#OdessaShooting #2A #2ndAmendment #ShallNotBeInfringed

The ratings generated by mass shootings as well other tragic events are profitable. Headlines and images are as shocking as possible in order to generate traffic and increase ratings.
The goal is to assign responsibility to opponents for political gain. The media and the left accomplishes this goal by identifying an aspect of the shooter that they can exploit.
Everything is Trump's fault. The shooter was simply motivated by Trump no matter what. Even if the shooter hated Trump, it was his hatred of Trump that drove him insane. Never mind that it was the left and media that generated and fueled the hate. (Dayton)
Total and complete gun control is the end game, and as always with the left, the ends justify the means. Any gun control law no matter how minor will be fully exploited and yet another step down the slippery slope to full and complete gun control.
A federal database that could monitor, impede and even block the sale or gift of a legal good between law abiding citizens. Could also be used to target people for persecution and/or confiscation. A huge power grab and major win for The State.
These laws would create an avenue for persecution and confiscation using a legal system based on denunciation. Think Salem Witch Trials and you get the idea of where this could lead.