HR1236 Extreme Risk Protection Order Act (Red Flag Law)
HR1186 Keep Americans Safe Act (limit mags & ban feeders/drums)
HR2708 Disarm Hate Act (misdemeanor hate/bias crime = No 2A)
(links below)
Limits magazines to 10 rounds and ban sale, possession, and manufacture of ammunition feeders…

Second Amendment rights stripped from thos convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime or crime of bias.…

In addition to marking up bills Nadler and the clowns are expected to advance "muh impeachment" that will go nowhere and that is the point. It is all for show. The goal is to appease the moonbats and feed the media in order to damage the President.
HR1236 Extreme Risk Protection Order Act - Red Flag Law
HR1186 Keep Americans Safe Act -limit mags & ban feeders/drums
HR2708 Disarm Hate Act - misdemeanor hate/bias crime = No 2A