A Black man is on the cover of this year's Madden in a Kansas City Chiefs' jersey.
It wouldn't hurt us to do the same. No one helps either of our two people. No other group goes through what we both do. We can and have to help each other.
Our individual story of our ongoing genoicde in this country is just that: Our story. Just like Native people with theirs. There isn't a problem for either of us to tell our story.
We'll buy Christopher Columbus bacon. Make millions playing for the Washington Redslurs. Leave Native ppl out of the reparations' discussion nearly every time.
That's why Diaz is upset.
Christopher Columbus started the Atlantic Slave Trade by kidnapping Native people and taking them back to Europe.
We are in this thing together whether we like it or not.
No one else goes through what Black & Native people do & we need to recognize that.