the program is Stephen Miller's baby, intended to limit access to asylum.
@CBPMarkMorgan tells Sen. @GaryPeters that Border Patrol officers carrying out what are supposed to be "nonadversial" credible fear interviews with asylum seekers remain in full uniform and carry their guns during the interview.
That is outrageous.
Morgan says some families released within 48 hours.
Again, CBP statistics show that individuals with criminal records make up <1% of people crossing the border. In FY2017, the lowest apprehensions in generations, it was 3.7%.
But most of them are fleeing the gangs! They want to escape, they're not the gang members!
In 5 years, just 1,582 MS-13 members were caught at the border.
Okay sure.🙄politico.com/story/2019/05/…
Mark Morgan just said he was wrong about Border Patrol officers carrying out credible fear interviews wearing full uniforms and carrying guns. He says this is NOT the case, that he misspoke, and that he just got a correction from an aide.
"Cost per removal" is an invented and absurd measurement. It puts the cost of people who WIN on those who LOSE.
If 10 people placed on ATDs and 9 win, the "cost per removal" for the one person who lost would include all 9 winners!
That makes absolutely no sense.
I believe that due process demands more.