A question I get very frequently.
So I’ve compiled a list of 5 that I’ve found to be useful over the years.
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Most are marketing gimmicks targeted towards naive people.
“Lose 10lbs in 7 days with this pill”
Yeah, riiiight. And I’m also the king of France.
So... here’s 5 actually beneficial ones 👇
If you struggle with hitting your protein goal everyday, I suggest taking 1-2 scoops of whey protein.
It's not a protein meal replacement, its to simply help increase your protein intake when you struggle to eat enough.
I take 2 scoops daily. Works like magic.
Fish oils have shown amazing-scientifically proven benefits for the human body.
It aids in weight loss when combined with a workout program as well as reducing bodily inflammation and supporting healthy skin/hair.
Highly recommend fish oils
Creatine is one I recommend for those trying (and struggling) to put on size.
Creatine helps your muscle cells produce more energy to get in those extra few reps that really lead to muscle growth.
Also great for high intensity exercise performance (cough, athletes)
Society today lacks many things. Among these things are vitamins and minerals (V&M)
We may have an abundance of food, but we sure lack V&M to support homeostasis.
We NEED V&M to feel good, have balanced moods and consistent energy. Don't skip out on them.
Especially in a fasted state, BCAA's are fantastic at preventing muscle breakdown and helping improve muscle synthesis.
They also help reduce muscle soreness and exercise fatigue.
I take these in a fasted state before I workout.
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Btw, I’m not saying these are the ONLY supplements that are useful, these are just the ones I’ve found helpful in my training and everyday life.
If you disagree or have another supp that you like, drop a comment down below 😁👇